Indfødsretsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
IFU Alm.del
1240 København K
Indfødsretsudvalget har den 3. juli 2023 stillet følgende spørgsmål nr. 198 (Alm. del)
til udlændinge- og integrationsministeren, som hermed besvares endeligt.
Spørgsmål nr. 198:
Vil ministeren redegøre for, hvordan et barn som er født i Østrig får østrigsk stats-
borgerskab, hvis barnets forældre ikke har østrigsk statsborgerskab, og om Østrig
har en lignende proces som den danske for bipersoner, eller om det er nemmere at
få statsborgerskab i Østrig, hvis man er født i Østrig?
Til brug for besvarelsen har Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet via den danske
ambassade i Wien indhentet bidrag fra det østrigske indenrigsministerium, der har
oplyst følgende:
“There is no automatic acquisition of Austrian citizenship for children born
in Austria to non-Austrian parents. In Austrian citizenship law, ius sanguinis
(”right of the bloodline”) is one of the principles, meaning that at least one
of the two parents has to be an Austrian citizen to pass on Austrian citizen-
ship to a child at the time of its birth (acqusition by descent). Please note
that if the parents are not married and only the father of the child is an
Austrian citizen, however the mother is a national of another country, the
child acquires Austrian citizenship, when within 8 weeks the Austrian fa-
ther recognizes his parenthood or the fact that he is the father is deter-
mined by court. In all cases where recognition of fatherhood or the deter-
mination by court is done after his timeframe, children may be awarded
Austrian citizenship in a simplified procedure (legitimation of a child).
Moreover, there are simplified criteria for children born in Austria to non-
Austrian parents. They can acquire Austrian citizenship by award (applica-
tion) after a minimum of six years of legal and uninterrupted residence in
Austria (whereas the standard requirement is ten years of legal and con-
tinuous residence in Austria, therefrom a minimum of five years with a res-
idence permit) and upon fulfilling the general naturalization requirements
which basically have to be fulfilled by any applicant. For more information
27. september 2023
Udlændinge- og
Slotsholmsgade 10
1216 København K
Sags nr.
6198 4000
[email protected]
2023 - 10953
IFU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 198: Spm. om, hvordan et barn som er født i Østrig får østrigsk statsborgerskab, hvis barnets forældre ikke har østrigsk statsborgerskab
in English, please be referred to:
Citizenship (
conditions for naturalisation (
Children can acquire Austrian citizenship by extension of the award of citizen-
ship – i.e. when one of their parents (having parental custody for the respec-
tive children) is awarded Austrian citizenship, this award of citizenship can be
extended to his/her children. The criteria for extension of the award to chil-
dren are set out in
§§ 17 - 19 Austrian Citizenship Act (Staatsbürger-
An extension of the award is possible only to minor and un-
married children and only at the same time as the award of Austrian citizen-
ship to one of the parents is effected. Furthermore, the child has to be legally
settled in Austria at the time of application for Austrian citizenship or must
have been granted asylum in Austria or must have a legitimation card (“Legit-
imationskarte”). However, there is no requirement concerning a minimum du-
ration of residence or settlement for the children in cases of extension of the
award. Moreover, the child has to fulfill the general naturalization require-
ments specified in § 17 Austrian Citizenship Act (namely § 10 para 1 lit 2 – 8,
paras 2 and 3 Austrian Citizenship Act). Vienna provides more detailed infor-
mation on the extension of the award in German on the following web-
Erwerb der österreichischen Staatsbürgerschaft durch Erstreckung
Kaare Dybvad Bek
Christine V. Johansen