Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del
für Augcnhelikunde
KIa,hc’i scharfcn!
hit Auqenarne
Petino Society
M i ostyrelsen
The Danish Enviranmental Protection Agency Miljøstyrelsen
Toldedundsvej 5
5000 Odense C
26AUG. 2020
Statement on your intention to restrict the use of fully fluorinated alkanes
21. August2020
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
We are very aware of the problems of persistent products in terms of environmental
protection and support ali activities to limit the use of bioaccumulative toxic
substances to the absolute minimum.
We regularly monitor to what extent the avaiiability of important products
the care
of our ophthalmologicai patients is guaranteed. In this context, we notifled your
intention to restrict the use of fully fluorinated alkanes.
Since so-caued ocular endotamponades belong to this class of compounds, we wouid
like to point aut the importance of these widely and regularly used substances in
vitreoretinal surgery already at this early stage of decision-making.
Over the last three decades, perfluorodecalin, perfluorooctane, C2F6 and C3F8 have
become indispensable instruments for the treatment of severe and most serious
retinal diseases, which led to the blindness of patients prior to the introduction of these
substances in ophthaimoiogy.
We ask you to take this into account in your decision making and will be happy to
provide further information on the use of these substances in ophthalmology If
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Hans Hoerauf
President of the DOG
Prof.Dr. Daniel Pauelikhoff
President of the RG
Dr. Peter Heinz
Chair of the SVA
DOG Geschéftsstelle
Platenstr. 1
80336 MOnchen
Tel.: 089/5505 768 0
Fax: 089 / 5505 768 11
BVA Geschäftsstelle
Tersteegensfr. 12
40474 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 / 43037-00
Fax: 0211
Retinologlsche Gesellschaft
Killlanstr. 5
79106 Freiburg