Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2023-24
BEU Alm.del Bilag 195
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (2024)
CVD risk factors
Exposure to workplace sexual harassment and
risk of cardiometabolic disease: a prospective
cohort study of 88 904 Swedish men and
Prakash KC
, Ida E.H. Madsen
, Reiner Rugulies
Hugo Westerlund
, Anna Nyberg
, Mika Kivimäki
and Linda L. Magnusson Hanson
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, Tianwei Xu
Health Sciences Unit, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland;
Gerontology Research Center, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland;
Stress Research Institute,
Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Albanovägen 12, 114 19 Stockholm, Sweden;
National Research Centre for the Working Environment, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark;
The National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Studiestræde 6, DK-1455 Copenhagen, Denmark;
Department of Public Health and Department of Psychology,
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark;
Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden;
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden;
Clinicum, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and
UCL Brain Sciences, University College London, London, UK
Received 4 July 2023; revised 11 March 2024; accepted 2 May 2024; online publish-ahead-of-print 14 June 2024
Exposure to work-related sexual harassment may increase the risk for certain adverse behavioural and emotional outcomes
but less is known about its association with somatic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes. This
study investigated the prospective association of work-related sexual harassment and risk of cardiometabolic diseases.
This cohort study included 88 904 Swedish men and women in paid work who responded to questions on workplace sexual
and results
harassment in the Swedish Work Environment Survey (1995–2015) and were free from cardiometabolic diseases at base-
line. Cardiometabolic diseases (CVD and type 2 diabetes) were identified from the National Patient Register and Causes of
Death Register through linkage. Cox proportional hazard regression was used, adjusting for socio-demographic, work-
related psychosocial, and physical exposure at baseline. Overall, 4.8% of the participants (n
4300) reported exposure
to workplace sexual harassment during the previous 12 months. After adjustment for sex, birth country, family situation,
education, income, and work-related factors, workplace sexual harassment was associated with increased incidence of
CVD [hazard ratio (HR) 1.25, 95% confidence interval 1.03–1.51] and type 2 diabetes (1.45, 1.21–1.73). The HR for
CVD (1.57, 1.15–2.15) and type 2 diabetes (1.85, 1.39–2.46) was increased for sexual harassment from superior or fellow
workers, and sexual harassment from others was associated with type 2 diabetes (1.39, 1.13–1.70). The HR for both CVD
(1.31, 0.95–1.81) and type 2 diabetes (1.72, 1.30–2.28) was increased for frequent exposure.
The results of this study support the hypothesis that workplace sexual harassment is prospectively associated with cardi-
ometabolic diseases. Future research is warranted to understand causality and mechanisms behind these associations.
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We investigated if workers in Sweden who had experienced sexual harassment at work had a higher risk of developing car-
diovascular disease and diabetes than workers who had not experienced sexual harassment at work.
The experience of workplace sexual harassment was associated with an increased risk of both cardiovascular disease and
diabetes. The risk was highest among those workers who had frequently experienced sexual harassment.
Our results suggest that preventive measures directed towards elimination of sexual harassment may contribute to a
reduction in cardiovascular disease and diabetes in the population.
* Corresponding author. Tel: +46855378916, Email:
[email protected]
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.
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BEU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 195: Orientering om nye forskningsresultater om sammenhæng mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdspladsen og risiko for hjertekarsygdom og/eller type 2-diabetes, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
et al.
Graphical Abstract
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Cardiometabolic diseases
Type 2 diabetes
Workplace negative behaviours
Sexual harassment
Longitudinal studies
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) was the underlying cause of one-third of
all deaths globally in 2019, i.e. an estimated 17.9 million deaths, making it
the leading cause of death and a major public health problem globally.
Likewise, diabetes mellitus is among the leading causes of death and dis-
ability, and its prevalence is rising worldwide.
The number of indivi-
duals affected by diabetes is projected to increase to 1.3 billion by
especially among those aged 50 or above. Cardiovascular disease
and diabetes have been found to share many lifestyle and environmental
risk factors and biological mechanisms connected to the cardiovascular
and metabolic system.
Especially people with diabetes are also more
prone to develop CVD compared with those without diabetes.
