Udenrigsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 103
International konference om Danmark og FN’s Sikkerhedsråd:
”What can and should Denmark do on the UN Security Council
in 2025-2026?”
Juridisk Institut og FN-forbundet inviterer til
konference om Danmarks rolle i FN’s
Sikkerhedsråd i 2025-2026
(English below)
Den 27. april 2023 kl. 9.30-17.30 afholder Juridisk Institut og FN-forbundet støttet af Hermod
Lannung Fonden en international konference på Syddansk Universitet i Odense. Baggrunden for
konferencen er, at det i 2025-2026 formentligt
efter 20 år
igen bliver Danmarks tur til at sidde
i FN’s mest magtfulde organ, Sikkerhedsrådet. Ved siden af de fem permanente medlemmer med
vetoret vil Danmark være et af de 10 øvrige lande, som i to år er med til at forebygge og reagere på
internationale kriser.
Denne rolle er altid en stor udfordring for et lille land, men det gælder i endnu højere grad i en tid,
hvor Sikkerhedsrådet skal håndtere Ruslands angrebskrig mod Ukraine og voksende spændinger
mellem Kina og USA. Hvordan kan Danmark forberede sig på sin kommende rolle, og hvilke
muligheder er der for at fremme danske prioriteter?
Juridisk Institut og FN-forbundet har inviteret internationale og danske eksperter for at diskutere
Danmarks perspektiver i FN’s Sikkerhedsråd. Konferencen afholdes på engelsk, og det er muligt at
deltage både fysisk og via Zoom. Uanset hvad er tilmelding nødvendig, og det kan ske senest den
12. april på https://event.sdu.dk/sdusecuritycouncil/signup.
Læs programmet nedenfor.
Har du spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte lektor Martin Mennecke
[email protected].
Practical details
Thursday, 27 April 2023, 9:30-17:30
Sky Bar (top floor), Campus Kollegiet, Campusvej 1, 5230 Odense M. It will be possible to
participate online in all three conference panels but not the opening keynote address. The Zoom
details will be shared with registered participants in due course.
The conference will be conducted in English.
Attendance is free, but registration is required no later than 12 April under this
link: https://event.sdu.dk/sdusecuritycouncil/signup
Please note, in person participation is limited to 55 participants allocated to those who register
first. The conference is co-organized by the Danish UN Association and the Department of Law of
URU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 103: Invitation til international konference om Danmark og FN’s Sikkerhedsråd 27. april 2023
the University of Southern Denmark, and it is supported by the Hermod Lannung Foundation.
Any questions can be sent to Associate Professor Martin Mennecke at [email protected].
Denmark has launched its campaign to obtain a non-permanent seat on the 15-member United
Nations Security Council (UNSC). Its aim is to succeed Norway and obtain a seat on the Council as
the next country in the Nordic rotation. If elected, it will hold this position for a two-year period in
2025 and 2026 as one of the ten non-permanent UNSC states. With the ongoing Russia-Ukraine
war and a multitude of grave human rights violations taking place across the globe, Denmark is
poised to take up this role during a particularly turbulent time in world history.
Many pertinent questions
arise in connection with Denmark’s potential upcoming role at the UN
Security Council. The conference will address some key topics surrounding a potential Danish
membership, including:
how Denmark should prepare to address new and continuing peace and security challenges
while on the UNSC
the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a changing global political landscape on
Denmark’s role on the UNSC
how to pursue accountability for atrocity crimes during Denmark’s term on the Council
other potential key focus areas for Denmark during its term.
A range of international diplomats, academics, former UN personnel, legal and military experts as
well as representatives from human rights and non-governmental organizations will present their
views. Participants will have the opportunity to pose questions to the experts and engage in
discussions during the conference.
9:30-9:45 Welcome
9:45-10:15 Keynote: Norway
lessons learnt on the Security Council in 2021-2022
- Andreas Løvold, Director, Department for Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
- Chair: Martin Mennecke, University of Southern Denmark
Denmark hopes to succeed Norway as the next country in the Nordic rotation. What lessons has
Norway learnt during its membership on the Security Council? Norway witnessed, inter alia, the
Russian invasion of Ukraine but also the military coup in Myanmar and massive atrocities during
the conflict in Ethiopia. How can Denmark best prepare for and eventually use such membership?
How much potential is there in practice in working together with the other elected members of the
Security Council?
10:15-10:45 Questions and answers
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
Panel 1: What will Denmark’s role be on the Security Council regarding
accountability for atrocity crimes in Ukraine and elsewhere?
- 3x15 min presentations + 45 min Q&A
- Chair: Frederik Harhoff, University of Southern Denmark
URU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 103: Invitation til international konference om Danmark og FN’s Sikkerhedsråd 27. april 2023
- Carrie McDougall, University of Melbourne (via Zoom)
- Elizabeth Evenson, Human Rights Watch (via Zoom)
- Iryna Marchuk, University of Copenhagen
Among the traditional Danish priorities at the UN is the pursuit of accountability for massive
human rights violations. The UN Security Council can play an important role in this regard, as it
can refer relevant situations to the International Criminal Court
however, the last occasion
during which the Council utilized this power was in 2011, regarding Libya. Other examples from
the practice of the Security Council include its appointment of a special team to investigate atrocity
crimes committed by ISIL in Iraq and of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Darfur, Sudan. What
about accountability during Denmark’s term on the Council?
12:45-13:45 Lunch and networking (light refreshments will be served for all
13:45-15:15 Panel 2: What do current world politics and the other incoming elected
members mean for Denmark’s term on the Security Council?
- 3x15 min presentations + 45 min Q&A
- Chair: Finn Reske-Nielsen, Danish UN Association
- Shamala Kandiah, Security Council Report (via Zoom)
- Ulrika Møller, University of Gothenburg (via Zoom)
- Anders Wivel, University of Copenhagen
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to demands of Russia’s removal from the Security Council,
but this of course did not happen. Therefore, the members of the Council have to make it work.
Prior to Denmark joining the Council, the United States will elect a new president which may pose
further challenges for the work of the Security Council. In addition, Pakistan and Somalia are
among the states running for a seat as elected members in 2025-2026. What implications does all
this have for Denmark’s term on the Council?
15:15-15:45 Coffee break
15:45-17:15 Panel 3: What should Denmark focus on while on the Security Council?
- 4x15 min presentations + 30 min Q&A
- Chair: Louise Riis Andersen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Michael Lollesgaard, Lieutenant General (ret.), former UN Force Commander (MINUSMA/Mali)
and former UN Head of Mission (Yemen)
- Ellen Stensrud, Norwegian Centre for Holocaust and Minority Studies
- Martin Mennecke, University of Southern Denmark
- Rikke Ishøy, Danish Red Cross
Equality, Security and Action
symbolised by a green swan: That is what is currently known about
the Danish priorities for its membership. For the time being, Denmark must prioritise its election
to the Council and strive to obtain the maximum votes possible during the elections held in the UN
General Assembly. However, what will Denmark focus on during its membership, and what should
it focus on? This panel will provide some input for further discussion.
17:15 Concluding remarks