Sundhedsudvalget (SUU) Alm. del

Samling: 2022-23 (2. samling)

Spørgsmål 451

Er ministeren bekendt med artiklen ”Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes” fra American Journal of Public Health, hvoraf det fremgår, at ”Support for the plausibility of an inverse causal relationship between vaping and smoking comes from countries in which startling decreases in cigarette sales have accompanied rising sales of another novel nicotine product, heated tobacco products”? Og er ministeren bekendt med artiklen ” What Is Accounting for the Rapid Decline in Cigarette Sales in Japan?” fra International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health?
Dato: 31-05-2023
Status: Endeligt besvaret
Emne: rygning og rusmiddelbrug
Dokumentdato: 27-06-2023
Modtaget: 27-06-2023
Omdelt: 27-06-2023

SUU alm. del - svar på spm. 451 om ministeren er bekendt med artiklerne ”Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes” fra American Journal of Public Health og ”What Is Accounting for the Rapid Decline in Cigarette Sales in Japan?” fra International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

SUU alm. del - svar på spm. 451 (D2725517) (pdf-version)
Dokumentdato: 31-05-2023
Modtaget: 31-05-2023
Omdelt: 31-05-2023

Spm., om ministeren er bekendt med artiklerne ”Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes” fra American Journal of Public Health og ”What Is Accounting for the Rapid Decline in Cigarette Sales in Japan?” fra International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Udvalgsspørgsmål (pdf-version)