It has been acknowledged that a relatively large share of CVD deaths
is attributable to occupational risk factors such as long working hours,
probably increasing the risk for mortality and morbidity through psy-
chosocial stress.
Other psychosocial work characteristics such as sex-
ual harassment may also initiate stress reactions
and eventually lead to
diseases such as CVD and diabetes.
Harassment is usually regarded as
unacceptable or threat of unacceptable behaviour that aims at or re-
sults in harm.
Sexual harassment is usually regarded as unwanted or
unwelcome verbal or non-verbal behaviour of sexual nature, which is
experienced as intimidating, degrading, humiliating, hostile, or offensive
by those exposed. If this phenomenon occurs at work or in circum-
stances related to work, it may be considered as workplace sexual har-
Workplace sexual harassment is a problem affecting all
occupations, sectors, and countries around the globe. It is a widespread
but under-reported phenomenon.
Since the Me Too movement,
porting and prevalence of sexual harassment in the working population
has received widespread attention. However, being a sensitive issue, the
estimation of exact prevalence is challenging. There are huge discrepan-
cies in the reported prevalence, with few reporting 1–20% and others
reporting 30% among men and no less than 80% among women, which
could be attributed to the measurement of harassment, the cultural
context of victims, the representativeness of the sample, and the
time frame of these different studies.
It is, however, clear that ex-
posure is common in occupations with client contact,
often leading to
an increased risk of job exit among the exposed. Previous studies have
reported higher prevalence, for instance among women and workers of
younger age and in occupations with an unequal sex ratio and industries
such as restaurants and hotels and workplaces with large power differ-
entials between men and women.
Work-related exposures such as long working hours, job strain, and
other adverse psychosocial working conditions and negative workplace
behaviours, such as bullying and violence, have been associated with an
increased risk of type 2 diabetes and CVD.
Previous studies have
reported workplace sexual harassment as a risk factor of several chron-
ic conditions and health outcomes
including high blood pressure,
poor sleep, depression, anxiety, sickness absence, chronic drinking be-
haviour, obesity, and suicide and suicide attempts. However, despite a
conceptual link between lifetime bullying and sexual violence with dia-
betes and CVD
and of workplace sexual harassment with car-
diovascular health,
substantial gaps of evidence exist.
A recent
systematic review and meta-analysis based on 830 579 adults reported
greater risk of CVD among those with a history of lifetime sexual vio-
lence relative to those without a history
; however, the articles consid-
ering assessment of sexual harassment were limited. Many studies have
also been based on lifetime sexual harassment, or adolescent sexual
harassment, or harassment among those in specific occupational sec-
tors or groups or convenience samples. Workplace sexual harassment
has previously been connected to cardiovascular risk factors such as
high blood pressure.
However, to the best of our knowledge, no
population-based longitudinal studies on workplace sexual harassment
and risk of CVD or type 2 diabetes have been reported yet. Further,
there is lack of evidence on the association between sexual harassment
and chronic conditions based on perpetrators of sexual violence.
Therefore, we aimed to investigate the prospective association be-
tween workplace sexual harassment and risk of CVD and type 2 dia-
betes among 88 904 Swedish men and women in paid work.
Study population
The Swedish Work Environment Survey (SWES, 1995–2015), a biennial
cross-sectional survey, building on the Labor Force Survey is the data
BEU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 195: Orientering om nye forskningsresultater om sammenhæng mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdspladsen og risiko for hjertekarsygdom og/eller type 2-diabetes, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Workplace sexual harassment and cardiometabolic disease
personal identification number. The patient register includes both inpatient
and outpatient data. We followed the respondents from the year of re-
sponse to SWES questionnaires to the year of either first registered
CVD, type 2 diabetes and death from another cause, emigration, or end
of follow-up (31 December 2015). We defined people with incident end-
point using versions eight, nine, and ten of the International Classification
of Diseases, including ICD-10 codes I20.0, I20.1, I21–I25 (excluding unspeci-
fied angina) and ICD-8/9 410–414 for the diagnosis of coronary heart dis-
ease (CHD) and ICD-10 I60–I69, and ICD-8/9 430–438 for the diagnosis of
cerebrovascular disease (CD). Total CVD included codes for either CHD
or CD. Myocardial infarction (MI) was based on the main diagnosis of
ICD-10 I21–22 or 410 in ICD-9 or ICD8 41 from the hospital registers
and the main cause of death in acute coronary death of ICD-10 I20–25,
or 410–414 in ICD-9, or ICD-8 410–414 from the death register.
