Conclusions of the LXX COSAC
Madrid 26-28 November 2023
1. On the 40th COSAC Bi-annual Report
1.1 COSAC expresses its thanks to the COSAC Secretariat for preparing the 40th Bi-annual Report,
which covers the role of Parliaments in relation to the European goal of open strategic autonomy, the
role of Parliaments in handling energy policies, namely renewable sources of energy, and their standing
when confronted with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
1.2 COSAC invites all Parliaments make the outcome of the COSAC work more visible, encouraging
them to actively share examples of best practices highlighted by the Report within the Parliament and
to the wider public if possible.
2. On de-activation of the old COSAC website
2.1 Recalling the Conclusions of the LIX COSAC held in Sofia in June 2018, and following the
Conclusions of the LVIII COSAC held in Tallinn in December 2017, and the Conclusions of the LXIX
COSAC held in Stockholm, COSAC takes note the old COSAC website ( has been
deactivated. All of its contents have successfully been transferred and uploaded on IPEX, and the domain will be preserved.
2.2 COSAC expresses its thanks to the COSAC Secretariat for its work with the transfer of all the content
from the old COSAC website to IPEX, and also to the European Parliament and to the IPEX Information
Officer for its support throughout this process.
3. Permanent Member of the COSAC Secretariat
3.1. COSAC notes that the term of office of the Permanent Member of the COSAC Secretariat, Mr
Bruno DIAS PINHEIRO, will end on 31 December 2023 and that he will not seek a second mandate.
3.2. COSAC welcomes the decision taken by the Chairpersons of COSAC held in Madrid on 27
November to appoint Mr Jakob SJÖVALL as Permanent Member of the COSAC Secretariat for 2024-
3.3. COSAC is certain that the newly elected Permanent Member of the COSAC Secretariat will
successfully continue to manage the work of the COSAC Secretariat and contribute to the effective
development of the COSAC activities.
3.4. COSAC expresses its gratitude to the Swedish
for seconding Mr Jakob SJÖVALL as
Permanent Member for 2024-2025.
3.5. COSAC warmly thanks Mr Bruno DIAS PINHEIRO, from the Portuguese
Assembleia da
whose term of office as Permanent Member expires on 31 December 2023, for his committed
and productive work in the COSAC Secretariat.