Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
MOF Alm.del Bilag 356
Nature Restoration Regulation: improving the effectiveness of
implementation with a clear legislation
Nordic forest owners welcome the objective to contribute to the recovery of biodiverse and resilient
nature across the EU also through well-targeted and cost-effective restoration. Forestry are livelihoods
that are based directly on natural resources and ecosystem services, and thus, the good condition of
nature is crucial for us.
Despite the important objective of the proposed legislation on Nature Restoration presented by the EU
Commission in June 2022, Nordic forest owners are concerned about the development of the positions
in both the EU Council and the EU Parliament regarding the Nature Restoration Law (NRL).
The Nordic Family Forestry Alliance would like to put forward the following priorities for the EU
Member States and EU Parliamentarians as they prepare for finalization of the position on NRL:
1) Increase ambition and focus on ecosystems that need restoration the most
align with CBD
(Article 1)
The focus of the EU Biodiversity Strategy as well as many global efforts on ecosystem restoration,
including the CBD, is on restoration of degraded ecosystems. These are ecosystems that have lost their
capacity to provide essential ecosystem services, including productive function, and hence are in most
need of restoration. The ambition of the legislation should be raised to be aligned with CBD Kunming-
Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework which is restoration efforts on 30% by 2030. The high
ambition needs to be supported by making the other core parts of the legislation clearer.
amending in Article 1(b)
Achieving the Union’s overarching objectives concerning
sustainable development,
climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation,
as well as energy
and food security;
amending Article 1(2):
This Regulation establishes a
within which Member States shall put in place,
without delay, effective and area-based restoration measures which together shall cover,
by 2030, at least
% of the Union’s land and sea areas and, by 2050, all ecosystems
need of restoration.