Likewise, ischaemic stroke was based on the main diagnosis of ICD-10
I63 or ICD-9 433–434 or ICD8 433–434 from hospital and death registers.
Similarly, haemorrhagic stroke was based on the main diagnosis of codes
ICD-10 I61 and I62 or ICD-9 431 or ICD8 431 from hospital and death reg-
isters. Likewise, we considered those registered with codes ICD-8/9 250
and ICD-10 E11 in the National Patient Register to be cases of type 2
source of this study. These survey data were collected by simple random
sampling from the sample of 10 000–15 000 people aged 16–74 years
from the entire Swedish population, after stratification for sex, county,
and citizenship. The sample was first interviewed by phone, and a represen-
tative subsample of individuals aged 16–64 years and in paid work were sub-
sequently asked a range of questions related to their work as part of SWES
using additional self-completion questionnaire.
In the initial interviews,
non-participation in Labor Force Survey and SWES varied between 13%
(1995) and 42% (2015), respectively, and was 23% and 53% for the subse-
quent phone interviews and work situation questionnaire, respectively.
The SWES (1995–2015) collectively included 93 199 respondents
to self-completion questionnaires. The final analytical sample included
88 904 participants after excluding persons with missing data on workplace
sexual harassment and invalid data for the analyses on age at end of follow-
up. The final analytical sample did not differ from the eligible sample.
However, the excluded samples were slightly younger on average (42.5
vs. 43.2 years), consisting of a lower proportion of women (44 vs. 52%),
a higher proportion with foreign origin (17 vs. 10%), and a higher propor-
tion of singles (31 vs. 28%) than the analytical sample. Ethical approval was
obtained from the Regional Research Ethics Board in Stockholm, Sweden.
Participants received written information on the survey and response to
the survey indicated informed consent.
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Sexual harassment and covariates at baseline
After a brief definition of sexual harassment (‘sexual harassment refers to
undesirable advances or offensive references to what is generally associated
with sexual relations’), the respondents were asked to respond to two
questionnaire items about sexual harassment, which were used in this
study: ‘Are you subjected to sexual harassment in your workplace from
(i) superiors or fellow workers and (ii) other people (e.g. patients, clients,
passengers, students)?’ The response format was a 7-point Likert-type scale
ranging from not at all during the previous 12 months to every day. For the
analysis, we categorized the respondents into ‘exposed’ if they reported
that they were subjected to sexual harassment ‘once or twice during the
previous 12 months’, ‘sometimes during the last 3 months’, ‘a couple of
days a month (1 day of 10)’, ‘one day a week (1 day of 5),’ ‘a couple of
days a week (1 day of 2)’, or ‘every day’. We considered those reporting
not being subjected to sexual harassment at all during the previous 12
months to be ‘un-exposed’. We combined the responses on sexual harass-
ment by superiors, by fellow workers, or from other people into one vari-
able for the main analyses, indicating any exposure to workplace sexual
harassment during the previous 12 months. For exposure–response ana-
lyses, we created a variable with three categories (‘frequently’, every day
to sometimes during the last 3 months; ‘occasionally’, once or twice during
the last 12 months; and ‘never’, not at all during the last 12 months, and the
latter was used as the reference group).
Covariates were sex, family situation, birth country, educational level, in-
come, and work characteristics, as these factors have been found to be as-
sociated with workplace sexual harassment and risk factors for chronic
The source of information about sex, family situation,
birth country, education, and income was the longitudinal integration
database for health insurance and labour market studies (LISA). We used
educational level as a categorical variable with three categories (≤9 years,
10–12 years, and
years). We categorized baseline family situation as
single (living alone, divorced, separated, or widowed) without children, sin-
gle with children, married or living with partner without children, or married
or living with partner with children. Birth country was divided into ‘Swedish’
and ‘Foreign’. Baseline work characteristics included job demands and con-
trol, measured by indices for demands and control based on four items each
scored from 0 to 4. We also used an index for job support measured with
two separate questions about support from superiors and fellow workers,
scored from 1 to 4, and physical strain at work measured with question on
frequency of physical strain, which was assessed on a scale from not at all to
every day and divided into three categories, namely low (not at all or rarely
the last 3 months), moderate (1 day per week or 2 days per month), and
high (2 days per week or every day).
