Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2022-23 (2. samling), Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
UPN Alm.del Bilag 5, EUU Alm.del Bilag 13
Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn og Europaudvalget
Nævnets og udvalgets medlemmer og stedfortrædere
16. november 2022
Invitation til møde med tre oppositionspolitikere
Sekretariatet har modtaget en henvendelse fra formanden for Det Udenrigspo-
litiske Selskab, der på vegne af tre repræsentanter fra den russiske opposition
videreformidler deres ønske om, at mødes med Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn og
Europaudvalget. De tre russiske oppositionspolitikere besøger København i
anledningen af CPH Conference on Western-Russian Relations 2.0.
Vi har derfor arrangeret et fællesmøde.
Fællesmødet afholdes:
Fredag den 25. november 2022 kl. 14.00
15.00 i værelse 2-133
Emnerne for mødet vil være drøftelse af de seneste udviklinger i Rusland,
herunder undertrykkelse af kritiske stemmer og krigens indflydelse på Putins
styre, samt Vestens relation til Rusland på civilsamfundsniveau. Det kan ikke
udelukkes, at de også ønsker at drøfte Europas visa-politik overfor russere.
De tre russiske oppositionspolitikere er følgende:
Liubov Sobol, centralt medlem af Team Navalny og tidligere medlem
af Russian Opposition Coordination Council.
Maria Logan, medlem af Open Russia Foundation og administrator for
Future of Russia Foundation og Khodorkovsky Foundation.
Daria Wagner, formand for den danske NGO 'Danish Friends of a
Democratic Russia.
CV’er på politikerne:
Maria Logan
Maria Logan is part of the Open Russia Foundation and Trustee to the Future
of Russia Foundation and the Khodorkovsky Foundation. She is a native of St.
UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 5: Invitation til møde med tre russiske oppositionspolitikere den 25. november 2022
Petersburg, an international lawyer and human rights campaigner. Logan has
previously worked as part of the litigation practice group at the international law
firm Greenberg Traurig in Washington, DC. In 2008, she joined the worldwide
campaign for Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s release. She coordinated international
human rights organizations in support of Mr Khodorkovsky and represented his
case before governmental institutions
worldwide. Since Mr Khodorkovsky’s re-
lease from prison, Logan has spearheaded several of his new initiatives desig-
ned to support civil society and defend human rights in Russia.
Liubov Sobol
Lyubov Sobol is a Russian political and public figure. She consistently advoca-
tes the democratization of Russia and opposes Putin's policies. The key mem-
ber of Alexei Navalny’s team. She produces the YouTube-channel
Live" of Alexei Navalny (more than 3 million subscribers, more than 250 million
views per 6 months). She participated in the election campaign for the Moscow
City Duma in 2019 and the State Duma of Russia in 2021 but was illegally ad-
mitted because of her political position: opposing the actions of the current
government. Sobol was a lawyer for the Anti-Corruption Foundation until its clo-
sure in 2021 and a former member of Russian Opposition Coordination Council.
She was included in the Leadership category by the BBC on its 2019 list of 100
inspiring and influential women from around the world.
Daria Wagner
Daria Wagner is the chair of the Danish NGO ‘Danish Friends of a Democratic
Russia’. Daria supports Alexey Navalny and his team, she is an owner of a
Facebook-group "Copenhagen for Navalny/Denmark for Navalny". She holds a
Master of Science in Chemichal Engineering and a PhD in Microelectronics.
Mother of 5 children.
Tilmelding bedes ske til undertegnede på telefon 3624 eller pr. mail
[email protected]
senest mandag den 21. november 2022.
Med venlig hilsen
Charlotte Faber
International koordinator