Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2022-23 (2. samling)
UPN Alm.del Bilag 29
European Council
Brussels, 9 February 2023
(OR. en)
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General Secretariat of the Council
Special meeting of the European Council (9 February 2023)
Delegations will find attached the conclusions adopted by the European Council at the above
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UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 29: Konklusioner fra det ekstraordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 09. februar 2023
9 February 2023
The European Council held an exchange of views with the President of Ukraine on
Russia’s war of
aggression against Ukraine and the European Union’s support to Ukraine and its people.
* *
The European Council reiterates
its resolute condemnation of Russia’s war of
aggression against Ukraine, which constitutes a manifest violation of the UN Charter.
Russia’s brutal war, which has lasted almost a full year, has brought immense suffering
and destruction upon Ukraine and its people. Russia must stop this atrocious war
immediately. The European Union will stand by Ukraine with steadfast support for as
long as it takes.
The European Union’s
support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial
integrity within its internationally recognised borders and its inherent right of self-
defence against the Russian aggression remains unwavering. The European Union will
maintain and seek to further increase, in consultation with international partners,
collective pressure on Russia to end its war of aggression and to withdraw its troops and
military equipment from Ukraine. To further raise the cost to Russia of its war of
aggression, a price cap on petroleum products has been adopted. The European Union
stands ready to continue to reinforce its restrictive measures in close coordination and
cooperation with global partners. Anti-circumvention measures will be reinforced.
The European Council reiterates its strong commitment to accountability. Russia’s
continuing deadly, indiscriminate strikes against civilians and civilian infrastructure are
international crimes and must stop. International humanitarian law, including on the
treatment of prisoners of war, must be respected. Ukrainians who have been forcibly
transferred to Russia, in particular children, must be immediately allowed to return
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UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 29: Konklusioner fra det ekstraordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 09. februar 2023
9 February 2023
The European Union is firmly committed to holding to account all commanders,
perpetrators and accomplices of war crimes and the other most serious crimes
committed in connection
with Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The
European Council fully supports Ukraine’s and the international community’s efforts in
this respect, including the establishment of an appropriate mechanism for the
prosecution of the crime of aggression, which is of concern to the international
community as a whole. It underlines
the European Union’s support for the
investigations by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court as well as for the
creation, in The Hague, of an international centre for the prosecution of the crime of
aggression against Ukraine. This centre will be linked to the existing Joint Investigation
Team supported by Eurojust.
The European Council reiterates the European Union’s readiness to support Ukraine’s
initiative for a just peace based on respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial
integrity. To date, Russia has not shown any genuine willingness regarding a fair and
sustainable peace. The European Council expresses its support for the peace formula of
President Zelenskyy
and reaffirms the European Union’s commitment to work actively
with Ukraine on the 10-point peace plan. The European Union supports the idea of a
Peace Formula Summit aiming at launching its implementation. The European Union
will work together with Ukraine to ensure the widest possible international
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9 February 2023
The European Council acknowledges the considerable efforts that Ukraine has
demonstrated in recent months towards meeting the objectives underpinning its
candidate status for EU membership. It
welcomes Ukraine’s reform efforts in such
difficult times and encourages Ukraine to continue on this path and to fulfil the
conditions specified in the Commission’s opinion on its membership application in
order to advance towards future EU membership. The European Union acknowledges
Ukraine’s determination to meet the necessary requirements in order to start accession
negotiations as soon as possible. The European Union looks forward to working closely
with Ukraine and supporting it in its efforts to fully meet all conditions. The European
Council reiterates that Ukraine’s future lies within the European Union.
The European Council reaffirms the commitments taken in the joint statement following
the EU-Ukraine Summit. The European Union will continue to provide strong political,
economic, military, financial and humanitarian support to Ukraine and its people for as
long as it takes. Overall assistance to Ukraine and its people by the European Union and
its Member States so far amounts to at least EUR 67 billion. The European Union and
Ukraine will fully exploit the potential of the Association Agreement, including the
Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, so as to establish conditions for enhanced
economic and trade relations leading towards Ukraine’s integration into the EU’s Single
The European Union has approved a seventh tranche of EUR 500 million in military
support to Ukraine under the European Peace Facility and launched the EU Military
Assistance Mission to train an initial 30 000 soldiers in 2023. This brings the total
military support from the European Union and its Member States to nearly
EUR 12 billion. In view of the current situation, the European Council welcomes the
speedy provision of military equipment to Ukraine by Member States.
