Regeringen skriver i »Danish non-paper on the European Commission’s Public Consultation on the future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure«, jf. KEF alm. del – bilag 264, at »In terms of the necessity of the measure, Denmark does not share the assumption that network operators are unable or unwilling to invest sufficient amounts in deployment. Rather than a lack of funds to invest, the issue is in many cases that some areas do not offer sufficiently attractive business cases to attract investment, i.e. the problem is the geographical distribution of investments. Any constraints on deployment in attractive areas currently seem to be capacity, e.g. in the civil works industry, rather than funding. The additional funding itself does not seem to be necessary.« Hvis det er tilfældet, hvordan vil regeringen så forklare det investeringsefterslæb, som EU har opgjort til 300 mia. euro?
Dato: 26-05-2023
Status: Endeligt besvaret
it og teleforsyning