Retsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
REU Alm.del Bilag 262
Commissioner Johansson
Ministry of Justice
Date: 4. august 2023
Dear Commissioner Johansson,
As stated in our notification of 14 April 2023 regarding temporary rein-
troduction of border control at the Danish internal borders the border control
may extend to all internal borders, including land, sea and air borders
whereby the specific border sections and border crossing points are determined
by the Danish National Police. As also stated in the notification the border con-
trols will focus on the Danish-German land border, and the Danish ports with
ferry connection to Germany and border control has thus not in the time period
covered by the notification so far been carried out at other border crossings
including the Danish-Swedish border crossings.
With reference hereto please be informed that as of 3 august 2023 and for
the time being until 10 august 2023 the border control may be extended to
all internal borders. Hence, the border controls will in this period not be
limited to focus on the Danish-German land border and the Danish ports
with ferry connection to Germany.
The decision to increase control at the internal borders is based on rec-
ommendations from the Danish Security and Intelligence Service. Thus, the
assessment indicates that recent events in Denmark, where individuals have
burned the Quran, have attracted substantial negative attention from various
sources, including Islamic militant groups, environments and individuals in
foreign countries. The assessment indicates that this heightened attention
presents a real uncertainty in the threat landscape, with an increased risk that
individuals posing a security threat to national security, may be among trav-
elers entering Denmark. Consequently, the Danish National Police finds it
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