Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2023-24
IPU Alm.del Bilag 13
To: Speakers and
Presidents of Parliaments
Geneva, 10 July 2024
Dear Madam President,
Dear Mr. President,
I am pleased to take this opportunity to provide an update on preparations for the 149th IPU Assembly
(Geneva, 13-17 October 2024), which is now three months away.
As you will have noticed, the agenda of the Assembly includes the adoption of
amendments to the IPU
Statutes and Rules.
The Working Group which was constituted to examine this matter has prepared a
first set of proposed amendments which were endorsed by the IPU Executive Committee at its meeting
on 19 June 2024.
I am pleased to share the Report of the Working Group, together with the proposed amendments which
have been endorsed by the Executive Committee.
As per the IPU Statutes and Rules, any sub-amendments to these proposed amendments need to be
submitted in writing to the IPU Secretariat as follows:
for sub-amendments to the Statutes: at least six weeks before the meeting of the Assembly, i.e.
2 September 2024;
for sub-amendments to the Rules of the Assembly: at least one month before the meeting of the
Assembly, i.e. by
14 September 2024;
for sub-amendments to the Rules of the Governing Council and the Rules of the Standing
Committees: at least one month before the meeting of the Assembly, i.e. by
14 September 2024;
for sub-amendments to the Rules of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians: at least one month
before the next session of the Forum and the Governing Council, i.e. by
13 September 2024;
the Rules and working modalities of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians currently do not provide
any deadlines for the adoption of amendments to its Rules.
The Executive Committee has agreed that the Working Group pursue its deliberations on other possible
amendments relating to further strengthening gender parity at the IPU, the management of the
emergency item and election of the IPU Vice-President.
I am also pleased to inform you that consultations are underway with a view to defining the overall theme
of the General Debate at the 149th IPU Assembly which we expect will be connected to this year’s
priority theme of peace and security. The concept note and other related Assembly documents will be
posted on the
dedicated webpage
in the coming weeks.
On 20 March and 25 April 2024, we circulated to Member Parliaments for feedback the draft
IPU Charter
on the Ethics of Science and Technology,
which has been prepared by the IPU Working Group on
Science and Technology, and which is expected to be adopted in October. We would be grateful to
receive your input and suggestions by
7 September 2024.
I look forward to welcoming you to Geneva in October.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Chungong
Secretary General