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9 February 2023
The European Union remains committed to supporting the macro-financial stability of
Ukraine. The European Council welcomes the work of the Commission and the
European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
and the World Bank on projects to swiftly expand the use of the Solidarity Lanes to
enhance trade options across sectors and opportunities for export from Ukraine.
The European Union remains committed to supporting, along with partners, Ukraine’s
repair, recovery and reconstruction. In this context, the European Council welcomes the
operationalisation of the Donor Coordination Platform. The European Union, together
with partners,
is stepping up its work towards the use of Russia’s frozen
immobilised assets to support
Ukraine’s reconstruction and for the purposes of
reparation, in accordance with EU and international law.
The European Council also stresses the importance of psychological and psycho-social
support and rehabilitation, as well as of the reintegration of war veterans into active
social life. The European Union and its Member States will step up support for related
programmes, including through specialised expertise. The provision of demining
assistance will also be stepped up.
The European Union reiterates its commitment to reinforce support of displaced
persons, both in Ukraine and in the European Union, including through adequate and
flexible financial assistance to the Member States who carry the largest burden of
medical, education and living costs of refugees.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 29: Konklusioner fra det ekstraordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 09. februar 2023
9 February 2023
In the face of the new geopolitical reality, the European Union will act decisively to
ensure its long-term competitiveness, prosperity and role on the global stage. The
European Union will strengthen its strategic sovereignty and make its economic,
industrial and technological base fit for the green and digital transitions. It will deepen
the Single Market and ensure a level playing field both internally and globally.
It is essential for the European Union to enhance its long-term competitiveness and
productivity. A comprehensive strategy should further harness the full potential of the
Single Market, which
has underpinned Europe’s prosperity since its creation 30 years
ago. Recalling its December 2022 conclusions, notably its invitation to the Commission
to present a strategy at EU level to boost competitiveness and productivity, the
European Council will revert to these matters at its upcoming meeting.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 29: Konklusioner fra det ekstraordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 09. februar 2023
9 February 2023
Building on the Commission Communication on a Green Deal Industrial Plan for the
Net-Zero Age, and in light of its upcoming thorough analysis, work needs to be urgently
taken forward on the following strands of action:
State aid policy: procedures need to be made simpler, faster and more predictable,
and allow for targeted, temporary and proportionate support to be deployed
speedily, including via tax credits, in those sectors that are strategic for the green
transition and are adversely impacted by foreign subsidies or high energy prices.
A strong focus should also be placed on preserving the competitiveness of SMEs.
The integrity of and the level playing field in the Single Market must be
maintained. The European Council further calls for EU instruments, such as the
Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs), to be efficiently
implemented by increasing transparency and streamlining procedures, notably by
accelerating the design and assessment phases. The European Council invites the
Commission to regularly report to the Council on the impact of this State aid
on the Single Market as well as on the EU’s global competitiveness;
EU-level funding: at the same time, to facilitate the green transition across the
Union and to avoid fragmenting the Single Market, a fully effective EU policy
response requires fair access to financial means. To that end, existing EU funds
should be deployed in a more flexible manner, and options to facilitate access to
finance should be explored. The European Council invites the Commission and
the Council to ensure full mobilisation of available funding and existing financial
instruments, so as to provide timely and targeted support in strategic sectors
without affecting the cohesion policy objectives. In addition, the full potential of
the European Investment Bank should be exploited;
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9 February 2023
Regulatory environment: simple, predictable and clear framework conditions for
investment in the European Union are essential. Administrative and permitting
procedures should be simplified and fast-tracked, including to ensure
manufacturing capacity for products that are key to meet the EU’s climate
neutrality goals, taking into account the whole supply and value chain across
borders. Access to relevant critical raw materials should be ensured, including by
diversifying sourcing and by recycling raw materials to promote circular economy
principles. The upcoming reform of the electricity market design should support a
transition to a decarbonised and efficient energy system at the lowest possible
cost, ensure security of supply at any time and strengthen the
competitiveness. Public procurement rules should be modernised to help foster
greener industry and European standards promoted to facilitate the fast roll-out of
key technologies;
Skills: bolder, more ambitious action should be taken to further develop the skills
that are required for the green and digital transitions through education, training,
upskilling and reskilling to meet the challenges of labour shortages and the
transformation of jobs, including in the context of demographic challenges;
Investment: both private and public investment are needed to close investment
gaps that undermine growth. The European Council takes note of the
Commission’s intention to
propose a European Sovereignty Fund before summer
2023 to support investment in strategic sectors.