Statistical analyses
We estimated the risk of cardiometabolic diseases by using Cox propor-
tional hazard regression analyses. Assuming that the participants are enter-
ing the risk set at the age they entered the survey, we used age as the
underlying time scale, which takes entry age and exit age into account. In
this study, the entry age is the age at first response to SWES questionnaire,
and exit age is the age of being censored (i.e. first registered cardiometabolic
diseases, death from cardiometabolic disease, death from another cause,
emigration, or age at end of follow-up). We tested the proportional hazard
assumption for all Cox models by using log–log plots and testing the inter-
actions of exposure with time (logarithmically transformed), and we found
no significant deviations from proportionality (see
Supplementary material
Table S1).
We fitted separate models assessing the associations of
workplace sexual harassment with risk of CVD and risk of type 2 diabetes.
All people with full information on exposure and outcome were included in
the analyses. The main analyses were adjusted for sex, family situation, birth
country, educational level, and income. In additional analyses, we adjusted
for baseline work characteristics.
We checked for interaction between sex and sexual harassment by in-
cluding an interaction term in the model and stratified the analyses by
sex. Likewise, we presented the results separately for sexual harassment
from superior or fellow workers and sexual harassment from other people
than the fellow workers (e.g. patients, clients, passengers, and students).
Similar sets of results are also presented for CHD, any CD, MI, and stroke
as separate outcomes. We also present exposure–response analyses for
CVD and type 2 diabetes according to the frequency of exposure to work-
place sexual harassment. We used SAS Statistical Software 9.4 for all
Patient and public involvement
No patients were involved in setting the research question or the outcome
measures, nor were they involved in developing plans for recruitment, de-
sign, and implementation of the study. No patients were asked for advice on
interpretation or writing up of results. However, part of the research and
dissemination strategy at the Stress Research Institute is developed with pa-
tient and public involvement.
Overall, 4.8% (4300/88 904) of the included study population reported
workplace sexual harassment during the previous 12 months. The
corresponding prevalence was 1.9% (815/42551) in men and 7.5%
(3485/46353) in women. Those who were not exposed to workplace
sexual harassment differed from the exposed group of the study popu-
lation in terms of several baseline socio-economic and work-related
characteristics (Table
There was a higher proportion of women,
Cardiometabolic diseases at follow-up
We identified CVD and type 2 diabetes from the National Patient Register
and Causes of Death Register through linkage based on the Swedish
BEU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 195: Orientering om nye forskningsresultater om sammenhæng mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdspladsen og risiko for hjertekarsygdom og/eller type 2-diabetes, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
et al.
Table 1
Distribution of socio-demographic factors and chronic diseases among participants of Swedish Work
Environment Survey (1995–2015) according to exposure to workplace sexual harassment
Total (n, 88 904)
(n, 84 604)
(n, 4300)
Downloaded from by Faculty of Life Sciences Library user on 15 June 2024
Mean (SD) age in years
Birth country
Family situation
Married/living with partner with children
Married/living with partner without children
Single/divorced/separated/widowed with children
Single/divorced/separated/widowed without children
Mean (SD) income from work, SEK
Education (n
88 341)
Primary and lower secondary
Upper secondary
Mean (SD) job demands, scale 0–4
Mean (SD) job control, scale 0–4
Mean (SD) job support, scale 1–4
Physical strain at work (n
88 199)
Low (not at all, rarely the last 3 months)
Moderate (1 day/week or 2 days/month)
High (2 days/week or every day)
Type 2 diabetes
85 280
84 686
42 551
46 353
43.2 (11.9)
80 050
41 376
16 180
24 550
41 736
42 868
43.6 (11.8)
76 262
39 612
15 777
22 917
37.3 (11.5)
12 657
42 644
33 040
1.7 (1.3)
2.5 (1.3)
1.6 (0.9)
54 498
13 663
20 038
12 294
40 446
31 335
1.7 (1.3)
2.6 (1.3)
1.6 (0.9)
52 404
12 824
18 701
80 497
81 108
2.1 (1.3)
1.9 (1.3)
1.7 (0.9)
2 525 894 (1 582 097)
2 547 288 (1 597 219)
2 104 916 (1 170 9372)
CVD, cardiovascular disease; SD, standard deviation.
