Udenrigsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 119
Møde med delegation fra Sri Lanka om
fremme af fred gennem arbejde for tros- og
Tid: fredag den 28. april kl. 14:15-15:00
Sted: Christiansborg, Det Konservative Folkepartis gruppeværelse (vær. 2-009)
Medlemmer af Udenrigsudvalget og Kirkeudvalget inviteres hermed til et uformelt møde med en
delegation fra Sri Lanka. Delegationen kommer fra National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka
(NCEASL), der gennem årtier har arbejdet for at fremme fred og tros- og religionsfrihed i Sri Lanka og det
øvrige Asien.
Organisationen står bag det prisvindende online univers
‘minor matters’
https://minormatters.org/en, der
har modtaget projektmidler fra Danmark. NCEASLer kendt for deres utrættelige kamp for retfærdighed for
alle, i et sådant omfang at de kontaktes af andre minoriteter for juridisk rådgivning og assistance i relation
til diskrimination, vold og forfølgelse baseret på tro eller overbevisning.
Delegationen fra NCEASL præsenteres herunder. Mødet foregår på engelsk.
Vel mødt!
Helle Bonnesen MF
Det Konservative Folkeparti
Tilmelding til Filip Buff Pedersen:
[email protected]
URU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 119: Invitation til møde med delegation fra Sri Lanka om fremme af fred gennem arbejde for tros- og religionsfrihed, fredag den 28. april 2023 kl. 14.15 - 15.00 på Christiansborg
Godfrey Yogarajah
Godfrey Yogarajah is the General Secretary of the National Christian Evangelical
Alliance of Sri Lanka and Chairman of the Asia Evangelical Alliance. He is also the
Ambassador for Religious Freedom of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and
a member of the International Council of the WEA, a network of some 630
million Christians. For the past 30 years, Godfrey has been engaged in ministry
with the persecuted Church globally. He travels extensively to restricted
countries to meet with governments to advocate for religious freedom and train
church leaders on coping strategies for persecution. Previously, he also served
as the Deputy Secretary General and Deputy CEO of the WEA and the Executive
Director of the WEA Religious Liberty Commission.
A graduate of the University of Serampore in India with a B.Th and a B.D, Godfrey was awarded the 'Good
Samaritan' award by Advocates International in 2004 in recognition of his contribution to minority rights,
human rights, and religious freedom worldwide. In 2005, he was awarded the 'Pro Fide' Award by the
Friends of Martyrs Finland for his work with the persecuted Church. In August 2015, Godfrey was bestowed
the second highest national honour, ‘Deshamanya’ by the government of Sri Lanka for meritorious service
to the nation.
Mike Gabriel
Mike Gabriel is the Head of the Religious Liberty Commission of the National
Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. Mike also serves as a researcher
for religious liberty for the office of the Ambassador for Religious Freedom of
the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). Additionally, he is also the coordinator
for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) of the
WEA, an annual, global event that mobilizes prayer for persecuted Christians
around the world. Mike has a particular interest in exploring how new media
and digital technologies could be used to advance human rights and build
peace in restricted contexts.
Mike has a master’s degree in Human Rights from the University of Colombo
and a bachelor’s degree in Management Studies from
the Open University of
Sri Lanka.
Akshina Palihawadana
Akshina serves as the Manager of MinorMatters, at the of Religious Liberty
Commission of the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. She
oversees MinorMatters, a campaign dedicated to promoting the Freedom of
Religion of Belief in Sri Lanka.
Akshina holds a master's degree in business administration from Teesside
University in the United Kingdom and a bachelor's degree in business
management from Northumbria University, also in the UK.