Udenrigsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 178
1-6/09-1 /2-449/2023
To the Parliament of Denmark
Dear colleagues!
We inform you that the recent information about the purported scarcity of food and medicines for
Armenian residents residing in areas where Russian peacekeeping forces are temporarily
stationed in the Garabagh region of Azerbaijan is a political manipulation aimed at perplexing the
international community and undermining the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic
of Azerbaijan. The closure by separatist forces of the Aghdam-Khankendi road, which was
proposed by Azerbaijan for the transportation of humanitarian goods to Khankendi and
surrounding villages, reveals the true intentions of those behind this campaign. They aim to
hinder the reintegration of Armenian residents of Garabagh into the Azerbaijani society, or at the
very least, prolong the process as much as possible.
The Armenian leadership has consistently affirmed its recognition of Garabagh as Azerbaijan's
territory, thus negating the necessity for ethnic Armenians to import food and other goods from
Armenia. Regarding the situation with the Lachin road, it is an integral part of Azerbaijan's
sovereign territory, therefore, Azerbaijan has established a border checkpoint on its land for the
convenience of its citizens. This right of Azerbaijan was upheld in the latest ruling of the
International Court of Justice. In reality, it is Armenia that seems unable to accept these
developments, as they initiated hostilities by opening fire on the Azerbaijani border guard,
engaged in sabotage against our national flag, and continued to disrupt activities on the Lachin
road, thereby impeding its use. If the Armenian side genuinely supports Azerbaijan's territorial
integrity, they should not oppose the transportation of goods via the Aghdam -Khankendi road
and refrain from obstructing the reintegration process.
The international community must demonstrate a responsible stance regarding the
aforementioned, not be swayed by the manipulations from the Armenian side and instead, help
convey to Armenia the importance of engaging in constructive dialogue.
Head of the Working group on the
Azerbaijan-Denmark inter-parliamentary relations of the
Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan