Transportudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
TRU Alm.del Bilag 223
28. april 2022
Frederiksholms Kanal 27 F
1220 København K
Telefon 41 71 27 00
Transportudvalget har i brev af 4. april 2022 stillet mig følgende
spørgsmål (TRU alm. del), som jeg hermed skal besvare. Spørgs-
målet er stillet efter ønske fra Hans Christian Schmidt (V).
Spørgsmål nr. 412:
Vil ministeren oplyse, om der har været foretaget en konkret
granskning af banelyssagen af Det Europæiske Luftfartssikker-
hedsagenturs (EASA), der har muliggjort, at EASA’s eksperter har
kunnet lavet en så klar konklusion, som det fremgår af transport-
ministerens nyhed ”EASA finder ikke fejl i sagerne om løsrevne ba-
nelys i Københavns Lufthavn” af 17. december 2021
loesrevne-banelys-ikoebenhavns-lufthavn)? Og kan ministeren
fremlægge dokumentation herfor, f.eks. i form af en rapport fra
EASA, hvor EASA’s eksperter blåstempler de substantielle spørgs-
mål i lufthavnens og Trafikstyrelsens håndtering af banelyssagen,
eller er der alene tale om et brev fra EASA’s afdelingschef Jesper
Rasmussen som svar til ministerens departementschef?
Trafikstyrelsen har i forbindelse med besvarelse af en aktindsigts-
anmodning været i dialog med EASA’s omkring offentliggørelse af
dele af EASAs endelige rapport fra december 2021 omkring den
samlede inspektion af Trafikstyrelsens flyvepladsområde.
I denne forbindelse oplyste EASA, at den samlede rapport fortsat
er underlagt fortrolighed, men at den del af rapporten som om-
handler banelyssagen kunne udleveres. Transportordførerne blev
oplyst herom på mail af 1. februar 2022, dog blev det relevante ud-
drag af rapporten ikke medsendt i forbindelse med orienteringen.
EASAs vurdering af banelyssagen fremgår af side 13-14 i rapporten
fra december 2021 og EASA skriver følgende:
“3.10 Additional relevant information
TRU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 223: Brev af 11/6-23 til udvalget vedrørende EASAs tilsynsrapport om Københavns Lufthavn
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Already in March 2021, EASA had received a letter from the Dan-
ish Ministry of Transport in which they were asking EASA to con-
duct the standardisation inspection of Denmark earlier than ini-
tially planned, and especially it was requested to assess the per-
formance of the DCARA and the aerodrome operator with regard
to specific occurrences reported at Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup
during the years 2018 and 2019. The occurrences were about FOD
identified in different parts of the manoeuvring area of the aero-
drome. These FOD items were related to the Aeronautical Ground
Lighting (AGL) system used at the aerodrome.
The Agency responded positively to the request in the letter and
committed itself to further assess the FOD events during the
standardisation inspection. It was also highlighted that EASA’s
mandate in the ADR domain does not allow to go beyond as-
sessing the DCARA compliance with the EU regulations. Due to
continuing COVID-19 restrictions in spring and summer, the date
of the inspection was not changed forward but took place as
Because this inspection was the first comprehensive standardisa-
tion inspection of Denmark in the ADR domain, it was important
not to compromise the scope of the inspection itself and instead, to
integrate the case of the FOD occurrences with their major con-
tributing areas (e.g. SMS, maintenance programme, FOD pro-
gramme etc.) into the regular standardisation activity.
During the standardisation inspection, the FOD case was investi-
gated by EASA through the standard working methods used for
EASA’s standardisation inspections and was discussed with
DCARA and Copenhagen Airports A/S with focus on the relevant
requirements of the aerodrome regulation (Reg. (EU) 139/2014)
but also having in mind the general process for the handling of
and reaction to occurrences and identified safety issues described
in Regulation (EU) 376/2014.
While pursuing this approach the inspection team did not identify
any significant issues regarding the performance of DCARA
and/or the aerodrome operator related to the specific FOD cases
which happened in 2018 and 2019 at Copenhagen Airport.
The DCARA is invited to take due note of the observations in-
cluded in the specific Critical Elements paragraphs above for fur-
ther improvement, even if they are not classified as findings.”
TRU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 223: Brev af 11/6-23 til udvalget vedrørende EASAs tilsynsrapport om Københavns Lufthavn
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Trine Bramsen