for hypothesis testing that one group is different from other based on chi-square test for categorical and analysis of variance for continuous characteristics of the study population.
single/divorced/separated, people with foreign background, people
with high job demands, and low controls among exposed than among
un-exposed. Moreover, the population exposed to workplace sexual
harassment were relatively younger than the un-exposed population.
A higher proportion of exposed had university education, but the ma-
jority had low income from their work and had no supervisory duties.
Of all study population born outside Sweden, 5.8% were exposed
to workplace sexual harassment (512/8854), which was slightly higher
than in the total study population born in Sweden (4.7%, 3788/80050).
Workplace sexual harassment and risk of
CVD and type 2 diabetes
We followed the study population for a total of 989 512 person-years
(mean follow-up 11 years, standard deviation 6 years). In total, 4218
(4.7%) persons had been diagnosed with CVD during the follow-up
(rate: 4.3 cases per 1000 person-years), 111 (2.6%) among those
exposed to any workplace sexual harassment, and 4107 (4.9%) among
those un-exposed. A total of 3624 (4%) persons were diagnosed with
type 2 diabetes during the follow-up (rate: 3.6 cases per 1000 person-
years), 3% among exposed, and 4% among un-exposed study popula-
tion. In total, 2784 (3.1%) person had been diagnosed with CHD
(2.8 cases per 1000 person-years), 1935 (2.2%) were diagnosed with
CD (1.9 cases per 1000 person-years), 1776 (2.0%) were diagnosed
with MI (1.8 cases per 1000 person-years), and 1488 (1.7%) were diag-
nosed with stroke (1.5 cases per 1000 person-years) during the follow-
up (Table
Supplementary material online,
Tables S1
In the Cox regression analysis (Figure
the hazard ratio (HR) for
CVD was 1.27 (95% confidence interval 1.05–1.54) for any workplace
sexual harassment in the sex-adjusted model. Neither adjustment for
birth country, family situation, education, and income nor additional
adjustment for work-related factors (job demands, job control, job
support, and physical strain) substantially changed the HRs (1.26,
1.04–1.53, 1.25, and 1.03–1.51, respectively). Excess risk estimates
BEU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 195: Orientering om nye forskningsresultater om sammenhæng mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdspladsen og risiko for hjertekarsygdom og/eller type 2-diabetes, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Workplace sexual harassment and cardiometabolic disease
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Figure 1
Results from Cox regression analyses on workplace sexual harassment stratified by sex and presented separately for sexual harassment
from superiors/fellow workers and others, presented as hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals with and without adjustment for cardiovascular
disease. CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio.
were detected in both men and women, although most risk estimates
were not statistically significantly increased in stratified analyses, and
there was no statistically significant interaction between workplace sex-
ual harassment and sex for CVD.
In total, 1.5% reported being exposed by superiors or fellow work-
ers, and 3.8% were exposed by other people, which include patients,
clients, passengers, and students. Excess risk of CVD was detected
for the exposure to sexual harassment from both superiors and
fellow workers (1.57, 1.15–2.15), while the risk estimate for exposure
from other people was weaker and not statistically significant
(1.16, 0.93–1.45) in the fully adjusted model.
The results from Cox regression were similar for type 2 diabetes
(1.51 and 1.26–1.80 in the sex-adjusted model), with a HR of 1.45
(1.21–1.73) in the fully adjusted model (Figure
Excess risk estimates
BEU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 195: Orientering om nye forskningsresultater om sammenhæng mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdspladsen og risiko for hjertekarsygdom og/eller type 2-diabetes, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
et al.
