Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
BEU Alm.del
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus presents its
compliments to the Royal Danish Embassy.
In response to 25/22NV, dated 20 September 2022, with regards to Directive on WLB
(Work Life Balance), the following reply to the questions related is noted:
1. When was the WLB-Directive transposed into national law?
Draft legislation has been prepared for the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1158 on
work-life balance for parents and carers into national law, and has undergone technical
legal review. The draft legislation consists of a new bill but also several amendment bills
on related issues. The draft legislation is being discussed with the social partners and is
expected to be submitted to the House of Representatives for adoption soon.
2. What are the leave entitlements for fathers according to national legislation?
Paternity leave: The existing paternity Law (N.117(1)/2017) provides that an employee,
whose wife gave birth or obtained a child through a surrogate mother or he and his wife
have adopted a child up to the age of twelve, is entitled to paternity leave for two
consecutive weeks during the period beginning in the week of childbirth or adoption and
ending two weeks after the ending of maternity leave according to The Maternity Laws
of 1997 to 2021.
In the draft legislation it is proposed that all fathers irrespective of their marital or family
status be granted paternity leave.
Parental Leave: According to the draft legislation, the parental leave individual
entitlement for both working fathers and working mothers stands at eighteen (18) weeks
per child, and can be exercised until the child reaches the age of eight (8).
According to the draft legislation, the right to parental leave for both working fathers and
working mothers is subject to a qualification of a 6-month continuous period of
employment (with the same employer).
Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
BEU Alm.del - endeligt svar på spørgsmål 162
BEU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 162: MFU spm. om oplysninger om implementeringen af EU's barselsdirektiv i resten af EU's medlemslande
3. What is the compensation afforded to fathers during leave according to
national legislation?
Paternity Leave Benefit: Allowance benefit is 72% of wages — at the same rate as
maternity benefit.
Parental Leave: According to the draft legislation, allowance calculated under the
provisions of the Social Insurance Legislation.
To qualify for parental leave allowance, any employee should have at the moment of
their application to the Social Security Fund a total employment duration of 12 months
within the latest 24-month period.
4. What are the requirements for fathers according to national legislation?
Paternity Leave: An employee who intends to exercise the right to paternity leave is
obliged to warn his employer in writing 2 weeks before the start of paternity leave.
Parental Leave: According to the draft legislation, the right to parental leave for both
working fathers and working mothers is subject to a qualification of a 6-month
continuous period of employment (with the same employer).
5. What are the leave entitlements for mothers according to national legislation?
Maternity leave: A pregnant worker who notifies of her pregnancy with a certificate,
stating the presumed date of childbirth is entitled to 18 weeks paid maternity leave, 22
weeks for the second birth and 26 weeks for the third birth or more, (No 167(1)/2021).
An 8-week compulsory leave after child birth is guaranteed to the worker and the
prenatal portion of maternity leave can be extended by any period elapsing between the
presumed date of childbirth and actual date of childbirth, without affecting the
compulsory leave of 8 weeks after childbirth.
Parental Leave: According to the draft legislation, the parental leave individual
entitlement for both working fathers and working mothers stands at eighteen (18) weeks
per child, and can be exercised until the child reaches the age of eight (8).
According to the draft legislation, the right to parental leave for both working fathers and
working mothers is subject to a qualification of a 6-month continuous period of service
(with the same employer).
6. What is the compensation afforded to mothers during leave according to
national legislation?
Maternity Leave Benefit: Allowance benefit is 72% of wage.
BEU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 162: MFU spm. om oplysninger om implementeringen af EU's barselsdirektiv i resten af EU's medlemslande
Parental Leave: According to the draft legislation, allowance calculated under the
provisions of the Social Insurance Legislation.
To qualify for parental leave allowance, any employee should have at the moment of
their application to the Social Security Fund a total employment duration of 12 months
within the latest 24-month period.
7. What are the requirements for mothers according to national legislation?
Parental Leave: According to the draft legislation, the right to parental leave for both
working fathers and working mothers is subject to a qualification of a 6-month
continuous period of service (with the same employer).
8. Do parents have flexibility when planning their family leave? (lf yes, please
briefly specify the flexibility)
The draft legislation provides that parental leave can be taken in any flexible way that is
agreed between the employer and the employee, which is restricted to weekly
arrangements (not daily or hourly).
9. Are there others who have access to/right to leave with the child? (If yes,
please briefly specify rights and requirements)
According to the draft legislation, the right to parental leave is restricted to parents.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Royal Danish Embassy the assurances of its highest
Nicosia, 07 October 2022
To the
Royal Danish Embassy