The Capital Markets Union is crucial for Europe to remain a continent of production
and innovation. The European Council calls on the co-legislators to accelerate the
implementation of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan by advancing and finalising
work on the legislative proposals in this area.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 29: Konklusioner fra det ekstraordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 09. februar 2023
9 February 2023
Pursuing an ambitious, robust, open and sustainable trade agenda and supporting the
WTO and a multilateral rules-based
system will be key to strengthening Europe’s
sovereignty and prosperity. To this end, fair and transparent free trade and investment
agreements should ensure a true level playing field, and should allow resilient and
reliable supply chains to develop and the European Union to access new markets.
Efforts to diversify supply chains should be stepped up, notably for critical raw
materials. The European Union must also safeguard its interests when facing unfair
practices, making use of trade defence instruments.
Taking into account the present conclusions, the European Council calls on the Council
and the Commission to swiftly advance work on the economic governance review.
The European Council discussed the migration situation, which is a European challenge
that requires a European response.
The European Council assessed the implementation of its past conclusions, aiming to
develop a comprehensive approach to migration which combines increased external
action, more effective control of EU external borders, and internal aspects, in
compliance with international law, EU principles and values, and the protection of
fundamental rights.
Building on the Commission’s recent
letter, the European Council
calls for immediate operational measures to be strengthened and accelerated.
The European Council calls on the Council and the Commission to closely monitor and
ensure the implementation of its conclusions, and will revert to the matter on a regular
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9 February 2023
Increased external action
The European Union will step up its action to prevent irregular departures and loss of
life, to reduce pressure on EU borders and on reception capacities, to fight against
smugglers and to increase returns. This will be done by intensifying cooperation with
countries of origin and transit through mutually beneficial partnerships. All migratory
routes should be covered, also with adequate resources.
Existing action plans for the Western Balkans and Central Mediterranean routes should
be implemented. Action plans for the Atlantic, Western and Eastern Mediterranean
routes should be presented by the Commission as a matter of priority, with a view to
quickly alleviating the pressure on the Member States most affected and effectively
preventing irregular arrivals.
EU and Member States’ engagement with countries of
origin and transit will be intensified in a coordinated manner, including through high-
level contacts, with the objective of strengthening their capacity for border
management, preventing irregular flows, breaking the business model of smugglers,
including through strategic information campaigns, and increasing returns. To this end,
the best possible use should be made of consultations in cooperation forums with third
countries, as well as of funding under NDICI Global Europe and under other relevant
instruments. The European Union will continue to support partners in addressing root
causes of irregular migration and regarding safe, regular and orderly migration.
Cooperation with international organisations, notably the IOM and UNHCR, is to be
further strengthened.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 29: Konklusioner fra det ekstraordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 09. februar 2023
9 February 2023
Visa policy alignment by neighbouring countries is of urgent and crucial importance for
migration management as well as for the overall good functioning and sustainability of
visa-free regimes where relevant. In this regard, the European Council emphasises that
the monitoring of neighbouring countries’ visa policies should be strengthened. The
European Council welcomes the progress made in EU visa policy alignment by the
Western Balkans partners and calls on them to swiftly take further steps. The European
Union is ready to deepen cooperation on migration, asylum, border management and
returns with the region, maximising the use of existing frameworks and available
Enhancing cooperation on returns and readmission
The European Council recalls the importance of a unified, comprehensive and effective
EU policy on return and readmission as well as of an integrated approach to
reintegration. Swift action is needed to ensure effective returns, from the European
Union and from third countries along the routes, to countries of origin and transit, using
as leverage all relevant EU policies, instruments and tools, including diplomacy,
development, trade and visas, as well as opportunities for legal migration. In this regard,
a ‘whole-of-government’ approach is needed both within Member States and within
institutions. The European Council invites the Commission and the Council to make full
use of the mechanism provided for by Article 25a of the Visa Code, including the
possibility of introducing restrictive visa measures in relation to third countries that do
not cooperate on returns. To speed up return procedures, the European Council also
invites Member States to recognise each
return decisions. It calls on the Asylum
Agency to provide guidance to increase the use of the concepts of safe third countries
and safe countries of origin. Member States are invited to make use of this guidance,
with a view to achieving a more coordinated approach, hence paving the way towards a
common EU list.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 29: Konklusioner fra det ekstraordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 09. februar 2023
9 February 2023
Control of EU external borders
The European Union remains determined to ensure effective control of its external land
and sea borders. The European Council welcomes the efforts by Member States in this
respect and:
affirms its full support for the European Border and Coast Guard Agency
(Frontex) in delivering on its core task, which is to support Member States in
protecting the external borders, fighting cross-border crime and stepping up
reiterates the importance of the Entry/Exit System and the European Travel
Information and Authorisation System becoming operational as soon as possible;
calls for the rapid conclusion of negotiations on new and revised Status
Agreements between the European Union and third countries on the deployment
of Frontex as part of the efforts to strengthen cooperation on border management
and migration;
calls on the Commission to fund measures by Member States that directly
contribute to the control of the EU external borders, such as the border
management pilot projects, as well as to the enhancement of the border control in
key countries on transit routes to the European Union;
calls on the Commission to immediately mobilise substantial EU funds and means
to support Member States in reinforcing border protection capabilities and
infrastructure, means of surveillance, including aerial surveillance, and
equipment. In this context, the European Council invites the Commission to
quickly finalise the European Integrated Border Management Strategy;
recognises the specificities of maritime borders, including as regards safeguarding
human lives, and underlines the need for reinforced cooperation regarding Search
and Rescue activities and, in that context, takes note of the relaunch of the
European Contact Group on Search and Rescue.
