Udenrigsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 91
Soegaard, Jose <[email protected]>
07 March 2023 10:19
Mathias Bencke Fremmen <[email protected]>; Palitz, Ariel <[email protected]>
Thomas Jørgensen(NYCGKL) <[email protected]>; Mirra, Francesca <[email protected]>
Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: Meeting requests related to Danish minister's and parliamentarians'
participation in CSW67 March 2023
[CAUTION - EXTERNAL EMAIL] This email was sent from outside the MFA organisation. DO NOT reply,
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Hello Mathias and Thomas,
Thank you so much for the very kind invitation to present to the visiting delegation yesterday. We were
happy to hear their interest in improving safety at night throughout Denmark, and to share a bit about our
Here are some links to the reports, programs, and other information from our Office:
NYC Office of Nightlife general website
NYC Nightlife Economic Impact Study 2018
NYC Office of Nightlife Report 2018-2021
NYC Office of Nightlife Report 2022 update
MEND NYC mediation program
Narcan Behind Every Bar overdose prevention training program
Please do feel free to share our contact information with those who attended, we are happy to stay in
touch and continue to be a resource for any questions about nighttime governance!
Jose Soegaard
Deputy Director
Office of Nightlife
Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment
T: 212-974-4025
M: 646-343-7530