OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2022-23 (2. samling)
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 21
Friday 24 February 2023
Call to Order
The meeting was opened at 14:08 with the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Ms
Margareta CEDERFELT, in the Chair.
Mr Petr TOLSTOY (Russian Federation) was called to order by the Chair for disturbing proceedings
(Rule 9.2).
The adoption of the draft agenda was objected to. The Standing Committee voted. The agenda was
Mr Andrei SAVINYKH (Belarus) took the floor.
Reports on Activities of the OSCE PA
The PRESIDENT addressed the Standing Committee.
Speakers: Dr Hedy FRY (Canada), Mr Mark PRITCHARD (United Kingdom), Mr Pascal
ALLIZARD (France), Ms Paula CARDOSO (Portugal), Mr Dan BARNA (Romania), Mr Rihards
KOLS (Latvia), Ms Barbara BARTUS (Poland), Mr Petr TOLSTOY (Russian Federation), Ms Farah
KARIMI (Netherlands), Ms Irene CHARALAMBIDES (Cyprus), Mr Azay GULIYEV (Azerbaijan),
Dr Daniela DE RIDDER (Germany).
The SECRETARY GENERAL, Mr Roberto Montella, responded to comments.
Address by Special Guest of the President, Ms. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya
Ms. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya addressed the Standing Committee.
Report of the OSCE PA Treasurer
The TREASURER, Mr Peter Juel-Jensen (Denmark), presented his report, and in accordance with
Rule 41.3, also presented the audited accounts of the Assembly for the 29
financial year.
Speakers: Mr Malik BEN ACHOUR (Belgium), Ms Farah KARIMI (Netherlands), Ms Irene
The TREASURER responded to comments.
Report of the OSCE PA Secretary General
The SECRETARY GENERAL, Mr Roberto Montella, presented his report.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 21: Minutes from the Meeting of the Standing Committee, Friday 24 February 2023
Speakers: Mr Ben CARDIN (USA), Mr Johan BUSER (Sweden), Mr Pere Joan PONS
(Spain), Ms Siv MOSSIETH (Norway).
Reports on Election Observation Missions
Mr Pere Joan PONS (Spain), Vice-President of the OSCE PA and Special Representative on the
South Caucasus, presented his report.
Speaker: Mr Ben CARDIN (USA)
Report by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism
Mr Reinhold LOPATKA (Austria), Vice-President of the OSCE PA and Chair of the Ad Hoc
Committee on Countering Terrorism, presented his report.
Mr Pascal ALLIZARD (France), Vice-President of the OSCE PA and Chair of the Sub-Committee
on Rules of Procedure, presented his report.
Report by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Migration
Mr Mark PRITCHARD (United Kingdom), Vice-President of the OSCE PA and Chair of the Ad
Hoc Committee on Migration, presented his report.
Reports by OSCE PA Special Representatives
Mr Ben CARDIN (USA), Special Representative on Anti-Semitism, Racism and Intolerance,
presented his report.
Dr Hedy FRY (Canada), Special Representative on Gender Issues, presented her report.
Ms Irene CHARALAMBIDES (Cyprus), Vice-President of the OSCE PA and Special
Representative on Fighting Corruption, presented her report.
Mr Oscar MINA (San Marino), Special Representative on Disinformation, Fake News and
Propaganda, presented his report.
Ms Farah KARIMI (Netherlands), Special Representative on Youth Engagement, presented her
Mr Kyriakos HADJIYIANNI (Cyprus), Special Representative on Civil Society Engagement,
presented his report.
Mr Pascal ALLIZARD (France), Vice-President of the OSCE PA and Special Representative on
Mediterranean Affairs, presented his report.
Dr Daniela DE RIDDER (Germany) Special Representative on Eastern Europe, presented her report.
Mr Michael Georg LINK (Germany) Vice-President of the OSCE PA and Special Representative on
South East Europe, presented his report.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 21: Minutes from the Meeting of the Standing Committee, Friday 24 February 2023
Reports on Preparations for future OSCE PA meetings in 2023
The PRESIDENT informed the Standing Committee that a meeting of the Bureau would take place
in Copenhagen on 23rd and 24th April, that the Thirtieth Annual Session of the OSCE PA would
meet 30th June – 4th July in Vancouver, that the venue for the Autumn Meeting had yet to be set,
and that a further meeting of the Bureau would be held on 30th November in Skopje.
Close of Meeting
The PRESIDENT closed the meeting at 16:40.