Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
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ADOPTED: 19 January 2023
doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.7822
SARS-CoV-2 in animals: susceptibility of animal species, risk
for animal and public health, monitoring, prevention and
EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW),
Søren Saxmose Nielsen, Julio Alvarez, Dominique Joseph Bicout, Paolo Calistri,

Elisabetta Canali, Julian Ashley Drewe, Bruno Garin-Bastuji, Jose Luis Gonzales Rojas,

Christian Gortazar, Mette Herskin, Virginie Michel, Miguel Angel Miranda Chueca,
Barbara Padalino, Paolo Pasquali, Helen Clare Roberts, Hans Spoolder, Antonio Velarde,
Arvo Viltrop, Christoph Winckler, Cornelia Adlhoch, Inmaculada Aznar, Francesca Baldinelli,
Anette Boklund, Alessandro Broglia, Nora Gerhards, Lina Mur, Priyanka Nannapaneni and
Karl St

The epidemiological situation of SARS-CoV-2 in humans and animals is continually evolving. To date,
animal species known to transmit SARS-CoV-2 are American mink, raccoon dog, cat, ferret, hamster,
house mouse, Egyptian fruit bat, deer mouse and white-tailed deer. Among farmed animals, American
mink have the highest likelihood to become infected from humans or animals and further transmit
SARS-CoV-2. In the EU, 44 outbreaks were reported in 2021 in mink farms in seven MSs, while only six
in 2022 in two MSs, thus representing a decreasing trend. The introduction of SARS-CoV-2 into mink
farms is usually via infected humans; this can be controlled by systematically testing people entering
farms and adequate biosecurity. The current most appropriate monitoring approach for mink is the
outbreak confirmation based on suspicion, testing dead or clinically sick animals in case of increased
mortality or positive farm personnel and the genomic surveillance of virus variants. The genomic
analysis of SARS-CoV-2 showed mink-specific clusters with a potential to spill back into the human
population. Among companion animals, cats, ferrets and hamsters are those at highest risk of SARS-
CoV-2 infection, which most likely originates from an infected human, and which has no or very low
impact on virus circulation in the human population. Among wild animals (including zoo animals),
mostly carnivores, great apes and white-tailed deer have been reported to be naturally infected by
SARS-CoV-2. In the EU, no cases of infected wildlife have been reported so far. Proper disposal of
human waste is advised to reduce the risks of spill-over of SARS-CoV-2 to wildlife. Furthermore,
contact with wildlife, especially if sick or dead, should be minimised. No specific monitoring for wildlife
is recommended apart from testing hunter-harvested animals with clinical signs or found-dead. Bats
should be monitored as a natural host of many coronaviruses.
2023 European Food Safety Authority.
EFSA Journal
published by Wiley-VCH GmbH on behalf of
European Food Safety Authority.
SARS-CoV-2, mink, wildlife, public health, monitoring, prevention, control
European Commission
Question number:
[email protected]
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
18314732, 2023, 2, Downloaded from by Royal Danish Library, Wiley Online Library on [15/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Panel members:
Saxmose Nielsen, Julio Alvarez, Dominique Joseph Bicout, Paolo Calistri, Elisabetta

Canali, Julian Ashley Drewe, Bruno Garin-Bastuji, Jose Luis Gonzales Rojas, Christian Gortazar, Mette

Herskin, Virginie Michel, Miguel Angel Miranda Chueca, Barbara Padalino, Paolo Pasquali, Helen Clare
Roberts, Hans Spoolder, Karl St

Antonio Velarde, Arvo Viltrop and Christoph Winckler.
Declarations of interest:
If you wish to access the declaration of interests of any expert
contributing to an EFSA scientific assessment, please contact
[email protected].
The Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of EFSA wishes to thank the following
for the support provided to this scientific output:
Verena Oswaldi, Anna Karagiannis, Marzia Gnocchi, trainees at BIOHAW Unit of EFSA; Erik Alm,
Maja Vukovikj, Diamantis Plachouras, Kate Olsson (European Center for Disease Prevention and
Control, ECDC); Member State representatives who provided data about SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks and
monitoring: Finland: Riikka-Elina Lahdenpera, Terhi Laaksonen and Ari Kauppinen (Finnish Food
Authority); Greece: Sokratis Perdikaris (Ministry of Rural Development and Food); Italy: Andrea
Maroni Ponti, Luigi Ruocco (General Directorate of animal health, Ministry of Health); Latvia: Edvins
Olsevskis (Food and Veterinary Service); Lithuania:- Marius Masiulis, Paulius Bu

auskas and Vilija

Grigaliuniene (Emergency Response Division, State Food and Veterinary Service); Poland: Agnieszka

Warda and Anna Hoffman (General Veterinary Inspectorate) and Katarzyna Domanska-Blicharz

(National Veterinary Research Institute); Spain: Luis Jose Romero Gonzalez, German Caceres
Garrido, Sergio Bonilla Garc

(Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food); Sweden: Emelie
Pettersson and Siamak Zohari (National Veterinary Institute, SVA). Noemi Garcia del Blanco, Ewa
Shaw, Alberto Contreras Fuentetaja, Jordi Torren (EMA, European Medicine Agency, Amsterdam);
One Health European Joint Programme, project COVRIN. European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research
and Innovation programme, grant agreement No 773830; Joanna Korpela and Jussi Peura from
Fur Farming in Finland.
Suggested citation:
EFSA AHAW Panel (EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare), Nielsen

SS, Alvarez J, Bicout DJ, Calistri P, Canali E, Drewe JA, Garin-Bastuji B, Gonzales Rojas JL, Gortazar C,
Herskin M, Michel M, Miranda Chueca MA, Padalino B, Pasquali P, Roberts HC, Spoolder H, Velarde A,
Viltrop A, Winckler C, Adlhoch C, Aznar I, Baldinelli F, Boklund A, Broglia A, Gerhards N, Mur L,
Nannapaneni P and St

K, 2023. SARS-CoV-2 in animals: susceptibility of animal species, risk for
animal and public health, monitoring, prevention and control. EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822, 108 pp.
2023 European Food Safety Authority.
EFSA Journal
published by Wiley-VCH GmbH on behalf of
European Food Safety Authority.
This is an open access article under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs
which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and no
modifications or adaptations are made.
EFSA may include images or other content for which it does not hold copyright. In such cases, EFSA
indicates the copyright holder and users should seek permission to reproduce the content from the
original source.
The EFSA Journal is a publication of the European Food Safety
Authority, a European agency funded by the European Union.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Since the entry into force of the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/788 laying down
the monitoring measures in the EU for mink, other animals of the family
and raccoon dog,
the epidemiological situation and scientific knowledge of COVID-19 in the EU has evolved and
improved both in humans and animals. Therefore, the risks for animals and humans need to be
reassessed based on new scientific
and on the availability of control measures. In this opinion,
EFSA was asked to review the scientific literature related to animal species susceptible to SARS-CoV-2
infection that play a role in its epidemiology. An assessment of the current epidemiological situation
and of the risk for human and animal health posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animal species of
concern was also conducted, which should serve to recommend options for reviewing the monitoring
strategies for SARS-CoV-2 infection in animal species of concern. Finally, the main possible options for
the prevention and control of COVID-19 in both humans and susceptible animals were explored,
highlighting their strengths and drawbacks.
The criterion used to classify the animal species of concern for SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology was the
ability to shed infectious virus and to transmit SARS-CoV-2 to other individuals. The species assessed
were American mink (Neogale
raccoon dog (Nyctereutes
cat (Felis
hamster (Mesocricetus
ferret (Mustela
house mouse (Mus
for some virus
variants only), Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus
deer mouse species (Peromyscus
present in Europe) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus
Since SARS-CoV-2 variants continue
to arise, new animal species fulfilling the above-mentioned criterion may be detected over time with
the continuous potential emergence of new host species.
Since the current assessment covers a range of points that deserve specific considerations in
different contexts
i.e. susceptibility to the virus, risk for animal and public health, monitoring
approach and preventive and control measures
the animal species considered were grouped
according to the categories reflecting those contexts: farmed animals, companion animals, wildlife
(referring to free-ranging wildlife, thus excluding for example captive wild animals such as in zoo), and
animals kept in zoos (from now on referred to as zoo animals).
Among farmed animals, American mink farmed for fur production have the highest likelihood to
become infected from humans or animals and transmit SARS-CoV-2 within animal populations and to
in-contact humans. This is due to both the inherent susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection of this
species and the characteristics of the mink farming system, with a high density of animals kept in
contiguous cages. During the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a vast majority of the reported
outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in animals globally were from farmed mink. In the period, the present
document refers to (February 2021 to November 2022), 50 outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 were reported,
of those 44 were reported in 2021 in seven MSs, while only six were reported in 2022 in two MSs, thus
representing a decreasing trend. The genomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequences showed major mink-
specific clusters, high rates of virus evolution within the mink population and emergence of mink-
specific variants with a potential to spill back into the human population.
The introduction of SARS-CoV-2 into mink farms is usually from infected humans; thus, this
probability is associated with the SARS-CoV-2 level of circulation in the surrounding human population.
Continuous and proper implementation of biosecurity measures in mink farms including the use of
non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) for all humans accessing mink farms can reduce the probability
of introduction. Once introduced into a mink farm, SARS-CoV-2 spreads efficiently within the animal
population, resulting in extensive virus circulation and risk of spill-over to humans in contact with the
mink, as well as to other susceptible animals with access to mink and their local environment.
The public health impact of the possible spill-over of SARS-CoV-2 from mink farms to humans
depends on the respective virus variant, effectiveness of the vaccine for this variant in vaccinated
people including the time period after the vaccination, previous exposure to other SARS-CoV-2 variants
and health status of the individual person. While the risk, determined by the probability of infection
and the impact of the disease, for an occupationally exposed person to a SARS-CoV-2 infected mink
has been assessed as low to moderate, in persons without or with limited exposure to farmed mink is
estimated to be negligible to very low.
Concerning the monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 in mink farms, given the current epidemiological situation
in the EU, where a substantial decrease of outbreaks in mink farms was reported in 2022 compared to
2020 and 2021, and where the majority of the human population has acquired some level of immunity
to SARS-CoV-2, the most appropriate monitoring approach on animals would be the one based on
testing dead animals with a suspicion of SARS-CoV-2 infection or animals showing clinical signs
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
compatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection, with sampling triggered by increased mortality (compared to
the baseline mortality rate) or morbidity in mink, or farm personnel testing positive. In fact, the
primary purposes of monitoring of mink farms are to confirm outbreaks based on suspicion in order to
apply preventive measures. In addition, genomic surveillance of circulating variants in mink and other
species is also considered relevant to monitor virus evolution.
Regarding prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 introduction into mink farms, since the most
important source of introduction of SARS-CoV-2 into mink farms is via infected humans, systematic
and frequent testing of people entering mink farms for SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid antigen test
and/or PCR is a prerequisite for the early detection of infected humans that may come into contact
with mink. Also, the ban of non-essential visits to farms and the use of personal protective equipment
will reduce the exposure of animals to potentially infected people and reduce the probability of
introduction of the virus. Biosecurity measures such as cleaning, disinfection, pest control (e.g.
rodents) and restricted access to other animals on the farm (such as cats, dogs, bats, etc.) can also
reduce the risk of virus introduction into the farm, and its further spread within and from the farm.
The risk of further virus spread and secondary outbreaks to other farms can be reduced by restriction
of mink movement and/or by testing for SARS CoV-2 in mink prior to movement, especially in mink
farms located in areas with known infected farms. Vaccines against COVID-19 are protective against
severe disease, hospitalisation and death, however, do not fully prevent virus transmission to and from
humans as well as between humans and mink. In general, preventive and control measures applied to
reduce the risk of transmission between mink and humans will only be effective if implemented
Among companion animal species, cats, ferrets and several hamster species are those most at risk
of SARS-CoV-2 infection, which most likely originates from an infected human; in such situations, there
is a very low risk of spillback infection to humans, and little or no animal-to-animal transmission, as
indicated by genomic analysis. Categories of people with high contact rates to companion animals from
different households (e.g. veterinarians) may have a higher risk of infection from companion animals.
conditions, cats and hamsters have been associated with mild to moderate respiratory,
gastrointestinal or systemic signs of disease and they can shed virus. In general, SARS-CoV-2
transmitted by companion animals to humans are considered to have no or very low probability of
having impact on virus circulation in the general population, and there is a low frequency of species-
adapted mutations.
Therefore, there is no need for specific monitoring programmes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in
companion animals; some testing activity can be generally limited to owners, zoo workers or
veterinarians in contact with these animals. In case of clinical signs compatible with SARS-CoV-2
disease, animal testing may be important for possible quarantine measures or application of proper
therapies. Moreover, testing of individuals in stray communities (especially cats) could be justified,
apart from research objectives, in case of suspected SARS-CoV-2 clinical cases or abnormal mortality
rates in these communities.
The number of wildlife species that are globally reported to be naturally infected by SARS-CoV-2
grows steadily, also due to the active research in this
which should be promoted. These include
several wild carnivores and the white-tailed deer in North America. Only the latter has been
demonstrated, both free living or captive in game reserves, to maintain and possibly spill back the
virus to humans. Nevertheless, in the EU, no cases of infected wildlife (with viral or RNA isolation)
have been reported so far.
The situation of white-tailed deer in the EU is very different from that in North America: The
abundance of this deer species in the EU is very limited (less than 1% of the total deer population)
and it is present only in two countries (Czechia and Finland); thus, it is unknown whether these
animals may be able to support the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the European context.
Moreover, white-tailed deer are also kept farmed in some places in North America, which may increase
the risk of transmission to and from any susceptible species, but this practice is not seen in the EU.
Therefore, the risk of transmission of SARS CoV-2 infection from humans to white-tailed deer and
backward, causing a severe disease, is considered very low.
Regarding wild carnivores, due to their elusive and solitary behaviour, to their low density and to
the low numbers hunted, there is a very low probability for these species of maintaining the infection
or representing a risk for other animal species or for public health. The latter is also due to limited
human exposure, even for occupationally exposed people (rangers, hunters, researchers, etc.).
In any case, as a preventive measure, humans dealing with wildlife should follow biosecurity
measures to minimise direct contact with wild animals, especially sick and dead animals. Furthermore,
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
safe disposal of garbage and waste from human communities in both urban and rural settings is
advised to reduce the risks of SARS-CoV-2 spillover to wildlife.
The probability of transmission from bats to humans or the emergence of SARS-CoV-2-related or
new coronaviruses has been assessed as none to very low, since transmission of SARS-CoV-2 or other
coronaviruses from bats to humans and backwards has not been observed and there is a limited
human population having direct contact with these animals in Europe. However, since bats are a
natural host of many coronaviruses, the monitoring of these species remains important.
As a result of the above-mentioned arguments, for wild species that may be considered as possible
targets for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring (such as white-tailed deer, wild carnivores, bats, rodents such as
wild synanthropic mice and rats), no specific regulated monitoring activities would be needed, apart
from testing of hunter-harvested animals showing clinical signs or dead-found individuals and
sequencing the virus isolates to monitor its evolution.
Regarding animal species kept in zoos, there are reports of both experimental and natural infection
with SARS CoV-2, mainly felids and non-human great apes. In zoos, susceptible species can acquire
the infection mainly from in-contact infected zoo workers; however, this is still at very low risk and
there is no report of spillback transmission from animals to humans. Transmission between susceptible
animals in the same enclosure could occur at moderate probability once an animal is infected,
although transmission between animals kept in zoos is difficult to prove, because they are usually
exposed to the same infectious source (e.g. infectious caretaker). Overall, animals kept in zoos do not
represent a major public health risk in relation to SARS-CoV-2, the risk being considered very low for
occupationally or activity-related exposed people and negligible to very low for the general population.
No specific regulated monitoring activities on animals are needed in this animal category, apart
from suspicion-based testing and isolation of animals with clinical signs or testing in the frame of other
veterinary checks. The main prevention is based on regular testing of zoo workers, self-isolation when
positive, use of PPE and good hygiene practice (e.g. avoiding close contact, tool disinfection, etc.) is
expected to significantly reduce the risk of transmission from humans to animals.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Table of contents
Background and terms of reference as provided by the EC
Interpretation of the terms of reference.........................................................................................
Data and methodologies
Animal species susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 under experimental conditions.........................................
Companion animals (cat, dog, ferret, rabbit, mice and several hamster species)
Farmed animals............................................................................................................................
Zoo and wild animals....................................................................................................................
Time to detection of infection following experimental infection
Animal species detected infected with SARS CoV-2 under
Farmed animals detected infected with SARS CoV-2 under
Fur animals
Natural infection in other livestock species
Companion animals detected as infected with SARS-CoV-2 under
Wild animals detected as infected with SARS CoV-2 under
Zoo animals detected as infected with SARS-CoV-2 under
Sequence data of animal species infected with SARS-CoV-2.............................................................
Sequence data of farmed animals infected with SARS CoV-2 (mink)
Sequence data of companion animals infected with SARS CoV-2
Sequence data of wild animals infected with SARS CoV-2
Probability of transmission between animals, and between animals and humans, posed by SARS-
CoV-2 infection in animal species of concern
Farmed animals............................................................................................................................
Companion animals
Wild animals
Zoo animals
Risk for human health posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animal species and preventive measures
Overview of variant viruses in humans by cases over time...............................................................
Measures to prevent and control infection or spread of SARS-CoV-2 at the animal–human interface:
SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in people
Genomic surveillance.....................................................................................................................
Wastewater surveillance
Hygiene measure
Keeping distance
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Face masks
Measures to prevent and control infection or spread of SARS-CoV-2 at the animal–human interface
vaccination of humans as protective and control measure
Treatment and pharmaceutical prophylaxis of COVID-19
Risk assessment
Revision of monitoring strategies
Current legislative requirements of monitoring SARS-CoV-2 in mustelids and raccoon dogs
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Animal categories and monitoring approach
Farmed animals
Companion animals.......................................................................................................................
Wild animals.................................................................................................................................
Zoo animals..................................................................................................................................
New development in diagnostics/sample matrices for SARS-CoV-2 in animals....................................
Options for disease prevention and control measures......................................................................
Farmed animals............................................................................................................................
Farm personnel and visitors
Health self-assessment (‘stay-at-home/isolation’).............................................................................
Systematic testing of personnel/visitors at predetermined frequency.................................................
Temperature screening..................................................................................................................
Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for farm personnel and visitors
Vaccination of personnel................................................................................................................
General on-farm biosecurity measures
Restricted access for animals and visitors to farm, including tracing of visitors...................................
Changing work clothes for farm personnel
Cleaning and disinfection equipment/vehicles..................................................................................
Rodent control..............................................................................................................................
Animal movement control, including pre-movement testing and tracing.............................................
Awareness raising
Culling and disposal of animal in an infected farm
Zoning around infected farms
Vaccination of animals
Options for public health response.................................................................................................
Conclusions and recommendations
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Background and terms of reference as provided by the EC
The scientific report of January 2021 produced by EFSA, in collaboration with ECDC, on
of SARS-CoV-2 infection in mustelids’ (EFSA, 2021), along with the rapid risk assessment of November
2020 by ECDC have been the basis for the current monitoring measures in the EU for mink, other
animals of the family
and raccoon dogs as provided by Commission Implementing Decision
(EU) 2021/788
The epidemiological situation has evolved in the EU since the adoption of these measures in May
2021 along with the scientific knowledge on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in both humans and animals
and what role individual epidemiological units play for the disease spread. This includes availability of
new measures such as vaccination (for both animals and humans), refined diagnostic techniques,
better understanding of biosecurity requirements and the risks related to genetic mutations of SARS-
CoV-2. The risks for humans need to be reassessed based on new scientific
and on the
availability of control measures.
SARS-CoV-2 infections in mink have been reported by Member States to the Commission in line
with the monitoring requirements. Further data has been collected by the OIE via the notification by
its Member Countries.
The adequacy of the current monitoring system in the EU should be reviewed in light of the above
to ensure proportionate measures are put in place to address the significant risks which could exist.
Terms of Reference
There is a need to revise and update the measures put in place by Member States to face the
challenges posed by the epidemiological situation of SARS-CoV-2 in mink, other animals of the family
and raccoon dogs.
The coordinated monitoring provided by Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/788 may need to be
reviewed in view of the control measures available in response to the different epidemiological
scenarios and possible evolution of the disease agent.
In view of the above, and in accordance with Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, the
Commission asks EFSA for scientific opinion about:
Reviewing updated relevant scientific literature available globally related to SARS-CoV-2
infection in animal species of concern in the epidemiology of SARS-CoV2.
Assess the current epidemiological situation in the EU and elsewhere as regards the risk for
human and animal health posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animal species of concern with a
view to review the design of the existing monitoring performed by the Member States for
minks, other animals of the family
and raccoon dogs.
In different epidemiological scenarios, recommend options for reviewing the monitoring
strategies indicating possible objectives and suitable methodologies, in particular as regards
scope, sampling, frequencies and testing methods taking into account existing risk mitigating
Explore the main possible options for disease prevention and control measures suitable to
address the risks under different plausible scenarios indicating the strengths and drawbacks of
each set of measures.
Interpretation of the terms of reference
Regarding term of reference (ToR) 1, i.e. reviewing scientific literature related to SARS-CoV-2
infection in animal species of concern in the epidemiology of SARS-CoV2, an extensive literature review
has been conducted, focusing on susceptibility of wild and domestic animal species reported under
and laboratory conditions, considering different diagnostic tests (e.g. virus isolation, RNA and
antibody detection), infection dynamic, pathogenesis, immunity and further transmission of the virus.
The results are presented in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, where the animal species are grouped in the
following categories: (1) farmed animals, (2) companion animals, (3) wildlife (including feral animals)
and (4) animals kept in zoos (from now one referred as
animals’). The phylogenetic analysis of
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/788 of 12 May 2021 laying down rules for the monitoring and reporting of
infections with SARS-CoV-2 in certain animal species (OJ L 173, 17.5.2021, p. 6).
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
sequence data from animal isolates deposited in GISAID until October 2022 is reported in Section 5.3,
and this has been conducted by ECDC. Given the high rate and continuous publication of studies about
potential new susceptible species along 2022, the evidence collected by the literature review has been
complemented by that from new studies indicated by the experts of the established EFSA ad-hoc
working group, up to November 2022.
Concerning ToR 2, an updated epidemiological situation in the above-mentioned animal categories
is presented in Section
In particular, for fur farmed animals, mostly mink, the situation of reported
outbreaks and related monitoring in MSs where mink are still bred is discussed. The risk for human
and animal health posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animal species, which is also a part of ToR2, is
addressed in Section
where, for the animal species considered as susceptible and relevant in the
epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2, the probability of transmission in different pathways between animals
and between animals and humans is assessed. A dedicated section about public health aspects is
which has been drafted by ECDC. Here, besides an overview of the virus variants
circulating in the human population, the measures to prevent and control infection or spread of SARS-
CoV-2 at the animal–human interface are discussed as well as the risk assessment for public health
represented by animals infected by SARS-CoV-2.
The options for reviewing the monitoring strategies for SARS Cov-2 (ToR 3) are discussed in
Here, keeping the current legislative requirements of the EC Decision 2021/788 as a
reference, the monitoring approaches for SARS-CoV-2 in the different categories of animals and in
different scenarios are discussed. An update about diagnostic tools that could be used for monitoring
purposes, compared to what was already assessed in a previous EFSA report (EFSA, 2021), is
The main disease prevention and control measures in humans and in the different animal
categories are discussed in Sections
respectively, based on information provided by MSs
and based on expert knowledge (ToR 4). The measures include, among others, biosecurity, movement
controls, vaccination and non-pharmaceutical interventions; the strengths and drawbacks of each of
those are discussed.
Further details about problem formulation are provided in Annex
Data and methodologies
A systematic literature review was performed by an external contractor with stringent inclusion
criteria (literature search protocol available at this link:
retrieve a list of wild and domestic mammals that are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 under laboratory
conditions. Due to the stringent inclusion criteria and to the constantly and rapidly evolving results
from the research about SARS-CoV-2 in animals, the presented lists are not exhaustive, and therefore,
only publications published between 1 January 2020 and 15 February 2022 were included. Therefore,
in order to provide the most up-to-date information, additional publications on various animal species
issued up to December 2022 were added by the expert panel, to ensure that all relevant animal
species were listed. Literature protocol and data extraction tables are available at this link:
Data about the current epidemiological situation in the EU were retrieved from the literature as well
as from outbreak reports submitted by MSs to the European Commission, from the World Organisation
for Animal Health (WOAH) database
and from ProMedmail
notifications and they were analysed and
presented by descriptive epidemiology.
The probability of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from the different animal categories considered in
the present opinion (i.e. farmed animals, companion animals, wildlife, zoo animals) to humans or other
animals and vice versa and scenarios were assessed by consensus agreement among experts. In order
to make a proper assessment of the likelihood of an event, it is necessary to come up with a well-
defined question or quantity of interest (QoI), such that the true answer or value could be determined,
at least in principle. By doing so, ambiguities that could contribute to uncertainty are minimised. In
addition, it helps to ensure that the range of probabilities provided in the assessment are reflecting
only uncertainty and not also variability (that could be interpreted differently by the different experts if
not made explicit). This assessment does not imply making
judgements’ (for which
insufficient knowledge exists), but rather to translate the judgements already done into transparent
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
and clear statements that can be unambiguously understood by the readers (and risk managers). With
this approach, once a range of probabilities is agreed, uncertainty becomes evident as will be reflected
by the width of the interval (EFSA, 2014). Proposed probability ranges used alone or in combination
Very high:
High: 66–90%
Moderate: 33–< 66%
Low: 10–< 33%
Very low
The risk assessment for human health posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animals is based on
evidence available to ECDC at the time of publication. It follows the ECDC rapid risk assessment
methodology, where the overall risk is determined by a combination of the probability of infection
(taking into consideration the assessment of the probability of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 for the
different animal categories, as explained above) and the level of impact of the disease on the affected
individuals or general population and it is assessed on a qualitative scale as in ECDC (2019), as
displayed below in Figure
Figure 1:
Risk ranking matrix as in ECDC (2019)
The revision of monitoring approaches and the assessment on strengths and drawbacks of
preventive and control measures were done based on data retrieved from MSs and literature and
addressed based on expert knowledge.
Animal species susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 under experimental
Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection can be determined by detection of indicators of productive
infection such as isolation of infectious virus or viral RNA from host’s secretions/excretions (ante-
mortem) or organs (post-mortem) and/or seroconversion. Based on these indicators, animal species
that were described in the literature (see literature protocol and data extraction at this link
as susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 experimental infection (see also Table
in Annex
were grouped in three categories: (1) companion animals, (2) farmed animals, (3)
wildlife and (4) zoo animals (Figure
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Detection of viral RNA refers to either detection in at least two consecutive ante-mortem respiratory samples, or
any post-mortem sample. A black cross indicates the absence of a feature, while a red check mark indicates the
presence of a feature. Both signs mean disagreement among studies considered;
means that this feature was
not determined. Please note that for some species for which extensive literature is available (e.g. ferrets and Syrian
hamsters), only a selection of a few representative references were included.
Figure 2:
Animal species that are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection under experimental conditions
based on seroconversion and/or detection of viral RNA and ability of further transmit SARS-
CoV-2 virus (as of literature search carried out on 15 February 2022)
Companion animals (cat, dog, ferret, rabbit, mice and several hamster
Chinese, Djungarian, Roborovski and Syrian hamsters displayed clinical signs post infection, while
Campbell’s dwarf hamsters remained without clinical signs (Chan et al., 2020; Imai et al., 2020; Sia
et al., 2020; Trimpert et al., 2020; Bertzbach et al., 2021; Gerhards et al., 2021). In cats and ferrets,
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
both the presence and absence of clinical signs were reported (such as fever, diarrhoea, sneezing,
arching of back) (Bosco-Lauth et al., 2020; Gaudreault et al., 2020; Halfmann et al., 2020; Kim
et al., 2020; Richard et al., 2020; Schlottau et al., 2020; Shi et al., 2020; Bao et al., 2021; Chiba
et al., 2021; Gaudreault et al., 2021; Kutter et al., 2021; Marsh et al., 2021; Ryan et al., 2021;
Ciurkiewicz et al., 2022). No clinical signs were reported for other companion animals such as dogs
and rabbits (Bosco-Lauth et al., 2020; Shi et al., 2020; Montagutelli et al., 2021; Pan et al., 2021),
neither for laboratory animals such as mice (laboratory mouse strains C54BL/6 and BALB/c).
Nevertheless, animals usually recover from the experimental infection with the exception of Roborovski
hamsters, for which infection with SARS-CoV-2 is severe, requiring euthanasia.
Viral RNA was detected in all investigated companion animal species except in dogs, and virus
could be isolated from hamsters, cats, ferrets, rabbits and laboratory mice. Noteworthy, for laboratory
mice, this was only the case for B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and P.1 isolates.
Cats, dogs, ferrets, laboratory mice, rabbits and Syrian hamsters developed antibodies against
SARS-CoV-2. For ferrets, one report did not detect antibodies post infection while Campbell’s, Chinese,
Djungarian and Roborovski hamsters were not tested for the presence of antibodies.
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from a donor animal to a recipient by direct contact has been
demonstrated for cats, ferrets, laboratory mice and Syrian hamsters. There was no evidence of virus
transmission between dogs. Rabbits, Campbell’s dwarf, Chinese, Djungarian and Roborovski hamsters
were not investigated for virus transmission.
A large number of publications are available describing the susceptibility of ferrets and hamsters. In
another literature review, performed within the project COVRIN of the One Health European Joint
program (Grant agreement 773830), efficient direct contact as well as indirect contact transmission
between ferrets and between hamsters was widely reported (de Vries et al., 2021; Dowall et al., 2021;
Kutter et al., 2021; Mok et al., 2021; Neary et al., 2021; Page et al., 2021; Patel et al., 2021; Peacock
et al., 2021; Cox et al., 2021a,b; Kim et al., 2022).
Farmed animals
For cattle, mink and pigs, reports disagree concerning the presence of clinical signs post SARS-
CoV-2 infection (Schlottau et al., 2020; Shi et al., 2020; Meekins et al., 2020; Ulrich et al., 2020;
Buckley et al., 2021; Falkenberg et al., 2021; Pickering et al., 2021; Shuai et al., 2021; Sikkema et al.,
2022; Virtanen et al., 2022). One out of two references describe fever in cattle; one out of two
references describe anorexia, diarrhoea, lethargy and respiratory signs in mink; and fever and ocular
discharge was described for pigs in two independent references out of six in total. No clinical signs
were observed in raccoon dogs (Freuling et al., 2020).
Viral RNA was detected in ante-mortem and/or post-mortem samples of cattle, mink and raccoon
dogs, while for pigs, both detection as well as the absence of viral RNA post infection were reported.
Virus could be isolated from raccoon dogs and mink, while for pigs and cattle, virus isolation was not
Seroconversion was observed in racoon dogs, mink and cattle, while for pigs, antibodies were
detected only in three out of six references.
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was observed for mink and raccoon dogs, and no transmission was
observed for cattle and pigs.
Goats, sheep, alpacas and horses are not included in the
because the available publications
did not pass the inclusion criteria of the systematic literature review (time of publication and use of
animals to model human infections). No viral RNA could be detected in ante-mortem respiratory
samples from sheep, alpacas and horses and no virus could be isolated and no neutralising antibodies
could be detected on day 14 post infection. For goats, viral RNA could be detected in swabs from the
respiratory tract in some animals, but no virus could be isolated and no antibodies were detected post
infection (Bosco-Lauth et al., 2021b). In a study published in September 2022, SARS-CoV-2 was
detected in experimentally infected goats in nasal swabs and tissues by PCR, and seroneutralisation
was confirmed via ELISA. However, the viral amount and tissue distribution suggest a low susceptibility

