Udvalget for Landdistrikter og Øer 2022-23 (2. samling)
ULØ Alm.del Bilag 53
Oto Weniger [mailto:[email protected]]
På vegne af
Czech Embassy Copenhagen
21. marts 2023 16:03
Mikkel Bjerregaard <[email protected]>; Nanna Grothe-Werge <[email protected]>;
Linda Kubasiak Johansen <[email protected]>
Radek Pech <[email protected]>
Czech Parliament - Chamber of Deputies - visit of Poblic administration and regional development
committee delegation - 25 May 2023
Committee on Digitalisation and IT
Domestic Affairs Committee
Housing Committee
Rural Districts and Islands Committee
Dear colleagues,
Based on the operative communication so far, the Embassy of the Czech
Republic in Copenhagen has the honour to confirm that a working visit of a
delegation from the Public administration and regional development
committee of the Czech Parliament´s Chamber of Deputies will take place
between 22 and 26 May 2023.
The comprehensive programme of the delegation will include meetings with
relevant government bodies and with local administration representatives in
Denmark´s regions.
However, the main aim of the visit is an open exchange of views and best
practices with counterparts in the Danish Parliament. The delegation would
therefore appreciate the possibility of a joint meeting with representatives of
the above listed Committees of the Folketinget.
Bearing in mind the expressed preference on the Folketinget side, we would
like to propose Thursday 25 May 2023 from 10:15 for the meeting of
delegations in Christiansborg.
The topics for the meeting should include, but don´t have to be necessarily
limited to digitalisation (e-government, digitalisation in rural areas), affordable
housing, distribution of the wealt between regions, revitalisation of rural areas
and cities, acceleration of the construction approval process and
rationalization of local government system on municipality level. We are of
course open to suggestion of other topics of interest from the Danish side.
Kind regards
ULØ, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 53: Henvendelse af 21/3-23 fra den tjekkiske ambassade i Danmark vedr. møde med et udvalg fra det tjekkiske parlament d. 25/5-23 kl. 10:15-12:00 på Christiansborg
Oto Weniger
Zástupce velvyslance
Deputy Head of Mission
Velvyslanectví ČR
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Ryvangs Allé 14-16
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Kingdom of Denmark
tel.: +45 3910 1812
mobile: +45 2818 3272
[email protected]
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