Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
MOF Alm.del
Johan Vestergaard Paulsen (Sagsbehandler, Cirkulær Økonomi og Affald)
Beate Langset ([email protected]); [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
NO 500083 Synopsis of meeting today with Miljødirektoratet regarding capacity at SAR
Tor Søltoft
Synopsis of meeting today regarding capacity at SAR
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02. jul 2021
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 20: Spm. om redegørelse for sagen om udledning af miljøfarlige stoffer fra RGS Nordics renseanlæg i Stignæs
-- AKT 2618257 -- BILAG 1 -- [ Synopsis of meeting today regarding capacity at SAR ] --
Beate Langset ([email protected]), [email protected] ([email protected]),
[email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected])
Kenneth Schmidt Christiansen ([email protected]), Mikkel Clausen ([email protected]), Tor Søltoft ([email protected])
Johan Vestergaard Paulsen ([email protected])
Synopsis of meeting today regarding capacity at SAR
15-02-2021 18:19
Dear everyone,
Thank you very much for your time.
As explained at the meeting, we have trouble validating the information we have from Equinor and from SAR. As we
understand it, Equinor and SAR are negotiating a possible delivery of wastewater to SAR, but these negotiations are
not concluded. The content of the waste water is essential in deciding whether or not this may be possible. From the
material we initially received from Equinor we were of the impression that SAR could not treat any of it. From
requesting for SAR to confirm, SAR told us they would be able to scale production capacity to meet the amounts from
Equinor, only there was an issue with the content of the water in order to assess how much.
At the meeting, you informed us that SAR does have capacity – or will have it – to treat the amounts equal to
Equinor’s. However, it still remains for them to evaluate whether SAR can treat the waste water. Possibly the water is
not in line with the current permit, in that case SAR would have to apply for a new permit (no such permit has been
received yet). You underlined that Miljödirektoratet cannot direct how Equinor and SAR must decide on the matter.
We concluded that we did not have certainty on the matter, whether SAR will be able to treat the water from
Equinor, once their analysis is done. We will consider our reaction here in Denmark.
As you asked us at the meeting, this is a highly unusual case, subject to both scrutiny by the press and changing
You also mentioned the 1994 agreement between Nordic countries concerning cooperation on waste treatment, and
the impact on your policy regarding imports of waste for disposal. We agreed that further meetings on the subject
would be appropriate.
Please confirm whether you agree to the content of this synopsis and if I have omitted anything.
Also, we would be pleased to receive a copy of the 1994 agreement.
Med venlig hilsen,
Yours sincerely,
Johan Vestergaard Paulsen
Jurist | Cirkulær Økonomi & Affald
Legal advice | Circular Economy & Waste
+45 22 35 23 43 |
[email protected]
Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
Miljøstyrelsen | Tolderlundsvej 5 | 5000 Odense C | Tlf. +45 72 54 40 00 |
[email protected]
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
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