Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
MOF Alm.del Bilag 505
Croatian Parliament, Zagreb, 25 September 2023
Marking the tenth anniversary of Croatia’s
membership in the European Union,
the Agriculture
Committee of the Croatian Parliament is organizing an inter-parliamentary Conference aimed
at reviewing the importance and value of the instruments of the
Common Agricultural Policy
and this policy’s influence
on the competitiveness of agriculture in the member states,
on the preservation of rural areas, on generational renewal and on sustainable use of natural
resources. This review will be based on the implementation of the CAP achieved thus far and
on the new rules that the member states have incorporated into their national
CAP Strategic
as well as on the experiences, good practices and challenges that the CAP brings to the
EU member states. With this in mind, we have selected for the Conference three topics relevant
for the future of European agriculture, wishing to offer an opportunity to the representatives of
the competent working bodies of national parliaments of the EU member states and of the
countries of the Alps-Adriatic-Danube region that are not members of the EU to present their
views thereon.
The first debate will focus on the challenges and opportunities of the CAP in the context of
implementing national CAP Strategic Plans. CAP Strategic Plans opened up the opportunity of
creating activities and measures aligned with the specific needs of the member states, but also
imposed strict climatic and environmental requirements on the creators of the plans and farmers.
Against the backdrop of current geopolitical developments, high prices of energy and
agricultural inputs and market conditions, the debate will be an opportunity to exchange views,
positive experiences and limitations faced by the stakeholders of the European agricultural
sector. We see this Conference as an opportunity for representatives of national parliaments to
jointly consider the specific challenges faced by their farmers and rural areas, and to exchange
experiences, good practices and limitations, so that planning in the new programming period
can be as effective as possible.
The second debate will deal with the
Declaration of the Croatian Parliament on the Alps-
Adriatic-Danube Region GMO-Free Zone
and the Initiative by which the Republic of Croatia
invited the countries of the Alps-Adria-Danube region to take decisions at the national level to
support the implementation of the activities conducive to maintaining the Alps-Adria-Danube
region GMO-free. Among other benefits, this directly contributes to the achievement of the
goals of the European Green Deal. The discussion will also cover the European Commission’s
proposals for new regulations concerning
plants obtained by new genomic techniques
and the
production and marketing of plant reproductive material in the European Union.
The debate
will thus centre on the impact that these proposals will have on the sustainability of agricultural
and food systems, the sustainable use of production resources, the security of food supply,
environment, biodiversity and consumer safety.
In the third debate, the participants will exchange opinions on the potential of direct
participation of national parliaments in the creation of European policies, particularly in the
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 505: Invitation fra det kroatiske parlaments landbrugsudvalg til interparlamentarisk konference: “Contribution of national parliaments to improving the Common Agricultural Policy, d. 25/9-2023 i Zagreb
framework of political dialogue with the European Commission. In this regard, the Agriculture
Committee of the Croatian Parliament initiated political dialogues with the European
Commission on the need to regulate the shelf life of frozen meat on the internal market of the
European Union and on the need to introduce support per bee colony with the intention of
valuating the pollination role of bees. In addition, during the energy crisis and the drastic
increase in gas prices, the Committee pointed out the importance of supporting the
industry/producers of mineral fertilizers, all with the intention of preserving the viability of
mineral fertilizer production in the European Union. In this sense, we encourage participants to
send us the initiatives that they have launched or are launching through political dialogue with
the European Commission or through national institutions with the intention of pointing out
issues that need to be regulated at the European level in the coming period within the framework
of the Common Agricultural Policy. For more detailed information on the delivery of initiatives,
please refer to the CroAgroConf Practical Information.