Contribution ID: f91be203-0635-45f5-b7e2-4f725f5873da
Date: 21/12/2023 14:08:30
Targeted consultation on the implementation
of the Sustainable Finance Disclosures
Regulation (SFDR)
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Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR)
started applying in March 2021 and requires financial market
participants and financial advisers to disclose at entity and product levels how they integrate sustainability risks and
principal adverse impacts in their processes at both entity and product levels. It also introduces additional product
disclosures for sustainable financial products making sustainability claims.
This targeted consultation aims at gathering information from a wide range of stakeholders, including financial
practitioners, non-governmental organisations, national competent authorities, as well as professional and retail
investors, on their experiences with the implementation of the SFDR. The Commission is interested in understanding
how the SFDR has been implemented and any potential shortcomings, including in its interaction with the other parts of
the European framework for sustainable finance, and in exploring possible options to improve the framework.
The main topics to be covered in this questionnaire are:
1. current requirements of the SFDR
2. interaction with other sustainable finance legislation
3. potential changes to the disclosure requirements for financial market participants
4. potential establishment of a categorisation system for financial products
Sections 1 and 2 cover the SFDR as it is today, exploring how the regulation is working in practice and the potential
issues stakeholders might be facing in implementing it. Sections 3 and 4 look to the future, assessing possible options
to address any potential shortcomings. As there are crosslinks between aspects covered in the different sections,
respondents are encouraged to look at the questionnaire in its entirety and adjust their replies accordingly.
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