Udvalget for Digitalisering og It 2022-23 (2. samling)
DIU Alm.del
Folketingets Udvalg for Digitalisering og It
Stormgade 2-6
1470 København K
Telefon 72 28 24 00
[email protected]
2023 - 1497
Foreløbigt svar på spørgsmål fra Pelle Dragsted (EL) stillet den 20. april 2023
Spørgsmål nr. 26:
”Hvordan forholder ministeren sig til følgende afsnit i artiklen »How Denmark’s Welfare State
Became a Surveillance Nightmare« på www.wired.com den 7. marts 2023? Ministe1ren bedes
i besvarelsen forholde sig til, hvordan den danske anvendelse af nationalitet adskiller sig fra
den hollandske sag, som der nævnes i artiklen.
“The documents obtained by Lighthouse Re-
ports and WIRED appear to show that Den1mark’s
goes beyond the one that brought
down the Dutch government. They reveal how Denmark’s algorithms use variables like na-
tionality, whose use has been equated with ethnic profiling. One of Denmark's fraud detec-
tion algorithms attempts to work out how someone might be connected to a non-EU country.
Heavily redacted documents show that, in order to do this, the system tracks whether a wel-
fare recipient or their “family relations” have ever emigrated from Denmark. Two other varia-
bles record their nationality and whether they have ever been a citizen of any country other
than Denmark. Jacobsen says that nationality is only one of many variables used by the algo-
rithm, and that a welfare recipient will not be flagged unless they live at a “suspicious ad-
dress” and the system isn’t able to find a connection to Denmark.”
Besvarelsen forudsætter, at der indhentes bidrag fra Beskæftigelsesministeriet. Spørgsmålet
forventes endeligt besvaret inden medio september 2023.
Jeg skal beklage den sene besvarelse, hvilket beror på en intern ekspeditionsfejl i ministeriet.
Med venlig hilsen
Marie Bjerre