of goats, thus no relevant role of goats in the epidemiology of SARS-Cov-2 (Fernandez-Bastit et al.,
Zoo and wild animals
In this category, we refer to African green monkey
bank vole (Myodes
bushy-tailed woodrat (Neotoma
Chinese tree shrew (Tupaia
belangeri chinensis),
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
cynomolgus macaques (Macaca
deer mouse (Peromyscus
Egyptian fruit bat
raccoon (Procyon
red fox (Vulpes
rhesus macaque (Macaca
skunk (Mephitis
and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus
Clinical signs were
observed in African green monkeys (fever and reduced appetite or hypothermia and respiratory
distress; (Blair et al., 2021; Woolsey et al., 2021)), cynomolgus macaques (nasal discharge; (Rockx
et al., 2020)) and white-tailed deer (fever or ocular discharge; (Palmer et al., 2021; Cool et al., 2022))
post experimental infection with SARS-CoV-2. Reports disagree regarding clinical signs in Chinese tree
shrews (fever in one out of two references (Xu et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2020)) and rhesus macaques
(no signs in two references; fever, respiratory distress, weight loss, hunched posture and nasal
discharge or reduced appetite and weight loss in two out of four references (Munster et al., 2020;
Shan et al., 2020; Blair et al., 2021; Yadav et al., 2021)). No clinical signs were observed in bank voles
(Ulrich et al., 2021), bushy-tailed woodrats (Bosco-Lauth et al., 2021a), deer mice (Fagre et al., 2021;
Griffin et al., 2021), Egyptian fruit bats (Schlottau et al., 2020), raccoons (Bosco-Lauth et al., 2021a;
Francisco et al., 2022) and skunks (Bosco-Lauth et al., 2021a; Francisco et al., 2022).
Viral RNA was detected and virus could be isolated in all investigated zoo and wild animal species,
except raccoons. For Chinese tree shrews, virus isolations were not performed.
Seroconversion was observed in all animals. One out of four references did not observe antibodies
in rhesus macaques post-infection, and antibodies were not assessed for Chinese tree shrews.
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was successfully demonstrated in deer mice, Egyptian fruit bats and
white-tailed deer. No transmission took place in bank voles, raccoons and skunks. For all other animal
species, transmission was not investigated.
Common marmosets (Callithrix
and hamadryas baboons (Papio
are listed in
although the publications did not pass the inclusion criteria of the systematic literature
review. In both species, viral RNA was detected post-infection (Singh et al., 2021).
In a study published in September 2022, two red foxes (Vulpes
and coyotes (Canis
were tested for susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 at experimental inoculation. Only red foxes became
infected and shed infectious virus. The authors concluded that the role of red foxes in SARS CoV-2
transmission should be carefully evaluated, given the wide distribution of this species, its frequent
proximity to humans, and that it preys, scavenges upon or otherwise interacts with species
demonstrated to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2, including felids, skunks, rodents and white-tailed deer
(Porter et al., 2022).
Time to detection of infection following experimental infection
The period from inoculation until viral RNA detection varied between 1 and 3 days post-inoculation
for most species. Longer incubation periods were observed for animals infected by direct contact (up
to 8 days), for Chinese tree shrews (6–8 days), African green monkeys and rhesus macaques (up to
7 days).
Seroconversion took place within the following days post-inoculation: 3–11 (pigs), 5–11 (cats), 6–14
(deer mice), 7–12 (cattle), 7 (white-tailed deer), 7–14 (African green monkey), 7–17 (ferrets), 8 (bank
voles, bats, raccoon dogs), 8–28 (skunks), 9–28 (raccoons), 10–14 (rhesus macaques), 12–14 (mice),
7–16 (Syrian hamsters), 14 (dogs, cynomolgus macaques), 18 (mink), 21 (rabbits).
Noteworthy, the above-mentioned time from infection to seroconversion depends on the individual
study designs and sampling schemes, leaving the possibility that, e.g. antibodies would have been
detectable at earlier time points post-infection, if an earlier blood sample would have been taken.
Sequence or structure-based predictions of animal susceptibility due to homology of human ACE2
receptor and their agreement with
in vivo
data has been systematically assessed by Fischhoff et al.
(2021). Sequence-based predictions revealed a low affinity of SARS-CoV-2 to mink and ferret ACE2, for
instance, while, in fact, these species were highly susceptible. The agreement between structure-based
predictions of species susceptibility and factual susceptibility is high, although not always accurate.
Furthermore, the following animal species were experimentally infected with SARS-CoV-2, but did
not seroconvert, and neither viral RNA nor infectious virus could be isolated post-infection: big brown
bats, black-tailed prairie dogs, cottontail rabbits, coyotes, fox squirrels and Wyoming ground squirrels.
These species are therefore considered not susceptible to SARS-CoV-2.
Red foxes are not reported in Figure
since the investigation was carried out after the date of literature review (until Feb
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Animal species detected infected with SARS CoV-2 under
In the present section, the information obtained by literature review,
from WOAH database and
from ProMEDmail about animal species that have been detected as positive for SARS-CoV-2 worldwide,
either as PCR positive or serologically positive, are presented. The animal species are grouped as
farmed animals, companion animals and zoo and wild animals.
show animal species that were found to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 under
(natural) conditions, based on the literature review done on 15 February 2022. Moreover, in Annex
the results obtained from literature review about
infection of different animal species
to SARS CoV-2 are shown, as proportion of positive animals in each epidemiological unit, tested by
PCR/virus isolation or serological test.
Figure 3:
Companion and farm animal species that have been reported as being susceptible to SARS-
CoV-2 infection under
conditions based on seroconversion and/or detection of viral
RNA and able to further transmit (based on the literature search carried out on 15 February
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Figure 4:
Zoo and wild animal species that are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection under
conditions based on seroconversion and/or detection of viral RNA (based on literature
search carried out on 15 February 2022)
Based on the extensive literature review, the following animal species were tested with PCR test
and/or serological test but results were negative (Table
Table 1:
Animal species under
conditions tested with PCR test and/or serological test with
negative results
Davoust et al. (2022)
Cerino et al. (2021)
Deng et al. (2020)
Deng et al. (2020)
Deng et al. (2020)
Davoust et al. (2022)
Deng et al. (2020)
Moreira-Soto (2022)
Alpaca (Vicugna
Bamboo rat (Rhizomys spp.)
Bear (Ursus spp.)
Beech marten (Martes
Buffalo (Bubalus
Camel (Camelus
Deer (red deer, roe deer, fallow deer)
elaphus, Capreolus capreolus,
Dama dama)
Giant panda (Ailuropoda
Deng et al. (2020)
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Goat (Capra
Guinea pig (Cavia
Horse (Equus
ferus caballus)
Leopard cat (Prionailurus
Masked civet (Paguma
Mouse (Mus
Non-human primates of genera
Callithrix, Callicebus
Pig (Sus
scrofa domesticus)
Polecat (Mustela
Porcupine (Hystrix spp.)
Raccoon (Procyon
Rat (Rattus
Red panda (Ailurus
Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros spp.)
Sheep (Ovis
Cerino et al. (2021)
Ruiz-Arrondo et al.
Cerino et al. (2021)
Deng et al. (2020)
Deng et al. (2020)
Deng et al. (2020)
Ip et al. (2021)
Sacchetto et al.
Cerino et al. (2021)
Davoust et al. (2022)
Ip et al. (2021)
Deng et al. (2020)
Davoust et al. (2022)
Deng et al. (2020)
Colombo et al. (2021)
Deng et al. (2020)
Deng et al. (2020)
Deng et al. (2020);
Villanueva-Saz et
al. (2021a)
Colombo et al. (2021) neg
Cerino et al. (2021)
Skunk (Mephitis
Tamarin (Saguinus spp.)
Weasel (Mustela
neg: tested negative; na: not available.
Ip et al. (2021)
Sacchetto et al.
Deng et al. (2020)
Farmed animals detected infected with SARS CoV-2 under
To date, the only farmed animals that were tested positive following natural infection (detection of

SARS-CoV-2 RNA by PCR) are mink (Molenaar et al., 2020; Oreshkova et al., 2020; Domanska-Blicharz
et al., 2021; EFSA, 2021; Hammer et al., 2021; Rabalski et al., 2021; Rasmussen et al., 2021), raccoon
dogs (one outbreak reported in Poland in 2021), and to a certain extent also ferrets (Shi et al., 2020;

Giner et al., 2021; Gortazar et al., 2021; Ra

nik et al., 2021). The former two species are bred mainly
in the fur industry, while ferrets are bred mainly as companion, research or as work animals for rabbit
hunting and rabbit control. The size of ferret breeding centres may be between 10 and 100 ferrets per
In the following section, the epidemiological situation in farmed mink is reported in MSs where mink
farming is still practiced, also considering molecular epidemiology and monitoring scheme applied. Fur animals
EU data
From the beginning of the pandemics up to 31 January 2021 (the reporting period which the
EFSA report refers to (EFSA, 2021)), 401 outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in mink farms were reported in
Europe (Table
mostly in Denmark (290) and the Netherlands (69), where around 60% of the total
mink farms in EU were until the end of 2020, then the mink farming was stopped in those two MSs.
From 1 February 2021 until 30 November 2022, period in which the number of mink farms was
approximately stable in EU (around 700 farms), 50 SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks were detected in farmed
mink and raccoon dogs in the EU, of those 44 were reported in 2021 in seven MSs, while only six were
reported in 2022 in two MSs (Figure
In all the affected establishments, farmed mink were raised,
apart from one Polish farm where both raccoon dogs (300 animals) and mink (5,000 animals) were
raised (detection in December 2021).
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
The geographical distribution of the affected mink establishments is presented in Figure
and the
monthly distribution of outbreaks is presented in Figure
Clinical signs of SARS-CoV-2 infections were
detected in 4 out of 50 affected mink establishments, and humans were identified as the possible
source of virus introduction in 12 mink establishments, whereas the source of the infection was not
identified in the other 38 SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks. No clinical signs of SARS-CoV-2 infections were
detected in the affected raccoon dog establishment and the source of the virus introduction was not
*: This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1,244 and the International Court of Justice Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.
Figure 5:
Geographical distribution of SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in mink establishments (green circles)
and of mink establishments by country (grey areas) in Europe, from 1 February 2021 to 30
November 2022
Disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any
opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Food Safety Authority concerning the legal status of any country, territory,
city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Source: EC, EFSA
The vertical grey line indicates when the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/788 of 12 May 2021 laying
down rules for the monitoring and reporting of infections with SARS-CoV-2 in certain animal species (OJ L 173,
17.5.2021, p. 6) entered into force.
Figure 6:
Distribution of SARS-CoV-2 reported outbreaks in mink establishments in the EU by month
of confirmation and affected countries from February 2021 to November 2022
In Tables
data on number of mink farms in the MS, number of infected farms, with clinical
signs and where likely human source was confirmed, in the two reporting periods (February 2021 until
November 2022, and 2020, until 31 January 2021, respectively) are reported.
Table 2:
Data on outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in mink farms in the EU from February 2021 to
November 2022
Number of Number of
mink farms infected
in the MS mink farms
in the
as of
Date of
and last SARS-
Cov-2 virus
detection in
mink farms in
the reporting
February 2021 to
August 2021
April 2021
December 2021
June 2021–July
Number of
Number of
outbreaks with
likely human
where clinical
source of virus
signs of
origin in the
reporting period
(if known)
Start of
January 2021
February 2021
January 2021
December 2020
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Number of Number of
mink farms infected
in the MS mink farms
in the
as of
Date of
and last SARS-
Cov-2 virus
detection in
mink farms in
the reporting
August 2021
Start of
Number of
Number of
outbreaks with
likely human
where clinical
source of virus
signs of
origin in the
reporting period
(if known)
May 2021
October 2020
Table 3:
Data on outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in mink farms in the EU in 2020 until January 2021
(EFSA, 2021)
Number of mink
Number of
farms in the
country at the time
of SARS-Cov-2 virus
Number of
Date of
and last SARS- farms where
Likely source of
clinical signs of
CoV-2 virus
virus origin
detection in
were observed
mink farms
15 June to 7
transmission suspected
or confirmed in some
outbreaks. Unclear in
most outbreaks
Undetermined, but
most probably humans
on the farm
transmission suspected
in most outbreaks
Partly human to mink
transmission and partly
unclear, but with a
strong spatial
20 November
13 November to
8 January
10 October
24 November
24 April to 4
27 January 2021
22 June to 22
23 October to 11
No information
In the following section, we present the epidemiological situation and monitoring activities
(reporting period February 2021–March 2022) carried out in MSs where mink farming is still present. Finland
Fur-farmed animals
In Finland, the farmed species targeted by SARS-CoV-2 monitoring were mink, raccoon dogs and
sable (Martes
Up to January 2022, 133 mink farms were registered, including a total of
190,500 breeding animals and around 500,000 production stocks as well as 50 farms with raccoon
dogs, including a total of 13,700 breeding animals, and one sable farm with 310 breeding animals.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Epidemiological situation
Finland has not reported any outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in mink or other fur animal farms. A
voluntary preventive vaccination scheme in mink (implemented in November 2021) was in place on
January–February 2022 covering approximately 95% of breeding females. The vaccination campaign is
currently not active.
Monitoring scheme
In December 2020, monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 infection started in all fur farms (mink and other
animals of the family
and at the beginning of 2021, raccoon dog farms were included in
the monitoring, although the sampling scheme was not completely harmonised among farms. Since
June 2021, a harmonised active monitoring scheme foresees that all fur farms submit
animals every 2 weeks for SARS-CoV-2 testing to the laboratory of the Finnish Food Authority. Throat
swab samples from dead animals are taken by laboratory staff and samples are analysed by RT-PCR. If
the number of dead animals is insufficient to reach the threshold of
animals per 2 weeks, further
live animals are sampled by municipal veterinarians. So far, 14,165 samples from 229 farms have been
tested, all negative.
Furthermore, passive monitoring is carried out in all farms. Suspicion is triggered if farmed fur
animals show clinical signs, in which case 30 samples are taken from the animals of the farm, or if a
person tested positive at SARS-CoV-2 has been in contact with fur animals, in which case 60 samples
are taken from the animals of the farm. Until March 2022, a total of 568 samples from 11 farms were
tested, all negative.
Other species
Wild mustelids or wild raccoon dog: Those animals found dead or hunted animals with clinical signs
associated with SARS-CoV-2 are sampled for SARS-CoV-2 tests. From wild animals, mostly oral swabs
or organ samples are used and tested by PCR (E gene). In total, 278 raccoon dogs, three otters and
three badgers have been tested for SARS-CoV-2, all negative.
Wild white-tailed deer: In total, 36 samples from oral swab/lymph node have been tested by PCR
(E gene), all negative for SARS-CoV-2.
Companion animals: Six cats and three dogs have been sampled in case of a suspicion of SARS-
CoV-2 (e.g. a pet had SARS-CoV-2 signs and had been in contact with a person having COVID-19).
Oral swabs have been tested by PCR (E gene). One cat and one dog were found positive in 2021
(Delta variant) and 2022 (Omicron variant), respectively. France
In France, there is currently only one mink farm left, where passive monitoring is carried out. No
outbreaks have been reported in the period from February 2021 to September 2022. Greece
By 2022, in Greece, the only farmed species targeted by SARS-CoV-2 monitoring are mink. There
are 91 mink farms, 89 of which are located in the region of Western Macedonia (Regional Units
Kastoria, Kozani, Grevena). In March 2022, the total population was 470,000 breeding animals and
approximately 1.6 million production stock that are pelted annually. As 90% of Greece’s fur production
is exported to Russia, following the sanctions, the above-mentioned numbers can decrease. Raccoon
dogs are not bred in Greece.
Epidemiological situation
Until 29 January 2021, the reporting period to which the previous EFSA report refers (EFSA, 2021),
SARS-CoV-2 was detected on 21 out of the 91 mink farms currently present in Greece. Until November
2022, four more outbreaks were reported, two in February 2021 in the regional Units of Kastoria and
Grevena, and two more in August 2021 in the regional Unit of Kozani.
one in Kastoria was suspected based on the
observation of reduced feed intake on 26
January 2021, while respiratory symptoms and increased mortality were
detected on 29 January
2021. It was estimated that around 70% of all 716 farmed animals showed respiratory symptoms, and
55 minks died since the estimated date of virus introduction. The outbreak was confirmed on 5
February by RT-PCR, but it was not possible to relate it to human infection, as none of the farm
personnel or owners was found positive in either molecular or antibody testing.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
The second outbreak reported in February 2021 was in Grevena. It was detected in minks, which
were tested because two positive workers were positive in the framework of the early warning system
(weekly testing) for farm personnel in place since November 2020. Animals showed no clinical signs
and mortality appeared in line with baseline mortality. There was no conclusive evidence on the
possible source of the virus, although transmission from infected workers is suspected.
The third outbreak was reported in Kozani, in August 2021, on a farm with 30,000 animals, of
which 25,600 were juveniles, and it was detected because an increase in daily deaths (80 juvenile)
followed by respiratory symptoms in 50 juvenile animals was noticed. Based on that, the owner
notified veterinary authorities on 8 November 2021, and samples from dead animals were collected
and confirmed positive by RT-PCR. Farm personnel were vaccinated and tested all negative.
Similarly, the fourth outbreak, reported in the same regional unit as the third at the end of August
2021, was suspected due to death (180 animals) and respiratory signs in animals, approx. 50% of
them (total 14,200 animals, out of which 2,700 breeders). One worker, who was vaccinated 2 weeks
before, tested positive by PCR.
In Greece, the control measures applied included movement control inside the country, zoning,
traceability, quarantine, monitoring biosecurity measures including mandatory use of PPE. Affected
animals are not culled.
Genomic analysis
The analysis of genomes isolated in 20 infected farms showed that B.1.1.305 in the prefecture of
Kastoria and B.1.1.218 in the prefectures of Kozani and Grevena are the two main lineages detected in
mink and farm personnel, as it is the case in the general population. In each distinct farm, the same
lineage was identified in mink and farm personnel.
The most frequent mutations in the S protein are the D614G, N501T and P812L, both for the
general human population and minks. Preliminary data indicate that mink were infected by humans in
most of the cases. Mink-related mutations in the S protein have been detected (Y453F) in six human
cases directly related to farms and in animals from four establishments, but it has not been detected in
the small sample of the general population. None of the other mutations described on by ECDC
(ECDC, 2020a) has been found so far, neither in humans (farm personnel/owners and community) nor
animals. Although spillback into the local community has not been observed, further investigation in
the general population by extending the number of sequenced genomes is ongoing.
Monitoring scheme
Since the
case of SARS-CoV-2 in mink in Greece in November 2020, a monitoring plan has
been implemented as follows:
Mink farm personnel were regularly tested with PCR and rapid antigen tests during the
reporting period (February 2001–March 2022), by PCR weekly until May 2021, PCR every
14 days from June to December 2021 and rapid antigen tests weekly from January 2022 to
March 2022; and results are notified to veterinary authorities.
As regards mink, passive monitoring was implemented by clinical investigations and laboratory
testing (oropharyngeal swabs tested by RT-PCR) upon notification of clinical signs related to SARS-
CoV-2 or increased mortality in mink, or in case humans in the establishment tested positive.
Under this scheme, 24 of 29 samples from three mink farms and 14 out of 40 samples from farm
personnel from two farms tested positive. From February 2021 to May 2021, when the 2021/788
Decision entered into force, 10 samples were collected from farms with increased mortality and 20
from establishments, where SARS-CoV-2 cases in workers or their families were notified. The
sampling scheme has been adjusted to the Decision since it was adopted in May 2021.
Mink farms were subjected also to active monitoring whenever animals were moved. In these
cases, 20 samples were taken for testing (oropharyngeal swabs-real-time PCR) from the
establishment of origin prior to each movement (design prevalence: 15%); no positive cases
were detected.
Sequencing was conducted on samples from both human (100% samples) and animals (30%
samples) that were tested positive at farm level during the reporting period (February 2021–
March 2022). Moreover, sequencing was performed on positive samples from the community in
the workers’ places of residence. All sequencing results were compared and no mink variants
were detected in samples collected from the community in the areas where mink farms are
located, and no spillover infection to the community was detected.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Since the 2021/788 Decision entered into force, also other kept and wild animals belonging to
mustelids have been monitored according to the section 2 of Annex III of Decision 2021/788. Italy
As of January 2022, in Italy, there were
mink farms with 6,055 breeding stock, mainly
concentrated in northern Italy (two farms in Lombardy and two in Emilia Romagna region) and one
farm in central Italy (Abruzzo). No other animal species is object of systematic monitoring for SARS-
CoV-2 infection.
Epidemiological situation
So far, only one positive animal in one farm was detected by PCR in Italy, in January 2021, out of
10,823 samples tested from six farms, up to March 2022. No clinical signs were observed in the farm.
No other animals in the farm were tested positive at PCR, while seropositive animals were detected. A
further outbreak was reported in November 2022 in a mink farm composed of breeding 1,523 animals
in Emilia Romagna region; this was detected within the surveillance plan, which provides controls on
live and dead animals. In this regard two animals tested positive at RT-PCR, one out of 55 live animals
tested and one out of four dead animals, both asymptomatic.
Monitoring scheme
There is a weekly control of all dead animals in mink farms, coupled with 60 oropharyngeal swab
(target prevalence 5%) every 15 days (in 2022, it is on weekly frequency) as random sampling to be
tested by PCR. Latvia
In Latvia, the only farmed species targeted by SARS-CoV-2 monitoring are mink. As of January
2022, there are four mink farms with a total of 117,954 breeding animals and an estimated production
stock of 250,000 animals to be pelted by the end of 2022.
Epidemiological situation
The only outbreak in mink in Latvia was reported in April 2021, confirmed on 10 April 2021 in
Iecava county, approximately 50 km south from Riga, in a farm with 64,000 female breeders. No
clinical signs nor unusual mortality was reported in the farm in the period around detection until the
pelting season in November. The disease was detected in the frame of monitoring programme, i.e.
weekly sampling of at least one dead mink from the each farm. For the confirmation, 10 additional
samples (dead mink) were taken, and the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus was confirmed in nine dead
minks by RT-PCR. After confirmation of the outbreak, weekly sampling of
dead minks was
established to monitor the epidemiological situation in the affected farm. The epidemiological
investigation showed that SARS-CoV-2 was introduced in the mink farm by an infected worker.
From July 2021, the number of dead minks to be tested weekly was increased to 10 to get more
isolates for sequencing, as from July all PCR-positive mink samples were sequenced. Apart from dead
mink testing, also 20 live mink were sampled every month (for PCR and serological testing). After
pelting, up to 19 dead minks were sampled every week. In total, more than 500 dead minks and
around 200 live minks were tested from April 2021 to the beginning of March 2022. In the second
week of March 2022, the weekly testing was stopped due to the absence of PCR-positive results.
Interestingly, the continuous surveillance in the affected farm showed
virus circulation in
animals: the seroprevalence in samples taken from live minks was around 70%, and three infection
waves were observed during the period of April–November 2021, when animals were pelted. After
pelting, a significant reduction in virus prevalence in the affected mink farm was observed. The
interpretation by Latvian authorities was that the reduction of animal numbers and density also might
have an impact on virus circulation.
Since outbreak detection, weekly screening tests were performed also on farm personnel, who did
not experience any serious clinical signs, nor were they hospitalised. Until the beginning of pelting
season in November, all farm personnel were fully vaccinated against SARS-Cov-2, and, among those,
no positive cases were reported in 2022 (32 workers were tested positive in 2021).
Genomic analysis
The results of the phylogenetic analysis in mink showed that the genome sequences belong to the
Pangolin lineages B.1, B.1.177, B.1.177.60 (SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant), which were also the dominant
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
lineages in the Latvian human population at the beginning of 2021. Some mutations in spike protein
gene (e.g. Y453F, F486I, N501T, P681R, T478K, L452R) in virus isolates obtained from mink were also
The phylogenetic analysis of the virus isolated from farm personnel showed eight cases in which
virus mutations were related to those from infected minks, indicating backward transmission of the
virus from animals to humans in the affected holding. However, the circulating type of SARS-CoV-2
virus detected in the mink farm was not detected in human population living close to the farm, nor
elsewhere in Latvia.
Monitoring scheme
From January until October 2021, weekly sampling and testing of one dead mink from every
mink farm to SARS-CoV-2, oropharyngeal swabs by RT-PCR.
From July 2021, weekly screening (saliva laboratory testing by RT-PCR) of mink farm
From September 2021, following the risk assessment done by the Food and Veterinary Service
(FVS), the active monitoring based on weekly testing in all mink farms was changed to passive
surveillance based on suspicion in mink and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 cases in farm personnel.
The risk assessment included:
the results of the laboratory tests performed so far on the mink regarding the presence of
SARS-CoV-2 in the farm;
the active monitoring in all mink farms based on oropharyngeal swabs to be tested by RT-PCR
targeting 25% prevalence with 95% confidence. Samples were chosen from dead mink, but if
they were not sufficiently available to achieve the required sample size, additional samples
were taken from live mink.
the vaccination status of the persons working in the holding, the procedures for laboratory
examinations (screening) and the results of the examinations regarding the SARS-CoV-2;
compliance of the biosecurity measures implemented in the farm as set by national legislation.
The owner or keeper of the mink farm continue to send to FVS electronically data:
number of minks in the holding.
number of minks that have died and been killed in the farm weekly.
In accordance with national legislation, the owner or keeper of minks must immediately notify the
FVS about suspicion of SARS-CoV-2 in minks, e.g. if the animals show symptoms of acute respiratory
infection, digestive system dysfunction, depression, immobility, withdrawal from food or water or
increased animal mortality.
Other animals
SARS-CoV-2 monitoring was implemented also on wild animals of the family
as well as
raccoon dogs. For this purpose, dead animal carcasses were submitted for laboratory testing in the
frame of rabies passive surveillance; no positive results were found. Lithuania
In Lithuania, the only animal species targeted by SARS-CoV-2 monitoring are mink. As of January
2022, there are 120 registered mink farms, of which 71 (62 in January 2021) were active (animals
were present) with a total of 277,043 breeding animals, and an estimated production stock of 600,000
animals to be pelted by end of 2022.
Epidemiological situation
In Lithuania, the
two outbreaks were reported in mink farms in November and December
2020, and, under an intensified active monitoring, 13 further outbreaks were detected in November
and December 2021. As it was the pelting season, 10 of the infected herds with more than 78,000
animals in total only pelted young animals and kept breeding stock. In the other three infected mink
herds, all animals were killed and pelted. However, the mink mortality and morbidity did not increase
and remained within the norm or even below; thus, no clinical signs were observed on farms. The
disease was very mild, and it was detected only due to intensified targeted sampling.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Monitoring scheme
Passive monitoring is conducted based on suspicion due to increased morbidity or mortality. During
the pelting season in November and December 2021, the veterinary authority decided to implement
also an active monitoring campaign on mink farms over the country, 1,219 samples from 57 out of 62
farms were tested and 41 samples from 13 farms were found as positive. Blood samples were also
taken from 19 farms for antibody detection, by targeting 10% prevalence with 95% of confidence. Out
of 19 tested farms, 16 were found with antibodies (300/570 samples, 52%).
From 2021 until March 2022, 621 samples from 14 farms were tested and 24 samples from two
farms were positive by PCR (oral swabs). In addition to passive surveillance, the veterinary authority is
notified in case of positive farm personnel (currently in 2022 most of the farm personnel are
vaccinated, and vaccinated workers are not tested anymore on a regular basis) or increased mink
mortality, and following an epidemiological investigation is conducted. Furthermore, not less than the
dead animals per week are sampled for testing. Samples in case of suspicion are collected
from dead animals, pelted animals and clinically affected animals.
Genomic analysis
For all virus positive samples, sequencing was performed, and the results indicated that for almost
all samples, SARS-CoV-2 virus Delta mutation was dominant. Poland
In Poland, the farmed species targeted by SARS-CoV-2 monitoring are mink and raccoon dogs. As
of January 2022, there are 261 mink farms (272 in January 2021), with a total of 1,988,272 breeding
animals, and an estimated production stock of 344,958 animals to be pelted by the end of 2022.
Besides, there are 28 raccoon dog farms, with 4,701 animals in total.
Epidemiological situation
outbreak in farmed mink in Poland was confirmed in January 2021, followed by another
one in June 2021. During the months of November and December 2021, through active surveillance,
further nine outbreaks were reported in mink farms, without clinical signs. In 2022, four additional
outbreaks have been reported, in January, July, September and October, respectively.
Genomic analysis
Molecular tests are conducted on E gene fragments of Sarbecoviruses for virus monitoring; positive
samples are confirmed in tests aimed at N and RdRp genes fragments by using in-house PCR based on
Corman et al. (Euro surveillance, 2019), and NGS sequencing is done on positive samples.
Monitoring scheme
In 2021, monitoring was carried out in accordance with the monitoring rules in the Polish
legislation, i.e. throat or nasopharyngeal swabs were taken from at least 10 dead mink or mink with
clinical signs. In the absence of clinical symptoms, the tests were carried out twice a year (20 live
mink) with a minimum of 8 weeks sampling interval on the farm.
In 2022, in accordance with the provisions of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/788,
passive surveillance is carried out, in all mink and raccoon dog farms in Poland. In addition, active
monitoring is carried out on farms with over 500 adult livestock at the beginning of the production
cycle. Between February 2021 until March 2022, 11,853 samples from 594 farms were tested by PCR,
and 104 positive samples from 11 farms were detected.
Farm personnel monitoring is carried out when the second alternative sampling scheme is in place
as of (EU) 2021/788.
Other animals
Other kept (other than farmed) or wild animals are subject to passive surveillance in accordance
with Annex III, Section 2, of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/788. Samples are taken
from all dead animals or animals with clinical signs related to SARS-CoV-2. In 2022, six badgers, one
ferret and one marten (road kills) were tested for SARS-CoV-2, all with negative results.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals Spain
As of January 2022, there are 27 mink farms in Spain with 104,000 breeding animals and around
340,000 animals for pelting.
Epidemiological situation
In 2021 and up to November 2022, there have been 17 outbreaks reported in Spain in mink farms;
14 were reported in summer 2021, between June and October 2021, most linked to the
implementation of a new monitoring scheme (see below).
Monitoring scheme
In accordance with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/788 of 12 May 2021, a National
Program for Prevention, Surveillance and Control of SARS-CoV-2 in American mink farms was
developed by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) in collaboration with the
Coordination Centre for Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES) and the Autonomous Communities
with mink farms.
The programme comprises (i) the prevention measures for SARS-CoV-2 infection, (ii) the
surveillance and early detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection and (iii) SARS-CoV-2 control activities.
The surveillance on animals is based on two components:
A passive surveillance component focused on the detection and communication to the Official
Veterinary Services (OVS) of any clinical sign compatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection, followed
by sampling of sick animals and PCR test carried out in the NRL;
A targeted active surveillance component including the PCR testing of oropharyngeal swabs
from 8 found dead animals on the farm every 2 weeks.
Through passive surveillance, 2,043 samples from 21 farms were tested from February 2021 to
March 2022, 21 samples from
farms were tested positive at PCR; in these the infection was
detected after the detection of positive workers, but without signs or abnormal mortalities in mink. So
far, no positive farms have been detected in 2022.
By the active surveillance, tests on 740 samples from 27 farms identified 63 positive animals from
10 farms.
Moreover, a monitoring is conducted on positive farms as follow-up. Every 2 weeks, oropharyngeal
swabs are taken from 30 adult animals (older than 13 months) and from 60 offspring. This monitoring
is maintained until a negative result is obtained by RT-PCR in two consecutive samplings.
Monitoring of infection in farm personnel is also in place with two components:
A passive surveillance component for the early detection of cases, consisting of communication
of any compatible clinical symptom to the human health authorities.
An active surveillance where farm personnel are subject to regular random screening tests.
In case of detection of virus in a farm, positive samples are subjected to sequencing processes to
investigate genetic variants and possible mutations.
Passive surveillance for detection of cases compatible with SARS-CoV-2 is conducted in other
domestic and wild mustelids and raccoon dogs as foreseen in Annex I of Commission Implementing
Decision (EU) 2021/788 with no detection of cases of infection.
Independently from the governmental monitoring scheme, wildlife research groups and rescue
centres have performed some research activities of SARS-CoV-2 infection in susceptible species, mainly
wild mink. Two infected wild mink were initially suspected to be positive (Aguilo-Gisbert et al., 2021),
which they turned out to be negative according to confirmatory analysis in official accredited

Infection was detected in dogs and cats from positive households (Barroso-Arevalo et

al., 2021a,b; Miro et al., 2021).
Genomic analysis
The sequencing conducted in the isolates from Spain revealed that the most frequent lineage
detected was B.1.1.7 (Alpha variant). The mutations identified were D614G, N501T (a site related to
an adaptation to the host and to antigenic drift), A222V (characteristic of the human cases), Y453F
(very rarely, detected in Galicia in March 2021
described in samples from several Danish mink farms
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
(Hammer et al., 2021; Rasmussen et al., 2021)), and F486V and D796H (the two changes that always
appear together, detected in 2020). Sweden
During the current reporting period (February 2021–November 2022), mink is the only farmed
species targeted by SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in Sweden. In February 2022, there were 22 mink farms
with approximately 60,000 breeding animals. Breeding was banned during the season 2021 as a
preventive measure after the outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 that affected large parts of the Swedish mink
industry in 2020 but is again allowed during the season 2022. There is no racoon dog breeding in the
Epidemiological situation
During the previous reporting period (until January 2021), SARS-CoV-2 was detected in mink in 13
farms. Moreover, a serological screening conducted during fall 2020, which covered the majority of
mink fur farms active at the time, suggested that most of them had been exposed to the virus. During
the current reporting period, movement restrictions and strict biosecurity measures have been in place
for all mink farms in Sweden.
During the present reporting period, one outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in mink has been confirmed and
reported in August 2021. The farm in question, with 11,000 breeding animals at that time, was located
in Skara municipality in the southwest of Sweden. No increased morbidity or mortality had been
observed on the farm, and samples were taken for analysis within the surveillance programme
covering all mink farms in Sweden in accordance with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/
788. At the time of the outbreak, all people associated with the farm had either had the infection
(COVID-19 confirmed in farm personnel in November 2020) or been vaccinated, or both. Moreover, a
serological screening carried out in December 2020 demonstrated that also the mink on the farm had
been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 although virus could not be detected at that time. In spite of this, SARS-
CoV-2 might have been introduced again to the farm, most likely through one of the farm personnel,
although this was never confirmed.
Genomic analysis
Whole genome sequencing of the virus demonstrated that the virus belonged to sublineage
B.1.1.464 (clade 20B) of SARS-CoV-2. None of the amino acid mutations described on the spike
protein and considered associated with adaptation to mink was present in the sequence. At the time,
matching sequences from sublineage B.1.1.464 had previously been described from at least 14
countries globally in samples originating from people. Moreover, this sublineage had also been
detected in mink in two other countries. B1.1.464 had not been detected previously in Sweden.
Monitoring scheme
A monitoring scheme has been in place in Sweden since fall 2020, which foresees that all fur farms
submit animals found dead, or throat swabs from animals found dead, to the National Veterinary
Institute for SARS-CoV-2 testing using RT-PCR. The scheme was initially run on a voluntary basis but
has been compulsory since 2021-05-12 in accordance with Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/788.
Based on a risk assessment with positive outcome, the monitoring has been based on the alternative
sampling scheme for the monitoring of animals provided by Annex III in the decision.
During this reporting period, 1,143 samples from 28 farms have been tested, with positive results
only in one out of six samples submitted from the outbreak farm described above.
To have a better overview of the situation, the monitoring scheme described above has been
complemented with two serological screenings during 2020 and 2021, respectively. During this
reporting period, 30 mink serum samples from each of 25 farms (out of the 28 farms active at that
time) were submitted to the National Veterinary Institute between June and November 2021, and
analysed by indirect ELISA (IDvet, ID Screen SARS-CoV-2 Double Antigen Multi-species ELISA).
Samples from 12 farms tested positive in the screening, 11 of which were positive also during the
screening conducted during the previous reporting period. In these 11 farms, the proportion of
positive samples were lower (in 10 farms) or equal in this screening compared to the previous
screening. In one farm, which was negative in the screening in 2020, 16 of 30 samples tested positive
suggesting that the animals on the farm had been exposed to the virus during this reporting period.
No increased morbidity or mortality had been observed on the farm.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals Natural infection in other livestock species
By screening the scientific literature and WOAH outbreak dashboard,
camel, cattle, horse, chicken,
swine, goat, sheep and rabbit have never been detected positive for SARS CoV-2 infection at PCR

conditions (Deng et al., 2020; Cerino et al., 2021; Pomorska-Mol et al., 2021; Ruiz-Arrondo
et al., 2021; Villanueva-Saz et al., 2021a). Serological evidence was detected in rabbit and cattle in a
limited number of studies (Fritz et al., 2022; Wernike et al., 2022).
Companion animals detected as infected with SARS-CoV-2 under
conditions Cat
In general, cases in cats have been associated with mild to moderate respiratory (e.g. coughing,
sneezing, shortness of breath, increased respiratory rate, congestion and eye discharge) or
gastrointestinal (e.g. vomiting, mouth ulcers, diarrhoea) or general non-specific syndromes (e.g.
lethargy, fever, lack of appetite, cardiac or neural signs). The analysis of available global data shows 51
references reporting 725 suspected cases of cats based on clinical signs or epidemiological links with
SARS-CoV-2 infections. Several of these studies were case reports of detected infected cats associated
with infected households and showing clinical signs. A systematic review on clinical presentation of
infection in cats identified 70 cases (out of a total 124 reviewed cases) with clear data on clinical
presentation. Out of these reviewed cases, 38 (54%) were asymptomatic and 32 (46%) were
symptomatic. From all cases reviewed, there were six severe cases, where cats died or were
euthanised due to disease complications (Giraldo-Ramirez et al., 2021).
For cases where infection was confirmed by virus isolation or identification of virus genome in
respiratory and/or anal samples, high levels of virus loads, indirectly measured by detection of virus
genome (10^6.8 RNA copies/ml sample or RT-PCR cycle threshold, (CT) values
21) were observed,
particularly in some symptomatic cases (Gonzales et al., 2021; Piewbang et al., 2022; Sila et al., 2022).
From all articles identified in the SLR, a subset (N = 28) was selected where observational studies
were reported. These studies were either random or opportunistic surveys, which reported serological
results. Data on the proportion of infected cats grouped by their habitat conditions (household pets,
feral/stray (free roaming cats) or cats kept in shelters) were collected from each selected study. A
summary of the distribution of the reported percentage of seropositive cats among the studies is
presented in Table
While there is large heterogeneity in the study approach (study design,
diagnostic methods and timing of sampling) and the reported
it could be seen that the
observed percent of seropositive cats among the studies was higher (two to three times) in those cats
household pets or feral
which were exposed to a known infected source (e.g. infected household
member(s), infected mink farms (Boklund et al., 2021; van Aart et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2021; Amman
et al., 2022)),than in those cats whose close environment reported no infection (e.g. household
members not infected) or this information (e.g. infection situation in the household) was unknown

(Fritz et al., 2020; Patterson et al., 2020; Bessiere et al., 2022; Kannekens-Jager et al., 2022; Oliveira
et al., 2022). Observed levels of seropositivity in shelters with an unknown source of infection (median
10.4% [interquartile range (IQR): 1.7–13.0]) appear to be higher than seropositive levels observed in
feral/stray cats with unknown source of exposure (median 2.5% [IQR: 0–9]) (Table
which could
reflect exposure of shelter cats to infection via contact with infected humans in the shelter or contact
with infected cats (Piewbang et al., 2022).
Overall, it is possible to infer that cats are highly susceptible to the infection and that they could
shed virus in comparable levels to those reported for people, which may lead to efficient cat-to-cat
direct-contact transmission (R0
1) (Gonzales et al., 2021; Gerhards et al., 2022; Piewbang et
al., 2022) and potential cat-to-human transmission events (Piewbang et al., 2022; Sila et al., 2022).
Cats from households with infected people have the highest risk of infection, and if these cats are
allowed outdoor roaming, they may represent a risk for transmission to other cats (domestic or stray/
feral cats) they contact outdoors. Similarly, feral cats with access to infected sources, such as infected
mink farms, may represent a risk for transmission to both the feral cat population and household cats
they would encounter when roaming around residential neighbourhoods in the vicinity of mink farms
(Amman et al., 2022). The low levels of infection observed in stray/feral cats with unknown source of
exposure may be a result of limited contact with potential sources of infection, such as contact with
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
household cats, and even between feral cat colonies. The latter would limit spread of infection within
feral cats. However, feral colonies and household cats nearby mink farms may appear to represent the
cat population with the highest risk of becoming infected. Dog
The SLR identified 34 studies evaluating the presence of infection in dogs. As done for cats, most
studies were opportunistic, which followed infected households, reported individual case reports or
random surveys, mostly involving clients from veterinary clinics. A crude overview of the reports from
the studies identified in the SLR shows that the frequency of reported virus (genome) detections in
dogs is lower than that in cats (data not shown) and that infections in dogs were mainly
asymptomatic. Observational studies where data on detection of infection (assessed by serological
tests) could be extracted are summarised in Table
As observed for cats, the percentage of positives
detected was higher in dogs exposed to an infected source (mainly a household with infected people).
Studies where both dogs and cats were sampled, reported higher percent of positivity in cats than in
dogs, with one study in particular reporting the odds for infection in cats being 7.6 (95% CI: 1.9–44.4)
higher than in dogs (Colitti et al., 2021).
In summary, dogs are susceptible to infection; if infected, they are mostly asymptomatic and may
shed low levels of virus, which may limit between-dog transmission.
Table 4:
Summary of apparent seroprevalence (%) observed in observational studies reported in
the literature
Epidemiological Source of
Vet clinic
Vet clinic
Vet clinic
Vet clinic
Vet clinic
Vet clinic
Distribution of
Distribution of apparent
number of
animals sampled
of Studies
Median Q1 Q2 Median Min Q1 Q2 Max
17.7 22.7 53.3 64.3
9.2 19.2
23.5 52.1
16 385
46 102
15 56
24 127
13.0 22.5
11.5 15.4
11.4 17.1 40.7
22 454
0.0 0.0
18.8 25.0
55 500
(a): Within each selected study, one or multiple epidemiological units (households, veterinary clinics and/or feral cats from
different geographical locations) were sampled. Only epidemiological units where equal or more than 10 animals were
sampled were selected for data extraction. Data on number of animals sampled and number of positives were collected per
epidemiological unit. Percentage of seropositive animals (apparent prevalence) was estimated per epidemiological unit.
(b): The source of exposure to infection is known:
source (e.g. infected humans in the household),
source (e.g. animals coming from households where no infection in humans was confirmed) or
(no information
was available or not provided about the situation regarding infection in humans or other pets in the epidemiological unit).
(c): These are feral/stray companion animals living nearby affected settings, e.g. hospitals (Farnia et al., 2020) or infected mink
farms (Boklund et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2021). Hamster
There is evidence that hamsters can be naturally infected with SARS-CoV-2 and cause human
infections (Kok et al., 2022; Yen et al., 2022). Kok et al. (2022) reported that following a case of an
infected worker in a pet shop in Hong Kong, 7 out of 69 swab specimens collected from hamsters
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
were confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-PCR. The warehouse supplying this pet-shop
chain was investigated on 17 January 2022, with 511 swabs randomly collected from hamsters
(n = 137), rabbits (n = 204), guinea pigs (n = 52), chinchillas (n = 116) and mice (n = 2). One Syrian
hamster swab was positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-PCR.
As follow-up investigation, swabs and serum samples were collected from the Syrian and dwarf
hamsters in the pet shop and the warehouse. Eight (50%) of 16 Syrian hamsters had evidence of
infection, with four animals positive by both serology and RT-PCR, three animals tested positive by RT-
PCR alone and one animal tested positive by serology alone. In the warehouse, 7 (58%) out of 12
Syrian hamsters had evidence of infection by serology. Of those, two were also positive by RT-PCR.
None of the dwarf hamsters were confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2. Genetic and phylogenetic
analysis of the viruses suggested that importation of SARS-CoV-2-infected hamsters to Hong Kong was
a likely source of this outbreak. Eighty-two human cases with an epidemiological link to hamsters were
detected leading to multiple zoonotic transmission events to humans. SARS-CoV-2 viral genomes from
human and hamster cases in this cluster belong to the Delta variant of concern (AY.127) that had not
been circulating locally before the outbreak.
Further investigations were then performed on 100 randomly selected euthanised dwarf hamsters
housed in the warehouse, as the small number of rabbits and chinchillas had already been removed
from the warehouse prior to the warehouse visit. The lung tissues of three of these 100 (3.0%)
hamsters tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR (Kok et al., 2022).
Wild animals detected as infected with SARS CoV-2 under
Among wildlife, white-tailed deer in North America, where it is very abundant with over 30 million
animals (EAZWV, 2022), as free living or kept in game reserves, is one of the species raising most
concern in SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer has been described
in seven publications, all describing surveys in different areas of USA or Canada (Chandler et al., 2021;
Hale et al., 2021; Cool et al., 2022; Kotwa et al., 2022; Palermo et al., 2022; Vandegrift et al., 2022;
Pickering et al., 2022a). The surveys cover in total 72 areas (7 states in USA and a high and low
density region in Canada) from which in total 962 animals have been sampled for PCR-test, leading to
a median of 16 animals (IQR: 9–32%) per sampled area, and 821 (median 27 animals, IQR: 5–21%)
have been sampled for serology. The median percentage of PCR positives was 27% (IQR: 9–62%),
while the median percentage of serologically positives was 16% (IQR: 0–67%). From the Canadian
Animal Health Surveillance System’s (CAHSS) dashboard, it appears that infection with SARS-CoV-2 has
been detected in 47 white-tailed deer across Canada (seven states). From USDA’s dashboard,
appears that SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in white-tailed deer in 24 states. Furthermore, detections
of SARS-CoV-2 in mule deer have been reported in USA as well as in Canada.
From Germany and
Austria, 232 samples from hunted red deer and roe deer were collected for SARS-CoV-2 surrogate
virus neutralisation test (sVNT), with none of them found positive (Moreira-Soto et al., 2022). White-
tailed deer are not native in Europe; some individuals were imported from North America in the last
century, but the abundance in Europe is very limited; currently few individuals are present in Czechia
(700 animals) and a more consistent population in Finland, approx. 100,000 individuals (EFSA, 2021).
White-tailed deer are also kept farmed in some places in North America, while this practice is not seen
in the EU. Farming may increase the contact between animals and humans, so it may increase the risk
of transmission to and from any susceptible species.
SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in wild American mink (or mink escaped from farms) in USA
(Shriner et al., 2021). In a study from Spain, 162 European or American mink were tested by ELISA
and/or RT-qPCR, and none were found positive (Villanueva-Saz et al., 2022). Furthermore,
seropositive mustelids (three martens and two badgers) have been detected in France (Davoust et
al., 2022). One PCR-positive juvenile wild leopard (Panthera
was reported in India (Mahajan et
al., 2022).
Large numbers of red foxes, jackals and wild boar have been tested in Croatia, all with negative
results at PCR. Few results were serologically positive (6/153 wild boar, 3/65 jackals and 6/204 red
foxes); however, this was considered as false-positive results, due to negative or weak positive results
in VNT (Jemer


et al., 2021).
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
In August 2022, the detection of RNA and antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 Gamma variant
infection was reported in four specimens of
Chaetophractus villosus
(big hairy armadillo) in Argentina
(Arteaga et al., 2022).
From a study performed in Eastern USA, 18 different wildlife species were sampled, with SARS-
CoV-2 detected by PCR in the Virginia opossum (Didelphis
and equivocal detections in
additional species red fox (Vulpes
white-tailed deer (Odocoileus
Eastern grey
squirrel (Sciurus
Eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus
and bobcat (Lynx
Species considered human commensals like squirrels and raccoons had seroprevalence ranging
between 62 and71%, and sites with high human use had three times higher seroprevalence than low
human-use areas (Goldberg et al., 2022).
Zoo animals detected as infected with SARS-CoV-2 under
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in lions, tigers and pumas in zoos was described in 10 publications, of
which four described multispecies outbreaks. In total, SARS-CoV-2 was detected by PCR in 25 lions, 15
tigers and 1 puma. The median percentage of PCR positives was 100% in all three species; however,
for lions, the 25-percentile was 22%, while 73% for tigers. And pumas were only reported in one
reference, with two pumas included, of which one puma was tested and found positive. The median
group size for lion and tiger was 2–4, with a maximum of 18, and 8, respectively.
In reports by WOAH,
detections of SARS-CoV-2 by PCR have been described in numerous zoo or
captive wild species, most often felines (tiger, lion, puma, leopard,
cat, Eurasian lynx and,
Canada lynx), but also in other families (South American coati (Nasua
spotted hyena (Crocuta
hippopotamus, giant anteater (Myrmecophaga
West Indian manatee (Trichechus
black-tailed marmoset (Mico
common squirrel monkey (Saimiri spp.), mandrill
otter (Lutra
and gorilla (Gorilla
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Sequence data of animal species infected with SARS-CoV-2
As of 13 October 2022 (week 39/2022), there are 2093 sequences collected from animal hosts deposited in the GISAID EpiCoV database (Figure
Inclusion criteria were non-human and non-environmental host sources, collection dates from January 2020 and excluding non-SARS-CoV-2
sequences from bats. The sequences related to the Variants of Concern (VOC), belonging to the Ancestral (pre-Alpha), Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and
Omicron clades, are indicated specifically. The microreact site, a web application to visualise data and sharing genomic epidemiology of the sequences is
Table 5:
Neogale vison
Odocoileus virginianus
Felis catus
Canis lupus familiaris
Panthera leo
Mus musculus
Panthera tigris
Mesocricetus auratus
Panthera tigris jacksoni
Gorilla gorilla
Panthera uncia
Aonyx cinereus
Panthera tigris
Chlorocebus sabaeus
Rhinolophus malayanus
Gorilla gorilla gorilla
Phodopus roborovskii
Rhinolophus pusillus
Cygnus columbianus
Number of deposited SARS-CoV-2 sequences from animal sources by animal host from GISAID database,
January 2020–13 October 2022
(week 39/2022)
Common name
Mink/American Mink
White-tailed deer
House mouse
Golden (syn. Syrian) Hamster
Malayan Tiger
Western Gorilla
Snow Leopard
Asian small-clawed otter
Mainland Asian Tiger
Green Monkey
Malayan horseshoe bat
Lowland Gorilla
Dwarf Hamster
Least horseshoe bat
Tundra Swan
Number of sequences
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Mustela putorius furo
Panthera tigris sondaica
Arctictis binturong
Crocuta crocuta
Hippopotamus amphibius
Manis javanica
Mustela furo
Nasua nasua
Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus
Prionailurus viverrinus
Puma concolor
Rhinolophus marshalli
Rhinolophus stheno
Common name
Domestic Ferret
Sumatran Tiger/Javan Tiger
Spotted Hyena
Sunda Pangolin
South American Coati
Leopard Cat
Fishing Cat
Marshall’s horseshoe bat
Lesser brown horseshoe bat
Number of sequences
The tree is constructed using Animal sequences from GISAID EpiCoV, using Nextclade tool by including clade specific reference genomes from Nextclade (link). Human reference
genomes are coloured Lavender blue in the tree, whereas the colouring patterns for Animal sequences are based on their hosts. Mainly, mink sequences (yellow), companion animals
cats, dogs and hamsters (shades of blue), wild cats
lions, tigers, mainland Asian tiger, leopard cats,
cat and bear cats (shades of orange) and white-tailed deer (green).
Figure 7:
Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Animal sequences along with the human clade-specific reference genomes
Source of
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Sequence data of farmed animals infected with SARS CoV-2 (mink)
More than half of the total animal sequence depositions in GISAID EpiCoV database are derived from mink (1,323 sequences). Mink sequences cluster
into distinct major mink-specific clusters and most of them are located in ancestral clades (pre-alpha clades, Figure
These clusters show high intra-
cluster variability, indicating mink-to-mink transmission, high rates of virus evolution within the mink population and emergence of mink-specific variants with
potential to spill back into the human population, which has previously been described (ECDC, 2020d; Oude Munnink et al., 2021). Sequence data within
clusters exhibit high intra-cluster variability, which indicates high level of transmission and accelerated evolution within the cluster. The latest pre-alpha virus
sample collected from mink belongs to clade 20C in Lithuania, collected on 26 November 2021, and there are no pre-alpha viruses detected in 2022 and
only six mink-related sequences were reported in 2022. Fewer smaller mink clusters have been detected in VOC clades, but mostly sporadic mink sequences
are reported in these VOC clades
belonging to Alpha, Delta and Omicron. Only two mink-related Omicron sequences have been reported indicating that
human-to-mink transmission has been probably mitigated over time if testing has been continued. No sequences of SARS-CoV-2 originating from raccoon
dogs have been uploaded to GISAID.
Mutations identified in outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in mink and related human cases:
SARS-CoV-2 variants detected in mink outbreaks and related human cases were part of at least
closely related clusters; each cluster was
characterised by a specific mink-related variant, identified in humans and animals from infected mink farms. Some mutations, such as Y453F in the
receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein, have been suggested as an adaptation of the virus to mink and has been observed in many of the
SARS-CoV-2 strains in different countries, independently of the clustering (ECDC, 2020d). To note, the Y453F mutation has also been observed in human
cases not related to mink. One of the clusters (Cluster 5 variant strains), which was reported as circulating in August and September 2020, carried a
deletion of two amino acids (69–70) and two additional mutations in the S protein (I692V, M1229I) in addition to the Y453F mutation in the RBD.
Spillover of SARS-CoV-2 from mink to humans
The majority of spill-over events from animals is related to mink and in some occasions, this spill-over caused circulation of mink-related viruses in the
general population, as observed in Denmark (ECDC, 2020d; EFSA, 2021). Also other countries (e.g. The Netherlands) reported transmission of SARS-CoV-2

from mink to people (Larsen and Paludan, 2020; Oreshkova et al., 2020; Devaux et al., 2021; Hammer et al., 2021; Larsen et al., 2021; Lassauniere et
al., 2021; Lu et al., 2021; Oude Munnink et al., 2021; Sharun et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2021; Rabalski et al., 2022).
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
The tree is constructed using Animal sequences from GISAID EpiCoV, using Nextclade tool by including clade specific reference genomes from Nextclade (link).
Figure 8:
Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequences from mink along with the human clade-specific reference genomes and other animal sequences
(not marked). Clusters are coloured by country of reporting.
Sequence data of companion animals infected with SARS CoV-2
In total, 247 sequences have been deposited for companion animals, divided into cats (133), dogs (93) and hamsters (21) (Figures
9, 10, 11).
sequences are spread all over the SARS-CoV-2 clades and have much less tendency of clustering together. There is one Syrian hamster cluster (12
sequences) in the Delta clade mixed with human sequences reported from Hong Kong and previously described (Kok et al., 2022). Otherwise, companion
animal sequences mostly spread within human sequences. However, some sequences cluster within mink clusters, indicating some spillover from the minks.
Little to no tendency in terms of clustering indicates sporadic transmission from humans, with little or no animal-to-animal transmission among companion
animals. Furthermore, unlike mink, which are farmed and kept in large numbers, accelerated evolution and emergence of species-specific variants was not
observed in companion animal sequences. Some cat sequences cluster within mink clusters pointing to sporadic transmission events either during outbreaks
or from infected humans, possibly from cats visiting mink farms, or from households of mink workers.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
The tree is constructed using Animal sequences from GISAID EpiCoV, using Nextclade tool by including clade-specific reference genomes from Nextclade (link).
Figure 9:
Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequences from cats (blue dots) along with the human clade-specific reference genomes and other animal
sequences (not marked)
The tree is constructed using Animal sequences from GISAID EpiCoV, using Nextclade tool by including clade-specific reference genomes from Nextclade (link).
Figure 10:
Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequences from dogs (light blue dots) along with the human clade-specific reference genomes and other
animal sequences (not marked)
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
The tree is constructed using Animal sequences from GISAID EpiCoV, using Nextclade tool by including clade-specific reference genomes from Nextclade (link).
Figure 11:
Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequences from hamster (dark blue dots) along with the human clade-specific reference genomes and
other animal sequences (not marked)
Sequence data of wild animals infected with SARS CoV-2
Around 130 sequences have been deposited in the GISAID EpiCoV database for wild cats (lions, tigers, Mainland Asian Tiger, Leopard Cats, Fishing Cat
and Bear Cats, Figure
These wild felids sequences have a higher tendency of clustering than companion animals. There is one lion-associated cluster
from Spain from November 2020 (19 sequences). This cluster also contains one sequence from dog and two human sequences and has previously been

described (Fernandez-Bellon et al., 2021). Another lion-related cluster was identified in sequences deposited from the USA in October 2021, also containing
one spotted Hyena-related sequence. Another cluster containing several different wild cats, collected in September–November 2021, uploaded from the
USA, also containing human sequences. These clustering patterns indicates animal-to-animal transmission for wild cats in zoo settings, but there is no clear
sign of species-specific evolution suggesting viral adaptation in these cats in these settings. These wild-cat-related sequences are spread all over the clades
except the Omicron clade.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
The tree is constructed using Animal sequences from GISAID EpiCoV, using Nextclade tool by including clade-specific reference genomes from Nextclade (link).
Figure 12:
Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequences from wild animals along with the human clade-specific reference genomes
White-tailed deer
In total, 323 white-tailed deer-related sequences have been deposited in GISAID EpiCoV database, originating from studies performed in the USA and
Canada (Figure
(Hale et al., 2021; Caserta et al., 2022). Similar to mink, these white-tailed deer sequences form a significant number of animal-specific
clusters indicating intra-species transmission and there are signs of accelerated evolution within these clusters. Some of the clusters include human
sequences, but not all of them. Sequences are spread across all clades including Omicron, except the index virus clade (Lineage A, clade 19). There were
two sampling periods for white-tailed deer sequences, the
in autumn–winter 2020 (shown in light green colour dots, Figure
and the second in
autumn 2021 (shown in dark green colour dots, Figure
For the
season, mostly all the sequences belong to the ancestral clades, except one
sequence in the Alpha clade. One small cluster (four sequences) previously described (Caserta et al., 2022) was highly divergent, indicating adaptation of
the virus to new host species, and there is one reference human sequence in this cluster which indicates limited spill-back to the human population for this
variant. During the second season, the sequences are spread over all the VOC clades, mainly Alpha and Delta clades, with few sequences in the Omicron
clade. Some ancestral divergent clade sequences were observed in this second season. This indicates new SARS-CoV-2 introductions to deer population in
2022, with remaining ancestral variants circulating for a longer period and at least one novel deer-adapted variant still circulating. It also indicates a
continuous transmission from humans to deer populations with deer-related intra-host evolution resulting in divergent clusters. The
of sequence
data analysis have been also described in a recent publication (Pickering et al., 2022b).
As only very few sequences from other wild animals have been deposited in GISAID EpiCoV compared to white-tailed deer, it is difficult to ascertain
whether the spread of SARS-CoV-2 within the white-tailed deer population in North America is unique, or if other similar events are ongoing in other animal
species and geographic regions.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
The tree is constructed using Animal sequences from GISAID EpiCoV, using Nextclade tool by including clade-specific reference genomes from Nextclade (link).
Figure 13:
Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 animal sequences from white-tailed deer along with the human clade-specific reference genomes. Clusters
are coloured by the hunting season.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Probability of transmission between animals, and between animals
and humans, posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animal species of
In this section, for the animal species considered as particularly susceptible (Section
and thus
potentially important in the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2, the probability of SARS CoV-2 transmission
between animals and between animals and humans is addressed, as requested in ToR 2.
The possible epidemiological scenarios and related transmission pathways in farmed animals,
companion animals, zoo animals and wildlife are presented in diagrams, tables and supported by
explanatory text. The probability of transmission of the virus in each single pathway is qualitatively
assessed by consensus of the experts based on the risk and exposure factors identified and supported
by the evidence provided in Section
The reasoning is further explained either in the tables or in
the text below the tables in Section
The probability of transmission is estimated assuming no
preventive and control measures specific to SARS-CoV-2 in the animal species and in the human
exposed groups are applied (e.g. no use of non -pharmaceutical interventions (NPI), nor infection
prevention and control (see Section
An additional characterisation of the risk assessment is
composed by the amount or quality of evidence available (categorised as low, moderate, high) as
explained in Table
The possible preventive and control measures and monitoring approaches are
also indicated for each transmission pathway, and next to each, it is indicated in brackets, whether the
measure may affect the susceptibility or the exposure.
Table 6:
Ratings used to describe the amount or quality of the evidence available (EFSA AHAW
Panel, 2015)
No or limited information or data are lacking, incomplete, inconsistent or conflicting. No subjective
judgement is introduced. No unpublished data are used.
Some information or data are lacking, incomplete, inconsistent or conflicting. Subjective judgement
is introduced with supporting evidence. Unpublished data are sometimes used.
The majority of information or data are lacking, incomplete, inconsistent or conflicting.
Subjective judgement may be introduced without supporting evidence. Unpublished data are
frequently used.
Farmed animals
This section refers to probability of transmission between farmed animals susceptible to SARS-
CoV-2, and from them to humans and vice versa. Farmed animals include fur-farmed animals such as
mink, raccoon dogs, sable, ferrets, foxes, but from now on we refer to mink, which is used as the type
animal in the category, given that it is considered the worst case. In Figure
the pathways of
transmission (both direct and indirect transmission, the former as by direct contact with infected
animals or humans, the latter as transmission, e.g. by contaminated environment and fomites, etc.)
within and between mink farms are presented, while in Table
the probability of transmission (P),
possible control measures and monitoring approach are presented. The reasoning is described more
extensively in the text below the table.
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Figure 14:
Diagram of transmission pathways of SARS-CoV-2 in mink
SARS-CoV-2 in animals
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Table 7:
Transmission pathways of SARS-CoV-2 for different scenarios in mink farms, related preventive and control measures and probability of
transmission. Mink is used as a worst-case example of farmed animals
Probability of
transmission (in the
absence of control
measures specific
to animals in
Potential preventive and
control measures in
animals/farm (in brackets Potential preventive and
control measures in humans
is indicated influence on
probability of exposure or
Possible monitoring
approaches to reduce the
probability of
Risk factors/
pathways (quantity of
exposure factors
situation in the
proportion of mink
farms in the EU will be
human population
infected in the next
No. of farm
12 months due to
contact with an infectious
visiting farms
No. of contacts
between farm
worker/visitor to
No. of contacts
between farms
Human to mink (P
Low to moderate
Vaccination of mink may
(from 10 to 66% of
reduce the probability of
all farms)* see text
transmission to the
below the table.
individual mink, but likely
Quality of evidence:
not on farm level
moderate (PAFF
reports from
Duration of the immunity
in mink is not well
described, and following,
varying effects of
vaccination are expected.
Regular (at least weekly)
Testing, symptom
testing of farm personnel,
Testing of other visitors
NPI e.g. FFP respirators,
before visit (exposure) (for
goggles or face shields,
both points above assuming
gowns, hand hygiene,
that a positive test is
respiratory etiquette, keeping
followed by, e.g. denied
distance, stay-at home when
access to farm)
No entrance for positive
tested people, no entrance
for workers with SARS-CoV-
2-like symptoms or who have
had close contact with
confirmed cases,
Limitation of access to farm,
Quarantine between visits to
farms (exposure)
Vaccination of workers could
protect against severe
outcomes of infection;
Training and information to
farm personnel in their own
The monitoring approaches listed here are examples of which approach can be taken, but are not necessarily linked with what is discussed in the Section
on monitoring revision.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Risk factors/
pathways (quantity of
exposure factors
Mink to mink (intra-farm)
Farms size
Period when young
animals are born
What is the proportion of
Immunity status of
mink that will become
infected in infected mink
Mink density within
farms in the EU in the
the farm
next 12 months?
biosecurity and
Mink to humans (P
Probability of
transmission (in the
absence of control
measures specific
to animals in
Potential preventive and
control measures in
animals/farm (in brackets Potential preventive and
is indicated influence on
control measures in humans
probability of exposure or
Possible monitoring
approaches to reduce the
probability of
Regular testing of mink
Vaccination (susceptibility
High to very high
and exposure),
(from 66 to
reduction of the within-
Quality of evidence:
farm density (exposure)
Within-farm biosecurity
(Field evidence,
several reports, see
Vaccination, within farm
Seasonality related
Very low to very
density and time of
high (from
10 to
to pelting, which
What is the proportion of
detection can influence
influences no. of
people entering/present
virus load on farm
Quality of evidence:
farm personnel*
in infected mink farms in
and contacts
the EU next 12 months
between farms; an
Evidence on spread
that will become infected
from mink to
increased number
from mink?
of workers increase
uncertainty related
the risk.
to spread between
workers or from
mink to workers
Vaccination of workers could
protect against severe
outcomes of infection;
FFP respirators, goggles or
face shields, gowns, gloves
Regular testing of mink,
direct or indirect (air
samples, environmental
samples) (exposure)
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Risk factors/
pathways (quantity of
exposure factors
Farm density
What proportion of
Low level
infected mink farms in
implementation of
the EU will generate at
least one secondary case
through direct or indirect
transmission of SARS-
CoV-2 in the next
12 months?
Farm to farm (P
Probability of
transmission (in the
absence of control
measures specific
to animals in
Potential preventive and
control measures in
animals/farm (in brackets Potential preventive and
is indicated influence on
control measures in humans
probability of exposure or
Restricted access and
movement of workers,
Vaccination of workers
decreases disease severity;
PPE such as FFP respirators,
goggles or face shields,
gowns, gloves;
NPI: hand and respiratory
hygiene, keeping distance,
stay at home when sick;
Testing, symptom
limitation of access to farm,
quarantine between visits to
farms (exposure)
Possible monitoring
approaches to reduce the
probability of
Regular testing of mink, test
of animals or farm
personnel, testing before
movement (exposure)
Moderate (from 33
Movement restrictions of
animals, equipment
to 66%)
between farms,
Quality of evidence:
quarantine, test of
Moderate (from
animals/farm before
reported outbreaks
movement (exposure)
and reports, see
Vaccination (exposure &
Spread from farm to
general population
farm- general pop
What proportion of
infected mink farms in
the EU will generate
circulation (i.e. not
limited to sporadic
detections) of mink
adapted SARS-CoV-2
strains in general
population to people not
associated with mink
farms in the next
12 months?
Farm density
Distance to general
Low level
implementation of
Very low (< 10%)
Quality of evidence:
Low (limited
information on how
many samples are
sequenced in
different countries,
making it difficult to
follow the spread in
the general
To limit access of visitors
to the farm
Farm biosecurity
Lowering virus
concentration in the air
during outbreaks e.g. by
ventilation and
interventions on the animal
Vaccination and acquired
immunity from previous
SARS-CoV-2 infection to
lower the risk of getting
infected and also reduce
the period of infectiousness
Testing, symptom monitoring
Regular testing of farm
personnel, testing of other
of workers;
visitors after visit (exposure)
Vaccination of workers
Genetic monitoring of viruses
decreases disease severity;
at mink farms and
NPI: hand and respiratory
population level
hygiene, keeping distance,
stay at home when sick;
Genetic monitoring of SARS-
CoV-2 to identify mink-
associated viruses to be able
to follow up and limit further
spread in the affected
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Risk factors/
pathways (quantity of
exposure factors
Farm biosecurity
Mink to companion
animals /other animals at
In the next 12 months,
out of the mink farms
becoming infected in the
EU what is the
proportion in which at
least one pet or other
animal of susceptible
species (including wild
animals) in the farm will
become infected (due to
transmission from the
mink), given such
animals are present on
the farms?
Probability of
transmission (in the
absence of control
measures specific
to animals in
Potential preventive and
control measures in
animals/farm (in brackets Potential preventive and
is indicated influence on
control measures in humans
probability of exposure or
Possible monitoring
approaches to reduce the
probability of
Fencing, automatic closure
Low to moderate
of gates/doors, closed halls
(from 10 to 66%)
vs. open sheds, restricted
Quality of evidence:
access for companion
Moderate (Surveys
animals (dogs/cats, etc.)
conducted during
epidemics in
Denmark (Boklund
et al., 2021), in the
Netherlands (van
Aart et al., 2021),
and in the USA
(Amman et al.,
2022). See also
NPI: non-pharmaceutical interventions; PPE: personal protective equipment.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Human to mink (P
The epidemiological situation, and in particular the level of virus activity and the respective virus
variant circulating in the general population in the area is expected to be a driving force in the
probability of transmission from humans to mink. However, despite a relatively low incidence in the
general population in 2020, the
outbreaks in mink occurred, most likely caused by a mixture of
low awareness, limited testing and control measures in the early phases of the pandemic, and a
prolonged infectious pressure from infected humans to mink. In addition, introduction likely occurred
via people with asymptomatic infection during times when testing was limited or not performed.
Lower testing volumes in the general population will also add limitation to the available data about
the level of SARS-CoV-2 circulation in the population locally and beyond. This will limit the assessment
of when more stringent measures are needed on a farm to prevent virus introduction.
An increase in numbers of workers and visitors will lead to an increased probability of transmission
between humans and mink, for example as result of seasonal increase of workload, e.g. during pelting
Non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI) measures (Section
such as maintaining distance, hand
and respiratory hygiene, wearing face masks, testing and isolating positive tested people and their
contacts have been shown to effectively reduce the transmission rate between humans, and most
likely from humans to mink. However, experience shows that it is difficult to ensure compliance to all
measures during full working days. Limitation of access for visitors and testing for workers and visitors
can effectively reduce the risk of virus introduction, if the time from testing to test results is short and
the sensitivity of tests is high. However, in many countries, at the time of writing this opinion, SARS-
CoV-2 is no longer considered such a threat to the population, and such that health care is
overwhelmed and would require testing, and public health measures such as wearing facemasks in
public places or indoor areas. Indeed, vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 reduced hospitalisations,
intensive care units (ICU) admissions and deaths due to SARS-CoV-2.
Vaccination in humans has shown to be a powerful tool to prevent severe and fatal disease during
the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, reduce disease overall, lower virus load and reduce the time of infectivity in
infected people; however, vaccination cannot be considered a control measure of the viral spread e.g.
to prevent the introduction into a farm.
Explanation about estimation of probability of transmission
(low to moderate, from 10 to
66% of all farms): the assessment by the experts indicated a high uncertainty regarding the potential
number of adequate contacts between infected humans in the next 12 months, mostly due to possible
variation in the incidence of infection in humans (which will influence that of workers/visitors of mink
farms). This is expected to be the case even if human transmission to mink (i.e. an infected human
entering a mink farm) is very likely, given adequate contact (evidence is available for this as observed
in past epidemics in DK and NL).
Mink to mink (intra-farm) (P
Experience from outbreaks in mink shows that the virus spreads rapidly throughout the farm
(Boklund et al., 2021; Hammer et al., 2021), and from two farms, an R0 of 2.9 and a growth rate of
0.293 during a within-farm epidemic have been estimated (Chaintoutis et al., 2021). In periods with
kits (young mink), the density in farms increases, which may lead to even higher transmission rates.
However, as virus has been often detected in air within 1 m from mink and may be present up to 3 m
away, even reduced density can result in high probability of spread between mink, although likely at a
lower speed. Experimental studies on ferrets have shown a higher probability of transmission between
animals by direct contact than by airborne transmission, although airborne transmission up to 1 metre
has been described (Richard et al., 2020; Kutter et al., 2021).
Previous exposure or vaccination of mink is likely to reduce the transmission rate, but experience is
scarce and data lacking. One vaccine study with mink showed that one of three vaccinated mink
became infectious, and that vaccinated mink were PCR-positive for a shorter time period (Shuai et
al., 2021). Vaccination has been used in mink in USA and Finland. No farms have been tested positive
in Finland, neither before nor after vaccination.
Within-farm biosecurity may reduce the probability of spread between sections of a farm. However,
it is likely that introductions from workers will occur into several sections of the farm (Chaintoutis et
al., 2021), leading to a limited effect of within-farm biosecurity.
Explanation about estimation of probability of transmission (high
to very high, from 66 to
90%): While there is a large uncertainty on the proportion of mink farms becoming infected, mink
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
can readily transmit the virus (R0
1) and thus, given the close contact between animals in mink
farms, once the infection is present in at least one animal, it is very likely that it will reach a large
proportion of the exposed mink population within farm.
Mink to humans (P
Evidence from previous outbreaks shows an increased incidence among mink workers (Larsen and
Paludan, 2020; Lu et al., 2021; Oude Munnink et al., 2021). Moreover, characterisation of virus
circulating in mink and farm personnel has demonstrated transmission from humans to mink as well as
from mink to humans (Hammer et al., 2021; Lu et al., 2021). The probability of transmission from
mink to humans will vary with the number of persons exposed on the farm (farm personnel, visitors
including family members) as well as applied personal protective measures. Farm size is likely to have
an effect on the virus load in the environment, leading to increased risk of transmission in large farms
depending on number of animals and in seasons with increased animal density. Testing does not
reduce the risk of infection of the individuals tested, but reduces the risk of further spread by early
detection of infection/contamination. NPIs instead reduce the risk of individual infection and of further
spread to others (depending on the NPI measure). Early detection will in theory increase the
effectiveness of PPE by reducing the exposure before detection if PPE is not worn routinely. In
practise, it can be difficult to detect outbreaks early enough to have the optimal effect of additional
PPE. However, the effect will be influenced by several factors, such as animal density, transmission rate
and frequency of contact between workers/visitor and animals. Similar effects can be obtained by
measures reducing the spread between mink (P
). Monitoring infections with the purpose of early
detection is described (EFSA, 2021).
Explanation about estimation of probability of transmission (very
low to very high, from
10 to
90%): in infected mink farms, there is a large uncertainty regarding the risk for workers due
to future circulating strains, biosecurity measures, etc. Furthermore, the average proportion of people
infected from mink on an infected farm, varies with farm size and thereby with the numbers of
workers/visitors of the farm.
Farm to farm (P
Experience from previous outbreaks indicates that spread between farms occur and that farms size
and distance between farms is associated with the risk of occurrence (Boklund et al., 2021; Lu et
al., 2021). Direct or indirect transmission by humans is believed to be the main route of transmission
(Lu et al., 2021). However, from other contagious husbandry diseases, it is well known that the extent
of movement between farms of animals, people and equipment influence the risk of spread of disease.
Therefore, movement restrictions, limited access to farms for visitors and quarantine time between
visits for workers and visitors can reduce the probability of transmission.
Explanation about estimation of probability of transmission
(Moderate, from 33 to 66%):
multiple factors may play a role here (particularly biosecurity), but assuming possible exposure (e.g.
close distance or high farm density and/or movement of animals) the probability of transmission is
considered moderate. In some situations, where only antibodies are detected, phylogenetic analyses
are not possible, and therefore, the relations between farms can be difficult to describe and, as such,
it is a source of uncertainty.
Spread to general population (P
Experience from Denmark showed that the SARS-CoV-2 variant related to mink spread from farm
personnel to the general population. After the
three outbreaks on mink farms in June 2020, its
spread led to at least 90 people infected with this mink-related variant (Larsen et al., 2021). However,
after all mink were culled in the country, this variant was no longer found in the sequenced samples
from Denmark. In the Netherlands, three human community cases infected with a mink strain were
found (Lu et al., 2021). Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 was not detected in air samples outside farms in the
Netherlands (de Rooij et al., 2021) or in Denmark (Boklund et al., 2021).
Explanation about estimation of probability of transmission:
(very low
10%) The
probability that mink-related strains establish in the general population can be assumed to depend on
how well adapted these viruses are for transmission between humans, and on the level and viral
of other circulating strains at the time. The risk of spread to the general population can be
reduced by minimising the risk of mink outbreaks and the risk of transmitting the mink-adapted viruses
to workers at mink farms and thereby lowering the risk of transmission to the general population in
the local area of the affected mink farm and beyond. Also, interventions on the animal side, if feasible
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
(e.g. compartmentalisation, etc.), to reduce the spread among the animal population will reduce the
risk of workers to be exposed to infected animals (and consequently to the general population) as well
as to aerosol or contaminated environment such as surfaces or dust particles in the air. Vaccination
and acquired immunity in human population from previous SARS-CoV-2 infection have shown to lower
the risk of getting infected and also reduce the period of infectiousness, which contributes to reduce
the spread to the general population, but this effect is decreasing over time and with any new variant.
Frequent testing of farm personnel and visitors on farms could be a useful monitoring approach, the
latter with the purpose of early detection.
Mink to other animals at farm (companion animals, wild, feral animals)
The probability of transmission from mink to companion animals (e.g. cats, dogs) will vary with the
number of the latter at risk on the farm and the viral load. Companion animals are considered at risk if
they have access to the farm area. Similarly, animals of susceptible species living in the surroundings
of the farm can be at risk, if they have access to the farm area (e.g. feral cats). Wild mink in
surroundings of farms in USA have tested positive, and virus was found in two escaped mink in the
Netherlands, 450 and 650 m from culled farms
(Lu et al., 2021). Furthermore, several cats (many
feral) and dogs living on infected Danish, Dutch and Utah (USA) farms have been tested positive, for
either virus or antibodies (van Aart et al., 2021; Amman et al., 2022) (Table
High levels of biosecurity, efficient fencing and closed farms, including automated closure of gates
and doors, can reduce the risk of companion animals as well as wildlife entering the farms, and
thereby the probability of transmission. Monitoring of wildlife and feral cats cannot reduce the
probability of transmission; however, it can help supporting information on potential spread between
Explanation about estimation of probability of transmission (Low
to moderate, from 10 to
66%): Mink are likely highly infectious and effective contact with other animals in the farm is
considered likely if the latter are present. However, as few animals of other species have been tested
on infected mink farms, there is uncertainty on the probability of each susceptible animal getting
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Companion animals
This section refers to probability of transmission between companion animals and humans. Examples are given for cats and hamsters, as these are
considered the species at highest risk, and include cats living in households having access to outdoor, stray (feral) cats (cats without owners that may often
live in colonies and roam freely), dogs and hamsters in pet shops or at breeding centre. In Figures
the pathways of transmission are presented,
while in Tables
the probability of transmission (P), possible control measures and monitoring approach are shown, respectively, for cats and
Cats and dogs
Figure 15:
Diagram of transmission pathways of SARS-CoV-2 between dogs or cats and humans
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Table 8:
Transmission pathways of SARS CoV-2 for different scenarios in cats (referring to EU), probability of transmission and related preventive and
control measures
Risk factors
Potential preventive
Probability of transmission (P) and control
measures in animals
Not applicable
Low to moderate (10–66%)
Quality of evidence: High,
several reports and studies
indicating higher risk of
infection in cats from infected
households (Table
Reported median prevalence of
infected cats in households with
infected humans is 20% (IQR:
8–23) with a maximum
reported prevalence of 50%
Very low to low (< 10% to
Quality of evidence: low
Some infected cats, in particular
those with clinical signs, can
shed high levels of virus
(Gonzales et al., 2021), which
can be sufficient to infect
humans following close contact
(Sila et al., 2022; Piewbang et
al., 2022).
Restrict movements
of infected cat and
possibly isolate it.
Potential preventive
and control measures
in humans
Possible monitoring
Household habits
Number of household
In the next 12 months,
members and/or cats
out of the households with
Awareness of
at least one SARS-CoV-2
probability of
infected person living with
transmission to
one or more cats in the
companion animals
EU, what is the proportion
in which at least one of
the cats in the household
will become infected?
PPE and good hygiene
If investigation is
planned, target sampling
cats from infected
If tested positive, to
avoid close contact
with cats, and if
possible keep animals
outside of affected
To raise awareness to
animal owners
Household habits
Number of household
In the next 12 months,
member and/or cats
out of the cats that will
Awareness of
become infected with
probability of
SARS-CoV-2 in the EU,
transmission to
what is the proportion that
companion animals
will transmit the infection
Clinical condition and
to one or more humans in
shedding levels of
the same household?
infected cats
PPE and good hygiene
If infected cat is
detected, investigate
other companion
Avoid close contact
with cats
animals and humans at
risk (exposed to the
cat (in same
household, shelter)
In the next 12 months,
out of SARS-CoV-2
infected cats in the EU,
what is the proportion that
Numbers and densities
high (33–90%)
of cats
Quality of evidence: moderate
Type of contact and
duration of contact
Transmission between cats can
be sustained; R0
1 (Gonzales
Not applicable
Isolate infected cat
Restrict movement of
infected cat
If infected cat is
detected, investigate
other companion
animals and humans at
risk (exposed to the
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Risk factors
Potential preventive
Probability of transmission (P) and control
measures in animals
et al., 2021; Gerhards et
al., 2022).
Potential preventive
and control measures
in humans
Possible monitoring
will transmit the infection
Clinical condition and
to at least one other cat in
