Transportudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
TRU Alm.del
15. juni 2023
Frederiksholms Kanal 27 F
1220 København K
Telefon 41 71 27 00
Transportudvalget har i brev af 26. maj 2023 stillet mig følgende
spørgsmål (TRU alm. del), som jeg hermed skal besvare. Spørgs-
målet er stillet efter ønske fra Torsten Gejl (ALT).
Spørgsmål nr. 223:
Er ministeren bekendt med, om By og Havn alligevel sender den
problemformulering, som er genstand for Trafikstyrelsens kritik,
og som Ingeniøren kalder ledende i deres artikel af 20. april 2023?
Det er jeg ikke bekendt med.
Jeg kan henvise til, at følgende står i Deltares’ tredjepartsgransk-
ning på s. 9:
and scope
The objective of the independent review is to evaluate the method-
ology, the execution of the modelling, the interpretation of the re-
sults and the conclusions drawn in the Hydrodynamic Studies with
respect to the impact of Lynetteholm on the exchange of water and
salt through Øresund. In the presentation by By & Havn the scope
of the review was defined as follows:
1. Impact of Lynetteholm on exchange of water and salt through
the Øresund (Blocking effect).
2. The calculation grid (bathymetry, location of the north and
south edges of the model, resolution of the calculation grid, con-
sistency in the setups in order to eliminate the effect of numerical
3. The driving forces (boundary conditions for salt, temperature,
water level and current, waves, wind…) including whether the un-
certainty in the model's boundary data is assessed in the final con-
clusion on environmental impacts.