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Figure 2
Results from Cox regression analyses on workplace sexual harassment stratified by sex and presented separately for sexual harassment
from superiors/fellow workers and others, presented as hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals with and without adjustment for covariates for
type 2 diabetes. CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio.
were detected for both sexes (1.63 and 1.20–2.21 for men and 1.34 and
1.08–1.68 for women in the fully adjusted model), and there was no
statistically significant interaction between workplace sexual harass-
ment and sex. An excess risk of type 2 diabetes was also indicated
for both exposure to sexual harassment from both superiors and fellow
workers (1.85, 1.39–2.46) and from other people (1.39, 1.13–1.70) in the
fully adjusted model.
An exposure–response relationship according to the frequency of
exposure to workplace sexual harassment was present for both
0.0001) and diabetes (P
0.001) (Figure
The exposure–response analysis based on frequency of exposure to
workplace sexual harassment showed that the risk of CVD was slightly
higher among those who were frequently exposed (1.31, 0.95–1.54)
than those who were occasionally exposed (1.21, 0.96–1.54) to
BEU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 195: Orientering om nye forskningsresultater om sammenhæng mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdspladsen og risiko for hjertekarsygdom og/eller type 2-diabetes, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Workplace sexual harassment and cardiometabolic disease
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Figure 3
Results from Cox regression analyses on the frequency of workplace sexual harassment presented as hazard ratios and 95% confidence
intervals with and without adjustment for covariates for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. CI, confidence interval; CVD, cardiovascular disease;
HR, hazard ratio.
workplace sexual harassment. The risk of type 2 diabetes was also high-
er among frequently exposed (1.72, 1.30–2.28) than those who were
occasionally exposed (1.31, 1.05–1.65).
The results from Cox regression for CHD (1.26, 0.99–1.91) and CD
(1.31, 1.00–1.70) were borderline statistically significant in the sex-
adjusted model but attenuated when fully adjusted, and the risk esti-
mates for MI (1.29, 0.95–1.75) and stroke (1.11, 0.80–1.55) were not
significant throughout (see
Supplementary material online,
Figure S1).
In addition, we did not note any statistically significant excess risk esti-
mates in sex-stratified analyses for women and men for CHD, CD, MI, and
stroke (see
Supplementary material online,
Figure S2).
However, we ob-
served a moderately higher HR for CHD development (1.68, 1.15–2.46)
and a two-fold higher HR for MI development (2.04, 1.33–3.15) among
those exposed to workplace sexual harassment from superiors or fellow
workers, in the fully adjusted model (see
Supplementary material online,
Figure S3).
The estimates for other exposure–outcome associations
were not statistically significantly increased.
This population-based cohort study of Swedish paid workers aged 16–
64 years showed an association between workplace sexual harassment
and cardiometabolic diseases.
BEU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 195: Orientering om nye forskningsresultater om sammenhæng mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdspladsen og risiko for hjertekarsygdom og/eller type 2-diabetes, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Our study finding on higher risk of CVD and diabetes
among those exposed to workplace sexual harassment is in line with
findings from previous studies on exposure to sexual harassment in
general or sexual abuse during childhood or inter-personal violence
or lifetime abuse. Four of the previous studies were either systematic
review or meta-analysis,
and another study was based on life-
time abuse.
The results from a systematic review by Suglia
et al.
dicated high risk of CVD among the victims of child abuse; however, the
authors did not find a tangible risk of CVD outcomes among the victims
of adulthood violence exposure. This conclusion relied mostly on
cross-sectional studies included in their study, and the authors asked
for further research based on violence exposure across the life course.
Our findings on higher risk of CVD among those exposed to workplace
sexual harassment corroborate the findings reported by another re-
cently conducted systematic review.
However, the exposure variable
used in our study was any workplace sexual harassment compared with
any sexual violence used in the previous systematic review. A multi-
cohort meta-analytical study using four different studies carried out
in Nordic countries reported a higher diabetes risk among those ex-
posed to violence or threat of violence,
which is in line with our find-
ings of an association between any workplace sexual harassment and
type 2 diabetes. Those who experienced workplace violence had a sig-
nificantly higher risk of CVD as compared with the un-exposed group in
a study of working men and women from Sweden and Denmark by Xu
et al.
