Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del
JULY 2021
FPP4EU: Ready to build on the PFAS Registry of
As representatives of the producers and users of fluorinated products in the EU, FPP4EU, a Sector
Group of Cefic, welcomes the publication of the Registry of Intentions on several PFAS-related
chemistries. We are looking forward to working with the five nominating authorities to ensure that the
data sets provided to support any forthcoming REACH restriction proposal are as robust and
comprehensive as possible.
As a group representing PFAS producers and users, we welcome the 15 July 2021 publication of the
Registry of Intentions and the associated opportunity to help provide further data and comment on the
existing information as appropriate. We look forward to helping to build on those data contained in the
publication (and its associated report), in particular, given the complexities of the issue.
As producers and users of PFAS, members of FPP4EU are well-placed to provide further details on
possible uses and related potential exposure patterns for specific sectors and applications. Where
appropriate, FPP4EU could organise targeted workshops to discuss and provide context to these data and
be available for discussions on essential use. This, we trust, will ensure that the data sets provided to
support any forthcoming REACH resultant restriction proposal are as robust and comprehensive as
possible and that any resulting requirements are workable and enforceable for all parties.
We stand ready to work with all stakeholders on the PFAS-topic for Europe.
For more information please contact:
Richy Mariner, Interim FPP4EU Manager, Cefic
[email protected]
About Cefic
Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council, founded
in 1972, is the voice of large, medium and small chemical
companies across Europe, which provide 1.1 million jobs
and account for 15% of world chemicals production
Fluorinated Products and PFAS for Europe (FPP4EU)
Rue Belliard 40, Box 15, B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32.2.436.95.00
[email protected]
EU Transparency Register n° 64879142323-90