shedding levels of
the same household or
infected cats
Cat -> other household
Cats’ habits
Household cats with
cats, stray cats
outdoor access
In the next 12 months,
Frequency of contact
out of SARS-CoV-2
with other cats
infected household cats in
Clinical condition and
the EU, what is the
shedding levels of
proportion that will
infected cats
transmit the infection to
one or more cats that do
not live in the same
household (including stray
Cats habits
Stray cat
Number of cat colonies
Household cats
In the next 12 months,
allowed outside/street
out of SARS-CoV-2
infected stray cats in the
Frequency of contact
EU, what is the proportion
with other animals
that will transmit the
Clinical condition and
infection to one or more
shedding levels of
cats or other
infected cats
Very Low to low (< 10–33%)
Transmission between cats can be
sustained (Gonzales et al., 2021;
Gerhards et al., 2022), however,
the duration and intensity of the
contact between cats influences
the transmission.
Quality of evidence: low
Restrict movement of
Not applicable
household cat, when
Not applicable
Very low to low (< 10–33%)
The duration and intensity of the
contact between a cat and another
animal influences the transmission
Quality of evidence: low
Not applicable
Not applicable
Other cats here means cats living in households having access to outdoor, and stray cats are those without owners that may live in colonies.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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Figure 16:
Diagram of transmission pathways of SARS-CoV-2 between hamsters
and humans
It could apply also for cat or dog or other susceptible animals in a pet shop or breeding center.
SARS-CoV-2 in animals
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Table 9:
Transmission pathways of SARS CoV-2 for different scenarios in hamsters (referring to EU), probability of transmission and related preventive
and control measures
Risk factors/periods/
preventive and
control measures
in animals
Not available/
Potential preventive
and control measures monitoring
in humans
Investigation in
pet shop workers
PPE and good hygiene
or breeders
Avoid direct contact if
Probability of transmission (P)
Close contact with pet
very low to low (< 10–33%)
Contamination of cage
In the next 12 months, what
equipment (Port et
proportion of hamsters in
al., 2021)
Hamsters are highly susceptible to
pet shops in the EU
will be
No PPE or good hygiene
SARS-CoV-2 (Yen et al., 2022)
infected with SARS-CoV-2
practices when handling
Quality of evidence: low to moderate,
due to contact with infected
animals or equipment
there is only one publication describing
natural infection of hamsters (Yen et
al.). Hamsters however are used
frequently as animal models for SARS-
CoV-2 and high susceptibility to infection
has been demonstrated by numerous
Group size per cage
High (> 90%)
Density of hamsters
In the next 12 months, out
Hygiene measures
of SARS-CoV-2 infected
between cages
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 can take
hamsters in the EU, what is
place via contact, aerosol, fomites
the proportion that will
and air (Port et al., 2021)
transmit the infection to at
Quality of evidence: high, there is a
least one other hamster?
plethora of publications
demonstrating transmission of SARS-
CoV-2 between hamsters
by direct
contact or via fomites or air/aerosol.
In the next 12 months, out
of SARS-CoV-2 infected
hamsters in the EU, what is
the proportion that will
Reduce group size
PPE and good hygiene
Not applicable
in cages.
Reduce hamster
distance between
Limit movement of
animals with
clinical signs and/
or quarantine after
Close contact with pet
PPE and good hygiene
Monitor pet shop
Low (10–33%)
workers or
No PPE or good hygiene
practices when handling
If animals tested
Hamsters shed high levels of virus.
positive wearing PPE
Limit direct contact.
Quality of evidence:
low to moderate,
because there is only one publication
describing the transmission of SARS-
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
transmit the infection to one
or more humans?
Risk factors/periods/
Probability of transmission (P)
CoV-2 from hamsters to humans (Yen et
al.). Considering that hamsters shed
high levels of virus, which can be
detected in the air, and that virus
transmits rapidly among hamsters, high
amounts of infectious virus can be
reached in situations where several
hamsters are kept.
preventive and
control measures
in animals
Potential preventive
and control measures monitoring
in humans
Wild animals
the pathways of transmission are presented.
or as captive in game reserves) found positive at a
and the related table. However, the assessment and
susceptibility to infection and potential for sustained
This section refers to probability of transmission between wild animals and humans. In Figures
The white-tailed deer is until now the only wildlife species in North America (either as free ranging
significant prevalence. Therefore, only white-tailed deer is indicated in the
(indicated as
considerations done for white-tailed deer might be extrapolated to other wildlife species with a high
infectivity if identified in the future (Table
Figure 17:
Diagram of transmission pathways of SARS-CoV-2 between white-tailed deer (or other wildlife species with high susceptibility to infection and
potential for sustained infectivity) and humans
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Table 10:
Transmission pathways of SARS CoV-2 for different scenarios in white-tailed deer (WTD), probability of transmission and related preventive
and control measures
Risk factors/periods/
Hunting season (e.g.
contaminated baiting,
Outdoor activity
Occupational exposure
(e.g. forest workers,
deer farmers)
Proximity to urban
settings (wastewater,
situation (level of
infection) in general
P of transmission
Very low to low,
Potential preventive
and control measures
in/for animals
Potential preventive
and control measures
in humans
Possible transmission
In the next 12 months,
proportion of the WTD in the EU
will get infected with SARS-CoV-2
due to contact with infected
To set up
quality of evidence: moderate
monitoring of
(Palmer et al., 2021; Vandegrift
relevant species
et al., 2022)
(Cardoso et
al., 2021)
Good hunting practices
Testing and symptom
(avoid feeding or
PPE for close contact
(e.g. face masks)
Safe disposal of
No contact with live
garbage and use of
wild animals for people
animal-proof containers
with symptoms
Avoid unnecessary
contact in general.
Vaccination of people
in contact with live
Reasoning to support estimation of P of transmission: several variants circulating among humans spilled over to deer, although no case in EU, the majority of white-tailed
deer WTD in the EU are in Finland, where the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 has been among the lowest in the EU all through the pandemic. Nevertheless, this could be linked
to the diversity of hosts and the limited and generally non-systematic sampling.
Not applicable
Population density
Avoid aggregation of
Low to high, 33–99%;
Mating season
susceptible animals at
group sizes and
quality of evidence:
In the next 12 months, out of
focal points such as
contact rates
moderate for WTD (Hale et
SARS-CoV-2 infected WTD in the
situation (level of
feeding sites (Gortazar
al., 2021; Kotwa et
EU, what is the proportion that will
infection) in general
et al., 2015)
al., 2022), but very limited
transmit the infection to one or
To avoid situations of
evidence for European wild
overabundance of
susceptible wildlife
Reasoning: there is clear
maintenance of infection in
WTD populations in North
In the next 12 months, out of
SARS-CoV-2 infected WTD in the
EU, what is the proportion that will
Hunting season
Hunting practices and
carcass handling
Outdoor activity
Very low,
quality of evidence:
Reasoning: a report of
SARS-CoV-2 WTD-adapted
Testing of found
same as above
pathway, human to
dead animals, or
shot/road kill
PPE when managing
fresh carcasses
Hand hygiene
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Possible transmission
transmit the infection to one or
more humans?
Risk factors/periods/
Population density of
Closer/more frequent
contacts in protected
or urban areas
situation (level of
infection) in general
P of transmission
lineage with epidemiological
link to a human case may
support the hypothesis of
deer to human transmission
(Pickering et al., 2022b)
Potential preventive
and control measures
in/for animals
Potential preventive
and control measures
in humans
Vaccination of people
in contact with live
animals (hunters,
visitors, etc.)
Zoo animals
This section refers to probability of transmission between zoo animals and humans. In Figure
the pathways of transmission are presented (Table
Figure 18:
Diagram of transmission pathways of SARS-CoV-2 between zoo animals and humans
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Table 11:
Transmission pathways of SARS-CoV-2 for different scenarios in the EU in zoo animals (e.g. great apes, felines), probability of transmission
and related preventive and control measures
Risk factors
Probability of
transmission (P)
Very low to low, 10–33%
Quality of evidence:
few case
reports available, although
susceptible species present
in zoos has not been
regularly tested for contact
with SARS-CoV-2.
Potential preventive and
control measures in
Reduce probability of
contact between persons
and animals
increase distance from
workers to animals
Potential preventive
and control measures
in humans
Possible monitoring
Zoo workers, training/
handling of zoo animals
In the next 12 months,
Ventilation (e.g. closed
what is the proportion of
buildings for carnivores or
zoos in the EU with
primates, and aerosols)
susceptible animal species
visitors do not usually
in which at least one animal
have close contact with
will become infected with
susceptible zoo animals
SARS-CoV-2 due to contact
like felines or great apes,
with infected people?
so do not represent a
major risk.
Regular testing of
people in contact with
at home’ when
susceptible animals
sick or tested positive
(animal keepers and
Good hygiene practice
personnel, mainly). If
by zoo personnel
needed, non-invasive
Vaccination of workers
monitoring of animals
decreases disease
could be done by air
sampling or rope-based
PPE for people (zoo
workers, visitors), in
contact with
susceptible animals
Ensure sufficient
Good hygiene practice
by zoo personnel
Testing of susceptible
animals with clinical
animal (same
species, same
In the next 12 months,
SARS-CoV-2 infected zoo
animals in the EU, what is
the proportion that transmit
the virus to at least one
more zoo animal in the
same enclosure?
Density of susceptible
animals in enclosure
Moderate, 33–66%
Quality of evidence:
case reports
available, close contact
between animals, although
difficult to be proven,
because the animals
belonging to the same
outbreak were usually
exposed to the same
infectious source (e.g.
positive caretaker
(EAZWV, 2022)).
Isolation/quarantine of
susceptible animals with
clinical signs
Reduction of contact
between animals
A non-invasive sampling method consisting of a cotton rope, often with a bait, that is hung and let chewed by animals, out of which oral
can be collected and tested.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
animal (in
other enclosures)
Risk factors
Probability of
transmission (P)
Very low
Potential preventive and
control measures in
Potential preventive
and control measures
in humans
Possible monitoring
Testing of susceptible
animals with clinical
Screening of exposure
to SARS-CoV-2
Isolation/quarantine of
Good hygiene practice
susceptible animals with
by zoo personnel
Quality of evidence:
clinical signs
Disinfection/hygiene of
tools used with animals
no confirmed
Avoid different enclosures
cases, low chance of
sharing the same surface
transmission, difficult to
water and same
confirm, whether spread
ventilation system
between enclosures, or
multiple introduction. For
infection maintenance, zoo
populations are usually too
Zoo workers, training/
Reduce probability of
Good hygiene practice
Very low
handling of zoo animals
contact between persons
by zoo personnel
Quality of evidence:
In the next 12 months, out
Ventilation (e.g. closed
and animals
of SARS-CoV-2 infected zoo
buildings for carnivores or
animals in the EU, what is
primates, and aerosols)
no reported
the proportion that will
transmit the infection to
one or more humans?
Good hygiene practice by
zoo personnel
Ventilation in shared
In the next 12 months, out
of SARS-CoV-2 infected zoo
Shared surface water
animals in the EU, what is
Shared feeders and other
the proportion that will
transmit the infection to at
Indirect contact through
least one other zoo animal
in another enclosure in the
same zoo?
Good hygiene practice
by zoo personnel
Vaccination of workers
decreases disease
PPE for people (zoo
workers, veterinarian),
in contact with infected
Ensure sufficient
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Risk for human health posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animal
species and preventive measures
Overview of variant viruses in humans by cases over time
On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the outbreak of
COVID-19 constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). On 11 March
2020, the Director-General of WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. As of 4
December 2022, 179 million COVID-19 cases and 1.18 million COVID-19-related deaths have been
reported from EU/EEA countries. The last Rapid Risk Assessment by ECDC was published 27
January 2022 (ECDC, 2022a).
Different SARS-CoV-2 variants have emerged over the course of the pandemic, and variants of
concern (VOC) which have been dominant in the EU/EEA countries are shown in Figure
below by
number of human cases. The emergence and circulation of VOC clades of the Ancestral (pre-Alpha),
Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Omicron variants with sublineage (BA.1–BA.5) clades are indicated in
Information on variants that ECDC is currently monitoring is available on a dedicated
together with a timeline about the Omicron variant emergence.
The proportion of the circulating variant viruses was estimated from the SARS-CoV-2 sequences submitted to
GISAID EpiCov database based on the collection date of the submissions. The average proportions of variants
were plotted for the EU/EEA countries. Omicron variants are depicted based on its sublineages (BA.1–BA.5) in
indicates the lineages that are other than Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron. In the pre-
Alpha period,
includes ancestral lineages belonging to nextclade A and B clades whereas now during
Omicron circulation,
includes recombinants and unassigned lineages.
Figure 19:
Number of weekly confirmed COVID-19 cases reported from EU/EEA countries
Measures to prevent and control infection or spread of SARS-CoV-2 at the
animal–human interface: monitoring SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in people
Information from comprehensive testing of SARS-CoV-2 was used to monitor the circulation in the
general population during the
2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic. With countries moving into
more routine monitoring approaches of SARS-CoV-2, also surveillance systems are being adapted and
combined with other respiratory viruses.
These integrated respiratory virus surveillance systems should be able to monitor the spread and
intensity of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to guide control measures and mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
Integrated surveillance systems for respiratory viruses should also monitor the possible emergence of
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
new variants as well as other relevant events. Countries are encouraged to integrate SARS-CoV-2 into
existing surveillance frameworks, such as those for influenza, where representative sentinel
surveillance systems in primary and secondary care are already established and remain the central
surveillance method for acute respiratory infections. These sentinel systems rely on common syndromic
case definitions that combine epidemiological data and virological testing that can cover multiple
respiratory viruses such as influenza, COVID-19, and potentially other respiratory virus infections.
Indicators of severity such as hospitalisations, admissions to ICU and mortality are key parameters for
risk assessments and public health decision as well as assess the impact of vaccination in the
population over time (ECDC/WHO, 2022b).
With the shift from comprehensive testing to sentinel surveillance, data on SARS-CoV-2 circulation
in the population, particularly at local or regional level, might be limited, impacting also the
assessment about the risk for animal settings through available data. Over the course of the COVID-19
pandemic, different other parameters such as hospital or ICU admissions, outbreaks in long-term care
or health-care facilities might be other parameters that have been used for situational assessments
instead of the reported incidence in the populations. These parameters focus on severity and burden
on health care and not on the overall circulation in the population. These parameters, however, are
delayed indicators of the actual virus circulation in the population. Genomic surveillance
Genomic monitoring is a key part of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance with the objective to monitor
circulation, evolution and dominance of known and emerging variant viruses in the population,
describe key mutations and relevant sites during evolutionary processes, inform vaccine composition
decisions or outbreak analyses, and identify new emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant viruses early. This
should also include the analysis of viruses from animal sources and their relation to viruses circulating
in humans in a One Health approach. Genetic surveillance needs to be integrated into the national
surveillance strategies for respiratory viruses.
Whole genome sequencing (WGS), or at least complete or partial spike (S)-gene sequencing, is the
best method for characterising a specific variant. Alternative methods, such as diagnostic screening
nucleic acid amplification technique (NAAT)-based assays, have been developed for early detection and
pre-screening to allow prevalence calculation of variants of concern (VOC), variants of interest (VOI)
and variants under monitoring (VUM). Many of these methods can accurately identify the different
variants, while others will require confirmation by sequencing of at least the complete or partial S-gene
genomic region in a subset of samples.
Timely sharing of SARS-CoV-2 consensus sequences is crucial. Sequences should be deposited in
the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) database, or other public databases.
Related sequencing raw data should be deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and raw
data, if available (ECDC/WHO, 2022a). Wastewater surveillance
Wastewater monitoring is a tool to monitor the overall situation of SARS-CoV-2 in the population
without specific testing of individuals and has been useful to identify upsurges of infections. Viruses
from wastewater surveillance can be sequenced to identify the currently circulating variant but also to
identify new or emerging viruses. The European Commission adopted a recommendation asking EU
MSs to establish wastewater monitoring to track COVID-19 and its variants.
The Joint Research
Centre (JRC) coordinates this network on wastewater surveillance with the aim to build on the EU
capacities to detect future threats and trends arising from emerging pathogens and pollutants of
emerging concern for public health. At the time of writing this document, wastewater or sewage
testing for SARS-CoV-2 has been implemented in 1370 wastewater plants across the EU for the
monitoring of the activity levels in a community and has shown promising results with timely data as
well as the identification of new and emerging variants in the population.
Variant monitoring through WGS can also be applied in wastewater, sewage or environmental
samples but requires specialised bioinformatic analyses. The value of this surveillance covers also the
One Health area (ECDC/WHO, 2022a).
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals Testing
For the testing, different commercial detection assays for SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen, and
serological assays for SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies are available on the market with CE-IVD (in
diagnostic device) marking. More information on CE-IVD-marked COVID-19 rapid antigen tests can be
found in ECDC’s technical report (ECDC, 2021). Information on these assays can be found in the test
directory of the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) and in the JRC COVID-19
In Vitro
Diagnostic Devices and Test Methods Database
of the European Commission. The characteristic
amino acid substitutions of variants can be found in ECDC’s updated list of variants of concern (VOC),
variants of Interest (VOI) and variants under monitoring (VUM).
The specific tests currently recommended by the WHO for the diagnosis and confirmation of SARS-
CoV-2 are described at WHO webpages.
Testing strategies of symptomatic or people exposed to infected contacts have been successfully
applied over the course of the pandemic to identify SARS-CoV-2-infected people and prevent further
transmission through the implementation of public health measures like isolation at home. Population-
based testing strategies have been recently revised in several EU/EEA countries with a focused
approach on targeted testing of patients with respiratory illness in secondary health care or selected
other groups e.g. risk groups in long-term care facilities or health-care workers. Different occupational
settings are also part of a more risk based or targeted testing approach.
Testing at the workplace needs to be embedded in the occupational safety and health management
approach. There are different legal frameworks and requirements in the different EU/EEA countries
concerning testing in the workplace and many countries have lifted the requirements for testing at
occupational settings. When testing strategies are designed and implemented at enterprise level,
workers (or their representatives) should be consulted and clearly informed, in a language, they can
understand, about the procedures set out in the enterprise.
The use of rapid antigen detection tests (RADTs) and/or self-test RADTs in occupational settings
can complement, but not replace, occupational safety and health measures including existing non-
pharmaceutical interventions aimed at preventing the introduction and spread of SARS-CoV-2 (ECDC/
EUOSHA, 2021).
Measures to prevent and control infection or spread of SARS-CoV-2 at the animal–human interface
non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI)
Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) are public health measures that aim to prevent and/or
control transmission of communicable diseases such as respiratory virus infections e.g. SARS-CoV-2 in
the community. NPIs are more effective to reduce transmission than vaccination, while COVID-19
vaccination is clearly the most effective measure to reduce the health impact. NPIs have played a
critical role in reducing transmission rates and the impact of COVID-19 in the EU/EEA. NPIs will
continue to be one public health tool against COVID-19, however, based on the national situation,
countries have lifted requirements following the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine roll-out that prevents those
vaccinated from severe disease and avert deaths in the population.
Most important NPIs relevant for the animal–human interface are detailed below. Hygiene measure
Coughing and sneezing hygiene, frequent washing of hands with soap and water for at least 20 s,
or applying hand hygiene solutions, such as alcohol-based hand rub or gels are recommended in all
settings and are simple measures to reduce the spread and exposure. Keeping distance
Keeping physical distance (e.g. 1–2 m) to other people or animals likely infected with SARS-CoV-2
as well as avoiding physical contact reduce the risk to spread the infection or get infected. This is also
applicable for occupational environments and contact between farm/shop/zoo personnel and visitors as
well as animals takes place. However, some working duties might not be possible without contact to
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment (PPE) prevents from contact, droplet and airborne transmission of
pathogens but also provides protection from physical harm and other hazards. PPE includes respiratory
protection e.g.
facepiece (FFP) respirators, goggles or face shields for eye, gowns for body
and gloves for hand protection. PPE need to be available and worn appropriately according to the
situation and risk. PPE might be different based on situation and needs, e.g. for a mink farm worker, a
ranger or a veterinarian. Also, the recommended PPE may differ in regular working situations,
compared to situations where SARS-CoV-2 has been confirmed at an establishment and its personnel
has to continue working on the premises to feed and take care of the animals (ECDC, 2020b). Face masks
Coronaviruses are transmitted primarily from person to person via respiratory droplets, either by
being inhaled or deposited on mucosal surfaces, including aerosols produced when coughing and
speaking. A public health policy for wearing a face mask in public spaces should be considered in areas
with community transmission when the public health objective is to limit community transmission
(ECDC, 2022b).
FFP respirators should be worn by all people in contact to SARS-CoV-2 positive tested animals at
the workplace.
People tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 could also consider limiting the contact and wearing a face
mask when in close contact to companion animals in the household to limit the spread of the infection
to the respective animal. Ventilation
Based on evidence from several SARS-CoV-2 outbreak investigations that transmission also occurs
in closed, poorly ventilated spaces, even without close proximity to the source, improved ventilation
minimises the role of aerosols in transmission of SARS-CoV-2. This could be considered in occupational
settings, especially in closed animal facilities such as pet shops and other indoor facilities where
animals are kept in close distance and where SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks would lead to high virus presence
in the environment including air (ECDC, 2020c, 2022b). Stay-at-home/isolation
In general, people are advised to stay at home when feeling sick or having COVID-19-like
respiratory symptoms. Countries have lifted the requirement of COVID-19 positive tested people to
isolate at home for a particular period of time until the infectivity is considered low. However, in special
circumstances, it might be requested for people to self-isolate after a positive test to avoid either the
introduction into a farm, e.g. when a new SARS-CoV-2 variant circulates in the population, or to avoid
spread of new variants to the general population, if the infection was likely acquired at the work place
through close contact with animals.
Measures to prevent and control infection or spread of SARS-CoV-2 at the
animal–human interface
vaccination of humans as protective and control
National authorities in the EU make
decisions on the roll-out of vaccines, including booster doses
and type of vaccines, considering factors such as the spread of infection, the impact of COVID-19 in
different populations and the emergence of new variants. These elements will determine which vaccines
people receive and when, based on their level of risk and the epidemiological situation.
The latest ECDC report on vaccination strategies and deployment plans in the EU/EEA countries is
Some countries have particular recommendations for occupational settings related to
nursing home staff, healthcare and social–health personnel but not related to groups working at the
animal–human interface. The report also details the respective vaccines and timing of vaccinations.
Currently recommendations for booster doses are usually targeted to risk group and the elderly
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
population to prevent severe disease and deaths in a population at risk, see also ECDC and EMA joint
Detailed and up-to-date information on the vaccine rollout and country-specific
disclaimers on the data may be found in the ECDC Vaccine Tracker.
As of December 2022, eight COVID-19 vaccines have received conditional marketing authorisation
in the EU/EEA, following evaluation by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and are part of the EU
Coronavirus Vaccines Strategy Portfolio including most recently authorised adapted COVID-19 vaccines
including the bivalent original/Omicron BA.1 and the bivalent original/BA.4–5.
Safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines are a powerful tool for ensuring public health and controlling
the pandemic. Results from observational studies carried out to date have shown that the vaccines
authorised in the EU/EEA are highly protective against severe COVID-19, hospitalisation and death.
Overall, vaccines against COVID-19 have shown to substantially lower the risk of severe disease
and death and to lower the risk of infection and symptomatic illness. In addition, the risk of exposure
is lowered due to a shorter infectious period and lower virus titres in vaccinated people. Vaccination
and natural immunity from exposure to the circulating virus has increased the level of protection
across the population in many countries across the EU/EEA. However, the emergence of different
SARS-CoV-2 variants with different antigenic properties over the course of the pandemic has impacted
the effectiveness of available vaccines. In addition, waning immunity has also contributed to declining
protection over time.
With newly available adapted vaccines and newly emerging immune-evasive variants, vaccines are
still the measure of choice to prevent severe disease and reduce somewhat risk of infection but are
not a measure that alone can grant full control of the spread of SARS-CoV-2. This is also true for
possibly antigenically modified SARS-CoV-2 viruses that originate from animal sources.
Published literature indicates that vaccine effectiveness (VE) against severe outcomes caused by
Omicron remains high, including among older age groups, with continuous strong protection generally
at around 80–90% about 2–3 months after receiving the
booster. Results of studies with a follow-
