OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling (OSCE) Alm. del

Samling: 2022-23 (2. samling)

Bilag 33

Highlights: Call for Action - Helsinki +50 Central Asia Seminar "The Role of Neutral States in Strengthening Security, Stability and Dialogue in the OSCE Area", 16 May 2023, Ashgabat
Emne: høringer og konferencer


Dokumentdato: 25-05-2023
Modtaget: 25-05-2023
Omdelt: 25-05-2023

Highlights: Call for Action - Helsinki +50 Central Asia Seminar "The Role of Neutral States in Strengthening Security, Stability and Dialogue in the OSCE Area", 16 May 2023, Ashgabat

Highlights - Call for Action - Helsinki +50 Seminar in Ashgabat - 16 May 2023 (pdf-version)