Retsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
REU Alm.del
Dear Commissioner Johansson,
Please be informed that the Danish Government, in accordance with the pro-
visions in Article 25 and 27 of Regilation (EU) 2016 399 of 9 March 2016
(Schengen Borders Code), has decided to temporarily reintroduce border
controls at the intemal borders. The reintroduction of border control at the
Danish internal borders will be carried out for 6 months as from 12 May
The persistent and significant threat to our public order and internal security
caused by militant Islamists and organized criminals who are able to exploit
the free mobility within the Schengen area continues to be of grave concem
for the Danish Government.
It is the assessment of the Center for Terror Analysis (CTA) under the Dan-
ish Security and Intelligence Service that the terrorist threat against Den-
mark continues to be serious. CTA assesses that there may be individuals
among refugees and migrants arriving in Europe who can pose a terror
threat. Also, CTA assesses that larger displacement flows due to the Russian
invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, may result in persons osing a
terror threat to Denmark using such flows to gain entry to Europe.
Further-more, the threat from organized criminals in Sweden towards Den-
mark continues to raise serious concem.
Against this backdrop and after careful consideration, the Danish Govem-
ment considers the temporary intemal border controls as a necessary and
effective measure to address these threats to public order and intemal secur-
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Retsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
REU Alm.del - endeligt svar på spørgsmål 266
Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del - Bilag 455