up period of 3–6 months after the
booster dose are heterogenous, but generally show a gradual
decrease in effectiveness against severe COVID-19 outcomes (VE estimates in the range of 53–100%).
The available studies indicate that a
booster dose provides strong protection against severe
disease in all the investigated age groups, and there are no clear signs of a more rapid waning in
elderly groups.
VE following a second booster dose against severe disease remains high during the short follow-up
period covered in the studies available so far and appears to restore the slightly reduced protection
seen 4 months after the
booster dose. Depending on the specific outcome and study, protection is
in the range of 40–77% when compared to the third dose (incremental or relative VE) and in the
range of 66–86%, when compared to the unvaccinated. Recent analysis of VE from the UK shows
some waning of protection following a fourth dose.
This analysis estimated VE against the Omicron
variant for several sub-lineages (BA.1, BA.2, BA.4 and BA.5) and found that VE against hospitalisation
was enhanced by a fourth dose and the incremental VE after 2–4 weeks was 58.6%. This incremental
VE decreased to 19.2% at 15 or more weeks after receiving the fourth dose.
In summary, studies conducted during the period when the Omicron subvariants BA.1 and BA.2
were dominant have found that VE against infection with the Omicron variant wanes over time,
starting from around 2–3 months after completing the primary series. Similarly, the effectiveness
against documented infection wanes after the administration of a
mRNA vaccine booster dose,
from estimates within the range of 45–66% in the
3 months to around 25–45% between 3 and
6 months after the booster dose. A second booster improves VE against infection, but this seems to
wane rapidly, as seen within the short follow-up period available so far after the second booster dose.
Studies suggest that booster doses in general have a modest effect and limited duration in
preventing Omicron transmission in the population.
Duration of immunity is a complex issue and, to date, the correlation between measured immunity
(e.g. levels of antibodies) and clinical protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection has yet to be established.
The presence of memory T cells could prevent severe disease in infected individuals for a long period
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
of time, although the durability of these cells and role in protecting from infection (and onward
transmission) remains unclear.
Recent studies from the UK, Denmark and South Africa have not found a big difference in VE
against different outcomes, including against severe disease, between sublineages BA.1/BA.2
compared with BA.4/BA.5. However, some other studies have found that protection following third or
fourth doses against severe outcomes was lower for BA.5 compared to BA.1/BA.2 (Collie et al., 2022;
Davies et al., 2022; Hansen et al., 2022; Kirsebom et al., 2022; Kislaya et al., 2022).
A recent analysis from the UK found that, overall, there was no evidence of reduced VE against
hospitalisation for the Omicron sublineage BA.4.6 as compared to other BA.4 or BA.5 sublineages.
Real-world evidence is essential to measure the impact that the new Omicron-adapted bivalent
vaccines have in preventing infection and disease, since the approval of these adapted vaccines was
based on studies collecting data related to safety and immunogenicity. The
VE estimates following
vaccination with mRNA bivalent BA.4/BA.5 vaccines against infection have recently been published
from the USA (Link-Gelles, 2022). This study shows that bivalent boosters provided additional
protection against symptomatic infection in individuals who had previously received 2, 3 or 4
monovalent vaccine doses. They found that for 18- to 49-year-olds, the bivalent vaccines were 42%
effective against infection, for 50- to 64-year-olds, 28% effective against infection and for those over
65 years, the bivalent vaccine was 22% effective against infection (see also other topic page on
COVID-19 vaccination by ECDC).
Vaccine effectiveness against transmission of the Omicron variant
One study from the UK, that compared VE against transmission of Omicron and Delta variants after
vaccination, found a protective effect in contacts (adjusted risk ratio (aRR) 0.88, 95% CI: 0.79–0.97,
p = 0.0129) or index cases (aRR 0.78 (95% CI: 0.69–0.88)) having received three doses (compared to
two doses) in household settings (Allen et al., 2022). In non-household settings, a protective effect
was observed for contacts having received three doses compared to two doses (0.76 (95% CI: 0.61–
0.94)), but there was no evidence of differences in protection based on the number of doses received
by those exposing the contacts (Allen et al., 2022). This protective effect of a
booster dose was
less pronounced for Omicron compared to Delta. Data from a Danish household study showed a
secondary attack rate (SAR) of 31% related to Omicron and 21% for the Delta variant (Lyngse
et al., 2021). For unvaccinated household members SAR secondary attack rates of 29% and 28% were
observed for Omicron and Delta, respectively, while the SAR were 32% (Omicron) and 19% (Delta) for
fully vaccinated, respectively. For booster-vaccinated individuals, Omicron was associated with a SAR
was 25% for Omicron and 11% for Delta, while the corresponding estimate for Delta was only 11%,
thus indicating that Omicron is generally 2.7–3.7 times more infectious than the Delta among
vaccinated individuals (Lyngse et al., 2021). The secondary attack rate in a household study conducted
in Norway for Omicron was estimated at 51% (95% CI: 48–54) compared to 36% (95% CI: 33–40)
with Delta giving a significantly higher risk of infection in households with Omicron relative to Delta
(Jalali et al., 2022). Generally, the SAR in households with booster vaccinated primary cases and
contacts was lower than in households with unvaccinated primary cases and contacts, however
primary cases who were booster vaccinated were found to have a considerably higher risk (RR: 4.34;
95% CI: 1.52–25.16) of transmitting SARS-CoV-2 to their household contacts with Omicron compared
to Delta (Jalali et al., 2022). Moreover, booster vaccinated primary cases with Delta have 80% lower
risk of Delta transmission (RR: 0.18; 95% CI: 0.01–0.70) relative to the unvaccinated primary cases
(Jalali et al., 2022).
A study using the epidemiologic data from the SARS-CoV-2 surveillance within the California state
prison system found that vaccination and prior infection were each associated with comparable
reductions in infectiousness during SARS-CoV-2 infection and additional doses of vaccination against
SARS-CoV-2 and more recent vaccination led to greater reductions in infectiousness (Tan et al., 2023).
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Protection against infections in vaccinated people by the different variants (data for the
different variants)
The data from a systematic review and meta-analysis of 18 peer-reviewed studies has shown that
the pooled mean vaccine effectiveness for all vaccines and ages against symptomatic COVID-19 was
87% (95% CI: 86–87%) with variation based on vaccine type; for mRNA-1,273 and BNT162b2, VE
were 92% (95% CI: 88–96%) and 85% (95% CI: 85–86%), respectively (Ssentongo et al., 2022).
Mean vaccine effectiveness (VE) declined over time and reached 94% (95% CI: 93–94%), 78% (95%
CI, 55–100%) and 64% (95% CI: 24–100%) 1, 3 and 4 months after vaccination (Ssentongo et al.,
2022). Pooled results from another meta-analysis demonstrated a 71% (OR = 0.3, 95% CI: 0.2–0.5)
reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infection rates among subjects who received a booster shot compared with
those who did not receive a booster shot of COVID-19 vaccine (Zhu et al., 2022).
A large meta-analysis has shown that the VE of full vaccination against any infection and
symptomatic infection with the Alpha variant was 88.0% (95% CI: 83.0–91.5) (Zeng et al., 2022). In a
multicentre cohort study, VE against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Alpha variant was estimated at
70% 21 days or more following the
dose and 85% 7 days or more after the second dose of
BNT162b2 vaccination, respectively (Hall et al., 2021). In another study during the predominance of
both Alpha (B.1.1.7) and Beta (B.1.351), vaccine effectiveness (VE) of BNT162b2 was estimated at
90% for Alpha infection and 75% for Beta infection (Abu-Raddad et al., 2021).
The effectiveness of vaccination against symptomatic disease after vaccination with one dose was
notably lower among persons with the Delta variant (30.7%; 95% CI: 25.2–35.7) than among those
with the Alpha variant (48.7%; 95% CI: 45.5–51.7) (Bernal et al., 2021). In a case–control study, the
effectiveness of two doses of BNT162b2 was 94% against B.1.1.7 and 88% against Delta (B.1.617.2)
(Bernal et al., 2021). A meta-analysis, involving
million people of whom 61.1% fully vaccinated
with two doses of COVID-19 vaccines demonstrated that vaccines significantly lower the risk of
exposure (RR = 0.2, 95% CI: 0.1–0.5) against the Delta variant among the fully vaccinated population
by 80% compared to the unvaccinated population (Mahumud et al., 2022). Overall, the effectiveness
of COVID-19 vaccines against the Delta variant was 86% (RR = 0.1, 95% CI: 0.1–0.5) (Mahumud et
al., 2022). During the dominance period of the Delta variant, the booster-vaccinated subjects
demonstrated a significant reduction in infection rates compared with non-booster-vaccinated subjects
(Zhu et al., 2022).
During the period of dominance of the Omicron variant, the pooled results of studies with a total
sample of around one hundred million participants showed that full vaccination significantly lowered
the risk of infection (odds ratio (OR) = 0.6, 95% CI: 0.6–0.7) against the Omicron variant (Zou et
al., 2022). Additionally, the results indicated that a two-dose vaccination plus booster significantly
lowered the risk of infection (OR = 0.4, 95% CI: 0.4–0.5) against the Omicron variant compared to
the unvaccinated group (Zou et al., 2022). The pooling of these same studies also showed that the
standard two-dose vaccination plus a booster significantly lowered the risk of infection (OR = 0.6, 95%
CI: 0.5–0.7) against the Omicron variant compared to the two-dose vaccination without booster (Zou
et al., 2022). Another meta-analysis demonstrated that booster-vaccinated subjects displayed a 47%
reduction in infection rates compared with those who did not receive the booster vaccine (OR = 0.5,
95% CI: 0.4–0.8).
Bjork et al. (2022) showed that the VE for the Omicron subvariants BA.1 and BA.2, after at least
three doses remained above 80%, however, the VE after two doses declined substantially from 90%
(95% CI: 78–95) during Omicron BA.1 dominance to 54% (95% CI: 13–75) during BA.2 dominance.
Furthermore, there was a marked decline in protection against severe COVID-19 during the Omicron
BA.2 dominance among persons with two vaccine doses only (Bjork et al., 2022). A vaccine
effectiveness study has shown that among those who received two doses of any vaccine, VE against
symptomatic disease was 64% (95% CI: 59–68%) and 67% (95% CI: 54–76%) for BA.1 and BA.2,
respectively, within the
2 weeks of receiving the second dose (Kirsebom et al., 2022). The
numbers drop to 17% (95% CI: 15–19%) and 24% (95% CI: 20–28%) after 25 or more weeks for
BA.1 and BA.2, respectively. Additionally, among those who received any booster dose following
immunisation with a primary course of any vaccine, VE increased to 71% (70–73%) and 72% (67–
77%) for BA.1 and BA.2 respectively, after a week. Over time, this waned to 46% (95% CI: 44–47%)
and 48% (95% CI: 45–51%), respectively, at 15 or more weeks after receiving the booster dose
(Kirsebom et al., 2022). A different VE study demonstrated that the effectiveness of a three-dose
(booster) vaccination with BNT162b2 for BA.1 was 60% (95% CI: 53–65%), while the VE for BA.2 was
52% (95% CI: 48–56%) (Altarawneh et al., 2022). A recently published study, investigating the VE of
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
four vs. three doses of mRNA-based vaccines reported a VE estimate of 47% (95% CI: 44–47) against
Omicron infection at 12 or more days after the fourth dose (Bar-On et al., 2022).
Full vaccination with the currently available vaccines provides a statistically significant protection
against the Omicron variant (OR = 0.6, 95% CI: 0.6–0.7) within a period of time, but it is not as
effective as it was against the Delta variant (RR = 0.15, 95% CI: 0.1–0.3) (Mahumud et al., 2022).
The booster provides additional protection against Omicron (OR = 0.4, 95% CI: 0.4–0.5); however, it
is also less effective compared to the reported protection effectiveness against Delta (OR = 0.065,
95% CI: 0.06–0.07) (Accorsi et al., 2022). Additionally, those who received the two-dose vaccination
plus booster were also reported to have fewer hospitalisations and lower disease severity compared to
the unvaccinated population (Lauring et al., 2022). The new bivalent vaccines have been shown to
induce an increase in neutralisation of the B.1.1.529 Omicron variant (Regev-Yochay et al., 2022).
A living systematic review is being carried out on the efficacy, effectiveness and safety of COVID-19
vaccines that are currently, or soon to be, authorised in the EU/EEA.
The aim of the review is to
provide a living, continuously updated overview on the evidence by specific vaccine product, age
groups and SARS-CoV-2 variants. Overall, COVID-19 vaccines continue to provide a high level of
protection against severe outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 but lower and relatively fast-waning protection
against infection by the virus. Effectiveness of newer vaccines against infection is still under
investigation. The virus continuously evolves and new variants or sub-lineages with immunity-evading
properties may emerge at any time (Kulper-Schiek et al., 2022).
If vaccinated people are infected, can they still transmit the virus? How does this differ
between vaccinated and non-vaccinated? How is this related to the different variants?
Overall, COVID-19 vaccines, due to the new immune escape variants, have not shown to be
anymore an effective tool at individual level to prevent infection and onward transmission of the virus
although the COVID-19 vaccines, still maintain high effectiveness against severe disease.
The results from a cohort study have demonstrated that even though the initial genomic viral load
between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals was similar, fully vaccinated individuals had a shorter
duration of viable viral shedding and a lower secondary attack rate than partially vaccinated or
unvaccinated individuals (Jung et al., 2022). This implies that COVID-19 vaccinations lead to a more
rapid virus clearance, thus shortening the infectious period.
Household studies have shown that vaccination reduced onward transmission of the Alpha variant
from infected and previously vaccinated people (Harris et al., 2021; Layan et al., 2022; Prunas et
al., 2022; Salo et al., 2022). Another study showed transmission of the Alpha variant was 68% (95%
CI: 52–79) lower from SARS-CoV-2 infected index person 2 weeks after the second vaccination with
BNT162b2 than from unvaccinated index patients (Eyre et al., 2022).
Although viral loads were similar in vaccinated and unvaccinated people infected with the Delta
variant (Brown et al., 2021), the duration of viral shedding may have been shorter for vaccinated (Chia
et al., 2022). This was also shown in another study where 2 weeks after the second BNT162b2
vaccination, transmission of the Delta variant was reduced by 50% (95% Cl: 35–61) and by 24%
(95% CI: 20–28) after 12 weeks (Eyre et al., 2022).
In a study conducted in Switzerland from April 2020 to February 2022, it was shown that full
vaccination significantly reduced infectious viral load in Delta breakthrough infection cases compared to
unvaccinated individuals (Puhach et al., 2022). Fully vaccinated individuals with Delta variant infection
had a faster mean rate of viral load decline than did unvaccinated individuals with pre-Alpha, Alpha or
Delta variant infections (Singanayagam et al., 2022).
Vaccine-associated reductions in onward transmission of the Alpha and Delta variants declined over
time after the second vaccination in index patients (Eyre et al., 2022).
For Omicron, an increased transmission rate for unvaccinated individuals and a reduced
transmission for booster-vaccinated individuals was observed, compared to fully vaccinated individuals.
show that vaccinated individuals, particularly those recently having received a booster
dose, do not transmit the virus to the same extent as unvaccinated individuals (Lyngse et al., 2021).
For Omicron BA.1 breakthrough infections in patients with completed primary course vaccination
resulted in significantly lower infectious viral loads (Puhach et al., 2022). Moreover, a significantly lower
infectious viral load was observed for booster-vaccinated individuals compared to fully vaccinated
subjects (Puhach et al., 2022). Similarly, for infections occurring 7–30 days after the booster
vaccination, a more than sixfold reduction in viral load was noted; however, this booster-associated
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
viral-load reducing effectiveness rapidly declined for breakthrough infections occurring 31–60 and 61–
120 days after the booster shot, respectively (Levine-Tiefenbrun et al., 2022).
How long are vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated able to transmit the virus or at least have
detectable virus (period of infectiousness) also by variant?
Duration of infectiousness and peak viral load may differ among virus variants. Even though viral
load is a common proxy for infectiousness, a correlation between viral loads and infectiousness is not
fully established (Owusu et al., 2021).
One study found that the duration of virus shedding (median) was shorter in vaccinated compared
to unvaccinated participants, but this was only effective from day six of the infection (Garcia-Knight
et al., 2022). Overall, the study identified a more rapid decrease of the viral RNA level and a shorter
detection of infectious virus in fully vaccinated compared to unvaccinated (Garcia-Knight et al., 2022).
Even though full vaccination may be inefficient at reducing infectiousness during the early phase of the
infection, it likely leads to a reduction in the duration of infectiousness (Accorsi et al., 2022; Garcia-
Knight et al., 2022; Singanayagam et al., 2022).
For people infected with the Delta variant similar levels of genome copy numbers were detected in
vaccinated compared to unvaccinated during the
3 days of infection but after this period, the
detected genome copy numbers declined faster in vaccinated patients (Puhach et al., 2022) In
contrast, infectious virus levels for Delta were substantially lower in vaccinated patients at all days
after symptom onset with the biggest effect at days 3–5 and 5 days after onset of symptoms
infectious virus was detectable in 54% vaccinated and 85% unvaccinated patients, indicating a shorter
period of infectiousness for vaccinated individuals (Puhach et al., 2022).
Bouton et al. (2022) found that the median time for Omicron culture conversion was 2 days for
boosted participants with Omicron, 3 days for vaccinated, unboosted participants with Omicron, and
3 days for participants with Delta. Moreover, only 17% of their study cohort failed to culture-convert
by day six and no major differences in culture conversion or viral load decay between the Delta and
Omicron variants were found. These results are consistent with previous data that showed no major
differences in Omicron infection duration when compared with Delta (Hay et al., 2022). A different
study observed that the median time from initial positive PCR assay to culture conversion was 4 days
in the Delta virus group and 5 days in the Omicron group, whereas the median time from symptom
onset to culture conversion was 6 and 8 days, respectively, for Delta and Omicron (Boucau et al.,
Immunity in the population acquired over time through vaccination and natural infection with SARS-
CoV-2 is described at ECDC pages.
Treatment and pharmaceutical prophylaxis of COVID-19
Different medicinal products have been studied to assess their safety and efficacy as potential
agents for pharmaceutical prophylaxis or treatment of COVID-19. These include corticosteroids,
immunomodulatory agents, monoclonal antibodies, antivirals, COVID-19 convalescent plasma and
other therapeutic agents.
Some antiviral monoclonal antibodies (bamlanivimab/etesevimab,
casirivimab/imdevimab) have been studied for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) but none has been
recommended so far due to low effectiveness against Omicron.
Risk assessment
This assessment is based on information available to ECDC at the time of publication and, unless
otherwise stated, the assessment of risk refers to the risk that existed at the time of writing. It follows
the ECDC rapid risk assessment methodology, with relevant adaptations (ECDC, 2019). The overall risk
for public health was determined by a combination of the probability of transmission, taking into
consideration the assessment presented in Section
and its consequences (impact of the disease)
for individuals or the population (ECDC, 2019). Limitations have been described in the previous rapid
risk assessment and EFSA document on mink (EFSA, 2021).
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Which detailed threats to humans exist related to SARS-CoV-2 in animals?
SARS-CoV-2 has the ability to transmit between humans, but also transmit from humans to
animals, between animals and from animals back to humans. Not all animal species are susceptible to
be infected or can spread the virus back to humans. The relevant animal species that may play a role
in SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology are discussed in Sections
and in the following section.
1) SARS-CoV-2 can adapt in animals and undergo evolutionary processes that result in viral
characteristics that may have a public health impact; however, this has not been observed
so far (Tan et al., 2022). These animal species-specific mutations might be located in similar
but also different genome sites compared to humans. Mink-specific mutations have been
described with characteristic amino acid changes not observed in humans before,
establishing a
in SARS-CoV-2 viruses, which could be traced in humans
following animal exposure and infection with mink-specific viruses.
2) Another threat is related to the creation of a reservoir in animals where for instance slightly
different animal-adapted SARS-CoV-2 viruses could co-circulate while being related to the
SARS-CoV-2 viruses circulating in the human population at the same time.
a) However, a SARS-CoV-2 variant virus could also circulate among the animal population
over a longer period that does not or very little relate to the respective virus variant in
the human population. Such variants in animals would also undergo evolutionary
mechanisms in the animal host, which could lead to infecting a more na
population with the evolved variants and reintroduction into the general population. This
could equally have an impact on vaccine effectiveness, disease severity and viral
3) Spill-over of SARS-CoV-2 from one animal species to another species could introduce
different evolutionary and species-related mutations and processes that could lead to viruses
with altered genetic and antigenic profile, as described in point 2. However, to consider
continuous animal-to-animal transmission, a large susceptible population might be needed
to maintain the infection over a longer time period time.
4) A specific susceptible species may be an intermediate host/vector in the transmission
process but not represent a reservoir.
How does SARS-CoV-2 in animals represents a threat for individual people/specific
exposed groups and the general public?
SARS-CoV-2 infected animals do pose a threat to those people in direct unprotected contact with
them. This threat could be related to single individuals of the populations, e.g. in a household, or to
specific occupationally exposed groups in the animal sector (e.g. mink farm personnel, rangers,
veterinarians, zoo or pet shop workers, etc.). Not only a single person but also a larger group of
people could be considered occupationally exposed to the animal species identified as a source of
potential transmission (see below and in Section
A wider spread of animal-related viruses can occur when viruses transmitted to those primarily
exposed are further transmitted to local contacts, and then they are transferred to a wider group
reaching the general population causing the replacement of the circulating variant with an animal-
derived SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Therefore, the risk for the individual and general population will be discussed separately in the risk
assessment part.
How is the probability of transmitting SARS-CoV-2 from infected animals to individual
people/specific exposed groups and the general public evaluated?
The probability of humans to get infected with animal-derived SARS-CoV-2 is dependent of the
specific animal species to which the person is exposed, the level and intensity of exposure, as well as
the likelihood of the animal to get infected and to become infectious. As outlined in Section
every animal species is susceptible and can transmit the virus to the same or another species. In
addition, the level of infectiousness (correlated with virus load) as well its duration in the animal
species determines the probability of infection.
The likelihood of exposure is dependent of the setting (e.g. workplace, household, zoo, wildlife,
etc.), level, and quality of exposure, which is determined by the kind and level of protection of the
human, the number and frequency of exposure events over time, as well as the duration of exposure.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Long repeated unprotected exposure of people (e.g. mink farm personnel activity over longer periods
of time) increases the probability to be exposed to infected animals and acquire the infection.
How is SARS-CoV-2 in animals transmitted to humans?
Transmission pathways from animals to humans and vice versa as well as between animals likely
occur similarly to the identified routes between people, e.g. through droplets or aerosol in close
proximity to infected animals as well as through contaminated hands, surfaces or other materials and
the environment. Aerosol sampling around cages of infected mink showed that virus particles were
detectable up to 3 m away.
Which animal species are more likely to pose a threat for a human and for public health in
relation to SARS-CoV-2?
Farmed animals:
Among farmed animals in the EU, farmed mink are the most likely to get infected and transmit
SARS-CoV-2 among the animal population and onwards to humans. Transmission events within these
populations as well as between farm personnel and the animals and back have been observed over
the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, species-related evolution of
variants that are not anymore circulating in the general human population has been observed, e.g. in
No sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 infected raccoon dogs has been provided to GISAID EpiCoV
database indicating possibly very limited infections in this animal species and raccoon dogs would not
be considered a risk species based on these data.
For other farmed animals screened by the literature review (Sections
such as cattle
and pigs, the evidence that these species can be infected is limited, no further transmission has been
described including to humans and very few sequences have been reported. Therefore, they are not
an animal species that represents a public health risk.
Risk assessment for individual people/groups and general public:
Mink farms have restricted access and are confined in specific areas or regions that minimise the
possibility of exposure to potentially infected mink for individuals not associated with the mink farm.
The risk for a person without or with limited exposure to farmed mink based on the probability to get
infected and develop severe disease from farmed animals is estimated to be none to very low.
Transmission events from farmed mink to humans as well as humans to farmed mink concern directly
exposed individuals with unprotected close contact with the animal or with the environment within a farm
in the presence of ongoing virus circulation. Exposed individuals are part of different occupational groups
working at the premises such as farm owners, veterinarians, workers or seasonal workers involved in,
e.g. culling or pelting activities. The risk for an occupationally exposed individual of this defined group to
get infected when in unprotected contact to an infected farmed mink (highest probability to be infected)
and impact of this infection (probability to develop severe disease) is estimated to be low-to-moderate
dependent and subjected to uncertainty in relation to the respective virus variant, the effectiveness of
the vaccine for this variant in vaccinated people including the time period after the vaccination, previous
exposure to other SARS-CoV-2 variants and the health status of the individual (i.e. presence of comorbid
conditions). The use of PPE and other measures can reduce the risk.
Mink-related variants transmission from farmed mink to occupationally exposed groups and further
spread to the local and even general population have been observed in 2020 and 2021 before the
implementation of measures in mink farms. Transmission events from humans to mink and vice versa
have been reported only sporadically in 2022. The risk of the spread of a virus variant with mink-
specific mutations or of the re-introduction of an older variant virus that circulated in minks into the
general population causing severe disease is estimated to be very low-to-low. This is, however,
dependent on the implemented measures at farm level, the follow-up of exposed people, the
respective virus variant, the effectiveness of the vaccine for this variant (in those vaccinated) and the
previous exposure to other SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Companion animals:
Among companion animals, hamsters, cats and ferrets are considered the most probable to get
infected as well as transmit the virus to the same species, to other animal species and to humans.
Since the emergence of the Omicron variant, also mice and rats have been identified to get infected
