NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2022-23 (2. samling), Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2022-23 (2. samling)
NPA Alm.del Bilag 10, UPN Alm.del Bilag 99
15-16 June 2023
Policy Brief
110 SPE 23 E | Original: English | June 2023
This Policy Brief is presented for information only and does not
represent the official view of the Assembly.
NPA, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 10: Meeting of NATO Ministers Defence, 15-16 June 2023
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15-16 JUNE 2023:
NATO Defence Ministers met in Brussels on 15 and 16 June to prepare for the Vilnius
Summit. The meeting was preceded by a meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group
and a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the level of Defence Ministers, also
attended by the Swedish Defence Minister and the EU High Representative/Vice President.
Ministers also held a meeting of the Nuclear Planning Group. In addition, they met for an
informal exchange with representatives of defence industries from across the Alliance.
Stepping up and sustaining support to Ukraine
Strengthening NATO’s Deterrence and Defence, including new regional plans,
building up capabilities and production and a renewed Defence Investment Pledge
Nuclear aspects of the current security environment and the ongoing adaptation of
NATO’s nuclear deterrence
NATO is working to establish a
NATO-Ukraine Council,
with a stated aim to hold the first
meeting with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy at the Vilnius Summit
As part of the strengthening of deterrence and defence,
Ministers agreed a new
rotational model for air and missile defence.
They agreed
a substantial increase in capability targets for battle-decisive
They also agreed
the creation of a new NATO Maritime Centre for the Security of
Critical Undersea Infrastructure
at Allied Maritime Command Northwood.
Additional notes:
In parallel to the ministerial, high-level representatives of Türkiye, Finland, Sweden and
NATO were meeting in Ankara to take stock of progress regarding
Sweden’s accession
to NATO.
Answering questions from journalists, Jens Stoltenberg reiterated he did not seek an
extension of his term as
Secretary General.
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NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) met on the first day
of the ministerial and
addressed further steps to be taken at the Vilnius Summit to support Ukraine. The NUC
meeting brought together Allied defence ministers with their Ukrainian counterpart as well as
the Swedish defence minister and the EU High Representative/Vice President. It was
preceded by a
meeting of the US-led Contact Group for Ukraine.
Ukraine’s counteroffensive,
the Secretary General noted that “Ukrainian forces
have stepped up operations along the front line, and are making progress – but they face
tough terrain, dug-in Russian troops, and fierce fighting”. He also highlighted that the support
NATO Allies have been giving to Ukraine was making a difference on the battlefield and
stressed that “the more gains Ukraine makes, the stronger their hand will be at the negotiating
table. The more gains Ukraine makes, the more likely it will be that President Putin realises
he cannot win on the battlefield but has to negotiate a just peace.”
The Secretary General underlined that
increasing support for Ukraine remains crucial.
welcomed new announcements from Allies, including the initiative led by the Netherlands and
Denmark to start training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets and, together with the United
Kingdom and the United States, to deliver short- and medium-range air defence missiles.
Addressing NATO’s own assistance, Secretary General Stoltenberg welcomed that Allies
have so far made contributions and commitments amounting to EUR 500 million to
Comprehensive Assistance Package.
NATO is also working on a
multi-year package of
with substantial funding to be adopted at the Summit. This package will help Ukraine
to move from Soviet-era to NATO standards, doctrines, and equipment and to be fully
interoperable with NATO.
Following up on the informal Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Oslo earlier in June, NATO Defence
Ministers also discussed
the way forward for Ukraine.
The Secretary General laid out three
strands of discussions:
Comprehensive Assistance Package and the multi-year programme help move
Ukraine closer to NATO in practical military terms,
he noted.
Ministers also discussed new ways to
support Ukraine politically:
they agreed to
finalise work to establish
a NATO-Ukraine Council,
where Ukraine and Allies will
and decide on security issues on an equal basis.