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9 February 2023
Fighting instrumentalisation, trafficking and smuggling
The European Council condemns attempts to instrumentalise migrants for political
purposes, particularly when used as leverage or as part of hybrid destabilising actions. It
calls on the Commission and the Council to take forward the work on relevant tools,
including possible measures against transport operators that engage in or facilitate
trafficking in persons or smuggling of migrants.
Through strong cooperation between Member States and with Europol, Frontex and
Eurojust, as well as with key partners, the fight against human trafficking and
smuggling of migrants will be further reinforced.
Data on migratory flows and situational awareness
The European Council calls on the Council and the Commission, with the support of
relevant EU agencies, to develop a common situational awareness, to improve
monitoring of data on reception capacities and on migratory flows and detect new
migratory trends more quickly, both into and within the European Union. It encourages
Member State authorities to request the support of EU agencies
including the Asylum
Agency and Frontex
to ensure that all migrants entering the European Union are
properly registered.
Pact on Migration and Asylum and related files
The European Council, in view of the progress achieved in 2022, calls on the co-
legislators to continue work on the Pact on Migration and Asylum, in accordance with
the Joint Roadmap, as well as on the revised Schengen Borders Code and the Return
Directive. The European Council takes note
of the Presidency’s intention to discuss the
implementation of the Dublin Roadmap as well as the effective EU engagement at the
external borders, including on the matter of operations by private entities, at the next
meeting of the JHA Council.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 29: Konklusioner fra det ekstraordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 09. februar 2023
9 February 2023
Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue
In the light of recent tensions in north Kosovo the European Council underlines the
urgent need for progress in the normalisation of relations between Kosovo
and Serbia
through the EU-facilitated dialogue, led by the High Representative.
The European Council welcomes the recent European proposal to put the relationship
between both parties on a new and sustainable basis as a historic chance that should be
seized by both parties, including with a view to realising their European perspective.
The European Council urges both parties to implement, fully and without conditions,
the obligations they committed to in the framework of the dialogue, including the
agreements from the years 2013 and 2015 to create an Association/Community of Serb
Majority Municipalities.
Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria
Following the tragic earthquake on 6 February 2023, the European Council extends its
deepest condolences to the victims, and stands in solidarity with the people of Türkiye
and Syria.
In the immediate aftermath of this tragedy and as a demonstration of
the Union’s
unwavering solidarity, over 1 600 rescuers were deployed to Türkiye. The European
Council reaffirms the Union’s readiness
to provide further assistance to alleviate the
suffering in all affected regions. The European Council welcomes the initiative of the
Swedish Presidency and the Commission to host a Donors’ Conference to mobilise
funds from the international community in support of the people of Türkiye and Syria in
Brussels in March.
This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR
1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence
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UPN, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 29: Konklusioner fra det ekstraordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 09. februar 2023
9 February 2023
The European Council calls on all to ensure humanitarian access to the victims of the
earthquake in Syria irrespective of where they are. The European Union and its Member
States have mobilised additional resources to support humanitarian efforts. It calls on
the humanitarian community, under the auspices of the United Nations, to ensure the
speedy delivery of aid.
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