Given the similarity in the nature of the exposure variable, our
study findings are in line with that of the previous study.
previous studies have also reported an association between workplace
sexual harassment and behavioural risk such as alcohol mis-use,
pressive symptoms,
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
which may in turn aggravate the risk of CVD and dia-
betes through physical dysregulation. However, to the best of our
knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the association of work-
place sexual harassment and cardiometabolic disease using a prospect-
ive cohort of a large population-based sample.
In line with the study by Xu
et al.,
we also found an exposure–
response association with CVD and diabetes that strengthens the prob-
ability of a causal association. With regard to biological plausibility, it has
been found that sexual harassment may induce reactions such as help-
lessness and fearfulness that often lead to increased risk of distress and
Previous studies have also reported an association of work-
place sexual harassment with an increased risk of distress and
The cumulative burden of chronic stress reactions and stress
symptoms and life events could result in physiological dysregulation,
also referred to as allostatic load,
which is a potential pathway to mani-
festation of chronic diseases,
especially related to metabolic
and in-
flammatory system.
Such physiological dysregulation may include
obesity, an increase in metabolic risk factors, cardiovascular risk factors,
and inflammatory response, which may in turn increase the risk for dis-
eases such as diabetes and CVD.
Psychosocial stressors may also trig-
ger diseases such as CVD among individuals already at high risk for
disease, for instance by accelerating the atherosclerotic process among
people with an already high atherosclerotic plaque burden.
The prevalence of any workplace sexual harassment is high among
which was also true in our sample, and the risk for cardiome-
tabolic disorders may differ according to sex due to sex hormones and
sex-specific molecular mechanism that has an influence on cardiac en-
ergy metabolism.
We, therefore, conducted sex-specific analyses.
However, the lack of significant interaction between sex and workplace
sexual harassment in the analyses of CVD and type 2 diabetes risk sug-
gest that there were no obvious differences in associations by sex. We
further analysed sexual harassment separately for harassment from
superiors/fellow workers and others (clients, patients, etc.) and found
that sexual harassment from superiors or fellow workers was most
clearly associated with CVD and type 2 diabetes. Similarly, a previous
prospective study on Danish workers reported sexual harassment
et al.
from superiors and colleagues as a stronger predictor of depressive
symptoms as compared with harassment from other customers or cli-
Sexual harassment from superiors or fellow workers may be
more difficult to cope with than harassment from others such as pa-
tients, especially from superiors who are in a power situation
and since
it may more frequently entail sexual coercion. Exposure from superiors
or fellow workers may also be more frequently occurring and thereby
have more severe consequences. However, few studies have to date
looked at different types of workplace sexual harassment, which is
why more knowledge is needed.
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Strengths and limitations of the study
A large sample representative of Swedish workforce prospectively fol-
lowed for several years is one of the major strengths of this study.
Compared with other observational studies, prospective cohort stud-
ies deliver stronger evidence of an association. This contributes to fill
the gap in the previous body of research as suggested by some of the
latest systematic reviews projecting cardiovascular health effects of sex-
ual harassment.
There are some potential limitations of this study, and one of the ma-
jor limitations is a risk that information on any sexual harassment at
workplace is under-reported. As sexual harassment was self-reported
and diseases were ascertained in the register objectively, the
mis-classification of the exposure is very likely to be non-differential
and independent, which may contribute to an under-estimation of
associations. It is likely that the single-item self-reported measurement
is not very sensitive in terms of capturing different types of sexually
harassing behaviours. The methods with multiple items may better cap-
ture different behaviours that can constitute workplace sexual harass-
ment compared with single-item strategies of assessing sexual
thus yielding higher prevalence.
The forms of work-
place sexual harassment could vary from inappropriate verbal remarks
to very severe physical acts such as rape. There is a probability that re-
spondents only consider severe forms of sexual harassments when re-
sponding to explicit inquiries about sexual harassment,
which might
be one of the relevant explanations for robust associations between
any workplace sexual harassment and cardiometabolic diseases found
in our study. Nonetheless, the assessment of workplace sexual harass-
ment was based on the frequency, which we believe could serve as an
indicator of severity of harassment. It is possible that part of our sample
was too young for CVD development, and the follow-up time was too
short. An earlier review on psychosocial work characteristics noted
more pronounced associations with heart disease among younger
age groups and an increased risk only among studies with a long follow-
up (10 years or more).