Explaining the difference between the
current commission and a future council, the Secretary General noted: “a Commission, that's
the Allies meeting one partner. So in the NATO-Ukraine Commission, we meet 31 Allies with
Ukraine. We don't make decisions, we don't have structures. It's a platform to consult with a
partner.” The Council in turn “will be the 31 Allies and Ukraine sitting around the same table
at equal terms. And it will be also a body that can make decisions and we can also have
deeper structures under subcommittees and so on.” The Secretary General noted that
would work towards holding the first meeting of the new Council in Vilnius, with
President Zelenskyy.
As a third element,
Ministers discussed the
issue of Ukraine’s future membership.
Summarising Allied consensus, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg stated that: “We all
agree that
Ukraine has already moved closer to NATO over the past decade.
We agree
NATO's door is open.
Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance.
And that
it is a decision for Allies and Ukraine to make. Russia does not have a veto.”
questions from journalists, the NATO Secretary General noted: “we're not going to discuss an
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invitation at the Vilnius Summit, but how we can move Ukraine closer to NATO. And I'm
confident that we will find a good solution and consensus at the Vilnius Summit on how to be
able to move Ukraine closer to NATO.”
Addressing the issue of
future security arrangements for Ukraine,
the NATO Secretary
General stated: “We do not know when this war ends. But when it does, we need to put in
place a framework that ensures Ukraine's future security. And make sure that history does
not repeat itself.” He noted that
NATO’s multi-year assistance package,
which aimed to
assist Ukraine to transition away from Soviet equipment and doctrine,
was one part of that
“we need to fulfill or to implement this big transition and that's a task of NATO, pointing
towards a future where we have a much stronger Ukraine.”
As a second layer, he noted
“there are also individual NATO Allies, which are discussing bilateral arrangements
with Ukraine
that will underpin this same goal, different types of security assurances,
frameworks and also to ensure that Ukraine for a long term receives the weapons, the systems
they need to defend themselves. And all of this is, of course, with a clear aim to prevent that
when this war ends, that we do not only see that Russia rests, reconstitutes, reallocates and
then again attacks Ukraine.”
In response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Allies decided
reinforce the four existing multinational battlegroups in the eastern part of the Alliance
add four more.
Allies are also working to
preposition more arms and equipment,
well as
step up readiness and exercises,
to remain prepared for any potential threat.
At the Vilnius Summit,
Allies are expected to take steps to further strengthen deterrence
and defence.
Ministers reviewed
new regional plans for NATO
which are expected to be agreed at the
Vilnius Summit. These introduce changes in NATO’s planning not seen since the Cold War.
The Secretary General explained the new plans as follows: “We will have specific forces linked
to specific tasks. They will exercise more focussed to protect specific territories of NATO, so
there will be a much closer link between plans, capabilities and exercises and dedicated forces
to fulfil specific tasks in our collective defence. And, of course, it will require more forces on
high readiness, and also therefore more resources.” “As a result, NATO will have over
300,000 troops on high readiness, backed by substantial air and maritime capabilities to
defend every inch of Allied territory against any threat”, Mr Stoltenberg added.
Ministers further agreed a
new rotational model for air and missile defence
that will ensure
that resources are used in the most effective way and that the Alliance can transition smoothly
from air policing to air defence.
Capability needs and the need to ramp up the production of equipment
were other key
topics. Defence Ministers held an informal exchange with representatives of defence
companies from across the Alliance to discuss shortages in ammunition and weapons supplies
and how to increase production, secure supply chains and remove barriers to cooperation.
Ministers also reviewed
a new NATO Defence Production Action Plan
to be agreed at the
Vilnius Summit. The plan aims to rapidly address shortfalls in Allied stocks with concrete
measures to aggregate demand, boost capacity and increase interoperability and
interchangeability. It will also enhance the interoperability of Allied ammunition and equipment
and support the transatlantic defence and industrial base. The Action Plan builds on
USD 1 billion in joint procurement just for 155mm ammunition underway this year by the NATO
Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA).
