Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del
Brussels, 15 October 2021
CECE comments regarding the second
consultation on a restriction for PFAS
CECE, the Committee for European Construction Equipment, represents the interests of 1,200
construction equipment manufacturers through national trade associations in Europe. CECE
manufacturers generate € 40 billion in yearly revenue, export a sizeable part
of the production, employ
around 300.000 people overall.
CECE welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the second public consultation on a restriction for
PFAs organised by the competent authorities for REACH of the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark,
Sweden, and Norway. In December 2020, CECE submitted input to EXPONENT in charge of the
Norwegian authorities work on F-gases.
From the information collected in previous consultations, the five Authorities have defined an overview
of the different uses of PFAS grouped in various
summary reports,
to which we would like to raise the
following concerns and points of improvement:
1. General comments
None of the existing summary reports explicitly consider PFAS uses in the
construction machinery
However, a possible restriction would heavily impact our sector, and we are concerned by
many of the ad-hoc reports such as those on F-gases, electronics, metal plating, textiles and lubricants.
Components and fluids used in the construction machinery rely on PFAS
(e.g., high-performing
fluoropolymers and fluoroelastomers) to meet customer quality, safety, and durability requirements.
Those materials provide a combination of superior chemical and thermal resistance and low friction
properties (e.g. PTFE). These properties are required to deal with the harsh environments in which our
products are used and meet the design life (durability requirements) that our customers need for their
operations. Construction equipment is typically designed to have a long life span; some machines
operate multiple decades before they require replacement. The use of F-gases is also critical for our
sector in compression refrigeration systems, to cool down the operator cabin, this is an important
contribution to ergonomics.