However, in our previous work on workplace
violence/bullying, the risk of CVD appeared to be higher among those
50 years of age or older, and the results did not differ according to the
length of follow-up.
Socio-economic characteristics and work-
related physical and psychosocial exposures were used to adjust for po-
tential confounding, as suggested in previous literatures.
factors partly explained the associations between any workplace sexual
harassment and CVD as well as type 2 diabetes, but the associations
persisted with adjustment for these factors. However, some
unmeasured work exposures such as sitting and standing at work are
other possible factors that could be considered as potential covariates
in future studies. Exposure to these factors vary according to the type
of work, and more importantly, the risk of heart disease has been found
to differ among occupations that required lengthy sitting and lengthy
We believe that the adjustment for job control, job de-
mands, and physical strain at work partly satisfies the requirement of
adjustment with sitting and standing at work. Yet, we are aware of
the potential for a slight over-estimation due to the lack of other factors
such as shift work and other hazardous nature of employment. Thus,
residual confounding as an explanation for the present findings cannot
BEU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 195: Orientering om nye forskningsresultater om sammenhæng mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdspladsen og risiko for hjertekarsygdom og/eller type 2-diabetes, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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be excluded. Furthermore, due to the unavailability of information, we
were also unable to account for smoking and risky alcohol consumption
that may act as potential confounders for the association between work-
place sexual harassment and CVD. However, sexual harassment is likely
to be associated with stress responses that could lead to smoking and
alcohol abuse, which may in turn be associated with cardiometabolic dis-
ease; therefore, factors such as smoking and risky alcohol consumption
may be seen as mediators rather than confounders. Also, the estimates
of prevalence and risk in our study might have been affected by the de-
creased response rate in SWES, which impacts the generalizability of the
results of our study. We have seen an increase in attrition in SWES over
time, majority of the non-responders being young people with low in-
come and low education levels and immigrants. Nonetheless, we had a
long follow-up and pragmatically no loss to follow-up that we regarded
as another major strength of our study.
This study supports prospective association between workplace sexual
harassment and increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases. If the observed
associations were causal, then our findings indicate that prevention of sex-
ual harassment at workplace through interventions targeted towards so-
cial environment and behaviours might contribute to decreased burden of
type 2 diabetes as well as CVD. Given the importance of this association
from the public health point of view, future research is warranted to clarify
the causality and mechanisms behind these associations considering the
severity of sexual harassment at workplace.
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Supplementary material
Supplementary material
is available at
European Journal of Preventive
Author contributions
Concept and design: L.L.M.H., P.K.C., and H.W. Acquisition of data:
L.L.M.H., I.E.H.M., R.R., T.X., H.W., M.K., and A.N. Analysis of data: P.K.C.
Interpretation of data: P.K.C., L.L.M.H., I.E.H.M., R.R., T.X., H.W., M.K., and
A.N. Drafted the manuscript: P.K.C. Critical revision of the manuscript for im-
portant intellectual content: P.K.C., L.L.M.H., I.E.H.M., R.R., T.X., H.W., M.K.,
and A.N. Obtained funding: L.L.M.H., H.W., I.E.H.M., T.X., R.R., M.K., and A.N.
Agreed to be accountable for all aspects of work and given final approval of
the submission: P.K.C., L.L.M.H., I.E.H.M., R.R., T.X., H.W., M.K., and A.N.
This study was supported by the Swedish Research Council for Health,
Working Life and Welfare (grant number #2019-01318) to the project
led by L.L.M.H. The funders had no role in the study design and conduction
of the study; data collection, management, analysis, and interpretation; and
drafting, review, or approval of the manuscript.
Conflict of interest:
none declared.
Data availability
SWES data are not publicly available due to legislative and ethical restric-
tions but can be requested for research directly from Statistics Sweden,
while linked health records can be requested from the Swedish National
Board of Health and Welfare.
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