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Following an exceptional review, Ministers also agreed to substantially
increase capability
targets for battle-decisive ammunition
for both Allied needs and assistance to Ukraine, as
well as to
step up work on standardisation.
defence spending,
Allies are in the process of agreeing on a
renewed Defence
Investment Pledge
for the Vilnius Summit, the Secretary General noted. He expected Allied
leaders to agree for the 2% of GDP target to become a floor, not a ceiling and for the new
pledge to be stronger, enduring and to come into effect immediately.
Defence Ministers agreed to establish
a new NATO Maritime Centre for the Security of
Critical Undersea Infrastructure within MARCOM,
the NATO Maritime Command in the
UK. “The Centre will increase our situational awareness and enhance maritime presence for
deterrence and defence,” Stoltenberg said. It will “bring together different Allies to share
information, share best practices, and to be able to react if something abnormal happens and
then also to ensure that the private sector and the government, the nations are working
together”, he noted.
During the Ministerial meeting,
Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany and Luxembourg joined
NATO’s Multinational Ammunition Warehousing Initiative (MAWI).
This brings the list of
MAWI participants to 23 Allies, together with invitee Sweden, as well as the NATO Support
and Procurement Agency. MAWI plays a key role for enabling the pre-positioning of adequate
munition stockpiles in support of NATO’s multinational battlegroups on the Alliance’s eastern
Nuclear aspects of the current security environment and the ongoing adaptation of
NATO’s nuclear deterrence
In the context of the Ministerial meeting, the Nuclear Planning Group discussed how to
continue to ensure that NATO’s nuclear deterrence remains safe, secure and effective in a
more dangerous world.
Secretary General Stoltenberg noted that “Russia has continued its reckless nuclear rhetoric
as part of its war against Ukraine. It has suspended the implementation of the New START
Treaty. And has announced its intention to deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus.” In addition,
“Iran and North Korea continue their nuclear and missile development programmes (...) At the
same time, China continues its rapid and opaque nuclear expansion.” “These challenges are
of great concern to NATO”, Stoltenberg said, adding that NATO continued to adapt its nuclear
deterrence to the changing security environment.
Asked repeatedly about
Russia’s plans to deploy nuclear weapons to Belarus,
Secretary General noted that “we take it seriously when Russia has announced they will
deploy nuclear weapons to Belarus. We have seen some preparations going on. We will
monitor closely what they are doing and we will remain vigilant.” He also noted this was part
of a broader pattern of nuclear messaging, modernisation and posturing by Russia over a
longer period. At the same time, he stressed that: “So far, we haven't seen any changes in the
Russian nuclear posture, deployments, which requires any changes in our posture, but we will
constantly assess what to do, and this was also one of the issues discussed in the Nuclear
Planning Group today".
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Sweden’s accession to NATO
At the same time as the ministerial meeting, high-level officials of
Türkiye, Sweden, Finland
and NATO met in Ankara in the framework of the Permanent Joint Mechanism.
about the outcome of this meeting, the Secretary General noted that it “did not, of course,
solve all the remaining issues, but it happened and was conducted in a constructive
atmosphere.” He reiterated his view that “actually Sweden has delivered. And that's also the
message from Allies, most Allies in the meeting today, that Sweden is ready to be ratified”,
while noting that “we need to realize that Türkiye has some legitimate security concerns. No
other NATO Ally has suffered more terrorist attacks.” The Secretary General concluded that:
"It is possible to get Sweden in by the Vilnius Summit. I cannot guarantee you that that will
happen. But I'm still working hard to ensure the accession of Sweden as soon as possible.”
NATO Secretary General
Asked repeatedly by journalists whether he would consider staying beyond the planned end
of his mandate, Jens Stoltenberg reiterated that “I have stated again and again that I don't
seek extension and there are no other plans than to end my work and my tenure ends this