and possibly be able to further spread the virus. Dogs are able to get infected but do not transmit the
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
virus further very consistently indicating a lower risk associated with this species. An outbreak involving
humans and forming a larger cluster among companion animals has only been observed in a pet shop
setting with hamsters in Hong Kong (Kok et al., 2022). Limited clustering and sporadic transmission to
humans has been observed for companion animals overall has been reported with viruses lacking
species-specific separate evolution.
The assessment is based on experimental evidence, observational studies as well as available
sequence data.
Risk assessment for individual people/groups and general public:
Cats represent the species with the highest number of animals living in close contact to humans
across all EU/EEA MSs and have the highest contact frequency with humans. As displayed in
the contact between different cats can occur between those living in the same
household, with other family cats in the neighbourhood as well as to stray cats when having outdoor
access and to other cats in holiday shelters. This contact pattern, including to humans, is unlikely to be
sufficient to result in a long or even permanent circulation of the virus or to establish a virus reservoir.
The probability of cats to get infected is dependent on humans in the same household being
infected and transmitting the virus to the cat (see Section
In a household, an infected person is the main source of infection both for other persons as well as
for companion animals, due to similar and more timely exposure.
The probability for a human to get infected from a cat with outdoor access that got infected from
another cat outside the household is very low. This probability is higher (very low-to-low) for
occupationally exposed groups with higher number of close contacts to different cats from different
households such as veterinarians. The related disease severity is estimated to be equal to the situation
in human-to-human transmission.
Similarly, the risk is estimated to be very low for non-occupationally exposed individuals in close
contact with hamsters and higher (very low-to-low) for groups occupationally exposed to hamsters.
The probability of companion animals to have an impact on the virus circulation in the general
population is none to-very low although smaller outbreaks related to hamsters have been observed
outside the EU; the related disease severity is estimated to be equal to the situation in human-to-
human transmission and therefore the overall risk (determined by the probability and severity) is
considered very low.
Zoo and wild animals:
Of animals kept in zoos, primates (apes) as well as feline species have been identified to be
susceptible and to transmit the virus to other animals.
In wildlife, carnivores such as foxes, skunks, raccoon dogs, etc., have been found infected but so
far there is no evidence that the virus was transmitted among the same species, to other species or to
humans. Wild carnivores are mostly solitary living animals, which limits the circulation and spread of
SARS-CoV-2 among a wild carnivore population of, e.g. wild mink, ferrets or foxes (EFSA, 2021).
A different situation has been reported for white-tailed deer in the USA and Canada, which has
been shown to have become a possible reservoir species with longer circulation among deer herds and
is also able to potentially transmit the virus back to humans (Pickering et al., 2022b). Species-specific
virus evolution has been observed in white-tailed deer. However, white-tailed deer might not play a
major role in establishing a reservoir in Europe as there is a much smaller local population compared
to North America.
Rodents, such as wild synanthropic mice and rats in urban settings, are widespread susceptible
species, often living in colonies close or even inside human settlements. The virus could spread in
these populations over a longer period, thus species-specific mutations could emerge and potentially
represent a public health risk. However, such a scenario has not been observed so far, also with limited
sequence data reported from those populations, and the evidence for this is limited at the moment.
Bats are a classical animal reservoir for coronaviruses and are also susceptible to SARS-CoV-2.
However, very little is known about the possible role of European bats in the emergence of potential
zoonotic viruses. Bats of the family
were identified in the previous EFSA report as of
possible concern (EFSA, 2021) since SARS-CoV-related Betacoronaviruses were identified in
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum.
Bats of the
family, from which SARS-CoV-2
(betacoronavirus) is thought to have originated, are present in central and southern Europe.
Risk assessment for individual people/specific groups and general public:
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
The probability for an individual person to get infected from an animal in a zoo or from an animal
in the wilderness is considered to be none to very low and the disease severity associated with such
an infection estimated to be similar to the one observed among the human population. The risk is
therefore estimated to be none to very low.
The probability for occupationally or activity-related exposed people or groups such as zoo workers,
hunters, rangers or forest workers to be in contact with infected animals or their droppings and get
infected might be slightly higher with a similar level of disease severity as for viruses circulating in the
general human population. The risk is therefore estimated to be very low.
The probability to have an emerging virus from zoo or wild animals circulating in the general
population in the EU/EEA is considered none to very low. The associated disease severity is expected
to be comparable to viruses circulating among the general human population. The overall risk is
estimated to be none to very low.
Wild carnivores do not represent a public health risk also due to limited human exposure and lack
of continuous circulation in such wildlife populations.
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 or other coronaviruses from bats to humans and backwards has not
been observed in Europe. The probability of transmission from bats to humans or the emergence of
SARS-CoV-2-related or new coronaviruses has been assessed as none to very low for the time period
of the next 12 months according to the description in previous sections. This assessment is based also
on the limited human population having direct contact with these animals. However, since bats are
natural host of many coronaviruses, the monitoring of these species is still important.
shows the assessment of public health risk for different animal categories and species, for
individuals, occupationally exposed and general population.
Table 12:
Overview of assessment of public health risk for different animal categories and species,
for individuals, occupationally exposed and general population
Risk for an
None to very low
Very low
None to very low
None to very low
Risk for occupationally Risk for general
Low to moderate
very low to low
Very low
Very low
Very low to low
none to very low
None to very low
None to very low
Category and animal species
Farmed animals (mink)
Companion animals (Cat, hamster,
mouse, rat and ferret)
Wildlife (White-tailed deer, bats)
Zoo animals
Revision of monitoring strategies
In this section, the monitoring approaches for SARS-Cov-2 in animals are discussed for different
categories of animals to be targeted, in the light of the changing and evolving epidemiological situation
and new control measures for both animal and public health. As baseline, the current legislative
requirements are presented, as well as the information about monitoring plans of SARS-CoV-2 in
farmed mink in place in MSs, which is reported Section
Current legislative requirements of monitoring SARS-CoV-2 in mustelids
and raccoon dogs
The current legislation in force for the monitoring and reporting of infections with SARS-CoV-2 in
animals is the Commission Decision 788/2021. The target species are mink (Neogale
and other
animals belonging to the family
and raccoon dogs, because these species are susceptible
to SARS-CoV-2 infection and often farmed in large numbers, thus potentially supporting the
transmission of infection in the farms at high rates and probability of variant emergence. In addition,
although the introduction of the infection into the farms is usually caused by infected farm personnel,
the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus back to humans (by American mink) has been observed
(Oude Munnink et al., 2021). The sampling scheme is applied in establishments with more than 500
adult breeders at the beginning of the cycle and it is summarised in Table
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Table 13:
Sampling scheme alternatives as foreseen by EC Decision 788/2021
Default scheme
1st alternative
2nd alternative scheme
Favourable outcome of Risk assessment + risk mitigating
a risk assessment + risk measures + testing employees
mitigating measures
Detection of
Increased mortality
SARS-CoV-2 in
compared to the
baseline mortality rate employees
or animals with clinical
signs related to SARS-
Only dead and sick animals from each
epidemiological unit
Events triggering
Dead and sick animals
from each
epidemiological unit. If
no dead or sick animals
> >
randomly from live
animals to reach the
expected sample size.
Oropharyngeal swabs
from live or dead
Detection of SARS-CoV-
2 virus genome.
5% prevalence with
95% confidence.
Dead and sick animals
from each
epidemiological unit. If
no dead or sick animals
> >
randomly from live
animals to reach the
expected sample size.
Every 2 weeks
Sample matrix
as above
Oropharyngeal swabs or Oropharyngeal swabs from live or dead
expiration air
Detection of SARS-CoV-
2 virus genome.
20% prevalence with
95% confidence.
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus
50% prevalence with
5% prevalence
95% confidence.
with 95%
Diagnostic test
amount of
samples required
(e.g. in a 5,000
mink farm)
Animal categories and monitoring approach
The general aim of SARS-CoV-2 monitoring is to provide relevant information for planning and
implementing appropriate preventive and control measures for preserving public and animal health.
However, the changes of the epidemiological situation of SARS-CoV-2 at global and EU levels have
led the countries to modify the objectives and the approaches followed for the monitoring of SARS-
CoV-2 infection in humans. The reduction of mortality and severe disease in the human population due
to COVID-19 following the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination led to the relaxation of public
health and social control measures as well as a modified overall testing strategy in the countries with
decreasing testing intensity for the early detection of the infection in the general population.
Nevertheless, genomic surveillance of the emergence of new variants of the virus remains a relevant
objective, especially in relation to the possible emergence of variants more capable of escaping the
immune response induced by the vaccines. The World Health Organization (WHO) together with the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal
Health (WOAH) have recently raised concern about the risk of the establishment of animal reservoirs
and virus evolution in novel hosts, potentially leading to the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants
(WHO-FAO-WOAH, 2022).
In this context, the information coming from monitoring programs in animal populations can
support the assessment of risks of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from animals to humans, with particular
regard to the possible selection and emergence of new variants in animal populations, for which
humans might be more susceptible or available vaccines less effective.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
However, it must be highlighted that humans currently represent the main population maintaining the
circulation of SARS-CoV-2 virus, and that the introduction of the virus into animal populations is caused in
almost all cases by infected people. Spillback of infection, from animals to humans, has been identified
only in farmed minks, white-tailed deer and hamsters (Oude Munnink et al., 2020; Yen et al., 2022).
Therefore, considering the different purposes and opportunities of human exposure, the four animal
categories considered in this opinion (farmed animals, companion animals, wild animals and zoo animals)
will be considered separately.
In particular, based on the results of the assessment of susceptible species and their ability of
transmitting SARS-CoV-2 (Sections
the following species are considered in each animal
farmed animals: minks, raccoon dogs;
companion animals: cats, hamsters, ferrets;
wild animals: white-tailed deer and other susceptible wildlife including carnivores and bats;
zoo animals: wild
great apes.
Concerning the main possible objectives of monitoring programmes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in
animals, the four objectives already reported in a previous EFSA report (EFSA, 2021) have been
considered (early detection of SARS-CoV-2, measuring exposure to SARS-CoV-2, confirmation of SARS-
CoV-2 infection in suspected animals, monitoring virus evolution). The monitoring scenarios are
reported in Table
As explained in Section
below, the objective of early detection being no
longer considered relevant according to the current epidemiological situation, but kept in the table for
Table 14:
Monitoring scenarios for animal categories and monitoring objective
Confirmation of
Early detection
exposure to SARS- SARS-CoV-2 infection
of SARS-CoV-2
in suspected animals
Farmed animals (minks,
raccoon dogs)
Companion animals
(household cats, hamsters,
Stray cats
Wild animals
Zoo animals
X Farmed animals
In the EU context, this category includes mainly mink and other
and carnivores (e.g. sable,
raccoon dogs, farmed for fur production). The current legislation is aiming at the early detection of the
infection in farmed animals, especially in establishments with a high number of individuals, to quickly
apply all measures needed to halt the transmission and prevent potential risk for humans in the
establishments. Given the current epidemiological situation of SARS-CoV-2 in the EU, this objective has
lost its original importance. In fact, from 44 outbreaks reported in 2021 in the whole EU, in 2022 only six
were reported (Section
This improvement may be linked to several factors, among those the
general reduced population of mink in the EU, and the measures in place to prevent the virus introduction
into farms through farm personnel, like the application of a repeated testing regime of workers, use of
PPE and possibly vaccination of farm personnel. On the other hand, the genomic surveillance of viruses
circulating in this category of animals is still important, given the possibility of selection and emergence of
new genetic variants of the virus, especially in farms with a large number of animals.
Likewise, the confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 infection in suspected animals remains a potentially
relevant objective, in order to allow the farmers to apply some preventive measures (quarantine,
targeted culling, vaccination, etc.) in the effort to reduce the virus circulation within the farm and
prevent health consequences for the animals kept.
For the above-reported reasons, a surveillance approach following the 2nd alternative scheme
foreseen in the Commission Decision 788/2021, based on the investigation of dead animals or animals
showing clinical signs compatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection, with sampling triggered by increased
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
mortality (compared to the baseline mortality rate) or morbidity in mink, or farm personnel testing
positive, would be the most appropriate for confirming the infection in the farms and monitoring the
virus evolution.
In case of confirmation of infection in farm personnel or other persons in close contact with the
animals, and in the absence of observable clinical signs in the animals, a random sample of individuals
should be tested with the purpose to detect the infection, assuming a 20% prevalence (with 95%
confidence). Considering the time needed to establish the infection in 20% of subjects, it could be
preferable to wait for or to repeat sampling after 8–10 days (according to the epidemic model reported
in the previous EFSA report (EFSA et al., 2021)), according to the presumable time of exposure of the
worker, in order to have a higher chance to detect the infection in the animals, if present. However, in
case the veterinary authorities intend to reduce the time for the verification of the health status of the
animals and, therefore, the impact of the disease, a larger sample of individuals should be tested,
considering the expected prevalence in the farm in relation to the most probable time of virus
introduction, in line with the epidemic model reported in the previous EFSA report (EFSA, 2021).
Simultaneous testing of workers (rapid test or PCR) would improve the sensitivity and detect infected
workers, especially if no PPE, in particular face masks or FFP respirators, are worn in the premises.
National veterinary authorities might also voluntarily consider to periodically assess the situation in
the farms, following a more active monitoring scheme. In this situation, sampling during pelting can be
a reasonable approach to reduce logistic difficulties and sampling costs. Serological assays and PCR
tests can be used for assessing the level of exposure and infection, respectively, of the farmed mink
In any case, regardless of the type of objective, a representative sample of PCR-positive samples
should be subjected to genomic characterisation through genome sequencing in order to ensure a
proper surveillance on the circulating genetic variants of the virus. If many positive animals are
detected and the sequencing capacity is limited, a subset should be selected, at least to represent
each positive farm or epidemiological unit. Samples metadata (e.g. epidemiological link, spatial data,
temporal information) should be collected, also to properly select the samples to be sequenced and
allow comparative analysis. Companion animals
Companion animals (dogs, cats and ferrets) may be infected by SARS-CoV-2 virus when in close
contact with infected people. Cats may also develop clinical signs (see Section
Concerning the
possibility of back transmission to humans, two reports from Thailand singled out this possibility
(Piewbang et al., 2022; Sila et al., 2022).
It must be assumed, therefore, that infected companion animals in households may coexist with
infected owners. In this circumstance, testing the animals in the household, especially those showing
severe clinical signs, may be relevant to confirm the SARS-CoV-2 infection and, if needed, to apply
proper therapy.
In any case, when cats coexist with infected persons in the same household, the outdoor access of
these animals should be limited and possibly avoided to reduce any possible risk of further
transmission. In addition, genome sequencing on positive samples taken from these animals may be
useful, especially when the sequences were not obtained from the owner’s samples or in case other
epidemiological circumstances (e.g. unusual clinical picture observed) may suggest a more in-depth
characterisation of the virus involved.
Concerning the possible circulation and persistence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in stray cat and stray
dog communities, available literature reports contrasting results. According to some published surveys,
serological evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was detected in stray cat and stray dog populations in
Spain, and northern Italy (Farnia et al., 2020; Spada et al., 2021; Villanueva-Saz et al., 2021b),
whereas other surveys in Italy in stray cats failed to
any evidence of virus circulation (Stranieri
et al., 2022). Surveys in feral cats frequenting infected mink farms in Denmark, the Netherlands and
Utah (Boklund et al., 2021; van Aart et al., 2021, Amman et al., 2022) or with access to hospital’s
waste in Iran (Farnia et al., 2020) have reported a seroprevalence ranging from 17.7% to 64.3%.
Amman et al. (2022) used trackers to follow the roaming activity of cats frequenting infected mink
farms in Utah and observed that these cats would freely move between farms and the surrounding
residential properties. To date, it is rather difficult to evaluate the importance of these studies in
relation to the possibility of circulation of virus and its persistence in stray cat communities. More
research studies on the possible persistence of the infection in stray animal communities should be
performed to better clarify the possible role of these populations in the maintenance and evolution of
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
the virus. However, apart from research objectives, testing of individual animals in stray communities
could be justified when suspected SARS-CoV-2 clinical cases or abnormal mortality rates possibly due
to infectious diseases are observed. Wild animals
The wild animal species that may be considered as possible targets for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring are
white-tailed deer, as well as other susceptible wildlife, including carnivores, bats and rodents such as
wild synanthropic mice and rats (those living in or close to human settlements).
Given the low number of white-tailed deer in the EU (Finland and Czech Republic), compared to
USA and Canada, it is unknown whether white-tailed deer under the European conditions may be able
to sustain the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and circulation (in terms of ecology, population
density, likelihood of exposure by contacts with humans, etc.), as it seems possible in North America.
Therefore, no specific regulated monitoring activities, apart from testing hunter-harvested showing
signs related to SARS CoV2 infection or dead-found individual animals, would be needed for white-
tailed deer populations.
Monitoring based on suspicion can be conducted in other wildlife species, including found dead
individuals (especially carnivores) and animals showing respiratory signs suggesting possible SARS-
CoV-2 infection. Further research studies might be relevant to monitor the possible introduction and
persistence of the virus into the white-tailed deer population in Europe, as well as in other potential
susceptible European deer species, in particular roe deer and red deer. A similar approach can be
followed for wild
and wild canids (e.g. fox that has been found susceptible in one
experimental study (Porter et al., 2022)), for which no evidence of a role in the circulation and
maintenance of the SARS-CoV-2 infection currently exists. In case of increased mortality in these
wildlife populations, SARS-CoV-2 infection should be included as a differential diagnosis. In addition,
research studies should investigate the possible role of bats in the European context, especially those
belonging to the family
(Delahay et al., 2021; EFSA, 2021).
From all types of surveillance of wildlife for SARS-CoV-2, positive samples should be subjected to
genomic characterisation to monitor the circulating virus genetic characteristics. Zoo animals
The infection of zoo animals with SARS-CoV-2 can be considered an accidental and sporadic event
from infected workers, with little relevance from the epidemiological point of view. Therefore, no
specific systematic monitoring activities are considered necessary in these animals; only testing
sporadic mortality cases and animals showing clinical signs or in contact with positive tested workers
or animals may be relevant to confirm the SARS-CoV-2 infection and, in case needed, to apply a
proper therapy, especially for high-value individuals. Usual preventive measures (quarantine, isolation,
etc.) should be then foreseen for infected animals, especially if kept in enclosure with other susceptible
species or individuals. A repeated testing scheme could be justified for zoo workers in order to prevent
the transmission to these animals.
New development in diagnostics/sample matrices for SARS-CoV-2 in
Depending on the various objectives of the surveillance, different testing method approaches have
to be considered: viral nucleic acid detection tests for acute infection and serological tests for
population studies. Relevant aspects regarding diagnostic tests are described in a previous EFSA report
(EFSA, 2021) and are still applicable. In particular, caution needs to be taken if new variants arise that
may not be detected by previously validated tests.
The limitations of diagnostic tests must be taken into account. Very few diagnostic tests have been
validated in animals, especially in wild populations. Direct diagnostic assays (e.g. RT-PCR) may be
affected by a low sensitivity due to the limited knowledge of the viral loads and routes of virus
shedding as well as the temporal window during which the virus can be detected on animal samples.
Antigen tests, as used for humans, are not recommended for use in animals due to the unknown
specificity and sensitivity in animal samples.
Serological tests (e.g. neutralisation tests or ELISAs), so relevant for retrospective or prospective
population studies, may be seriously affected by a low specificity, due to potential cross reaction with
antibodies against other coronaviruses frequently present in animal populations. Noteworthy, some
animals can also have antibodies against coronaviruses to which they are not susceptible.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Samples from the environment of animals can also be collected for surveillance studies. This could
include water, air or surface sampling for environmental SARS-CoV-2 RNA.
Options for disease prevention and control measures
In this chapter, the main possible measure for prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 infection in
farmed animals are presented and their advantages and drawbacks discussed based on feedback
gathered from MSs, assessment by ECDC (for the measures to be applied on humans) and on expert
knowledge. The control measures to be applied in the scenarios for companion animals in the
household, wild and feral animals and zoo animals are indicated in Section
because these are
driven by general principles of good hygiene practice, an assessment about their advantages and
limitations is not conducted.
Farmed animals
This section refers to main control measures applied in MSs, where farmed animals susceptible to
SARS-CoV-2 are bred (i.e. mink, raccoon dogs, sable, ferrets, foxes). Humans are considered to be the
most important source of introduction of SARS-CoV-2 into the farm, with 12 reported occurrences of
human introductions to fur farms in the current reporting period, up to November 2022
(Section Farm personnel and visitors Health self-assessment (‘stay-at-home/isolation’)
In general, the risk of transmission from persons (workers/visitors) to mink can be reduced by
staying at home when feeling sick or testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 or other pathogens that could be
transmitted to animals, e.g. influenza. For details, see Section
3.5.3. Systematic testing of personnel/visitors at predetermined frequency
To prevent introduction of infection from humans, systematic frequent testing using rapid antigen
test and/or PCR of personnel and visitors for SARS-CoV-2 infection has been recommended as an
option. As already indicated in the previous report by EFSA (2021), this is a prerequisite for the early
detection of infection in people that may enter the farm and come into contact with animals, and
therefore considered a key measure to prevent introduction of SARS-CoV-2 into the farm. Early
detection of infection in people is only efficient if followed by restricted access to the farm for people
tested positive. More details are provided in Section
Theoretically good effectiveness
Limited costs
Easy application and verification (a record of test results can be kept)
Relatively early detection of infected workers including the asymptomatic ones.
Challenges and drawbacks
Limited (and depending on the type of test) sensitivity of the test during early stages of
infection and potentially for emerging variants
High frequency of testing necessary to ensure early detection
Additional cost for farm or workers might decrease compliance
Possible organisational difficulties (e.g. to train people for properly making nasopharyngeal
swabs or to recruit sanitary personnel)
Some personnel/visitors may
testing at sampling locations (farmers may not have
the authority to impose testing) or skip mandatory self-tests. Temperature screening
The systematic testing has sometimes been coupled with temperature screening and health check
for clinical signs for whoever enters the farm at any time (personnel, visitors, etc.), in combination with
a SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test.
Nevertheless, based on the experience with different diseases over the past outbreaks and
pandemics, temperature screening is an ineffective, unspecific and resource-intensive measure that
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
adds little benefit. Fever is not a specific symptom that clearly identifies a SARS-CoV-2 infection. A
proportion of COVID-19 cases will not be identified through temperature measurement because of
being asymptomatic- or pre-symptomatic or under antipyretic medication. Furthermore, a proportion of
transmission happens before symptom onset. In addition, the technical implementation of this
measure is quite complex (equipment, calibration, thresholds, performance, sensitivity and specificity,
Compared to the application of screening by COVID-19 rapid test, this measure does not provide
any advantage in such settings nor prevents introduction of SARS-CoV-2 into the facilities. Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for farm personnel and visitors
Personal protective equipment (PPE) impacts the risk of transmission from infected persons to
animals or vice versa. PPE will help to limit the exposure to and spread of pathogens but is dependent
on the level of applied PPE. To reduce the risk of transmission, people in contact with SARS-CoV-2-
infected animals should wear FFP masks or respirators as well as goggles.
The wearing of specific clothing, aprons, rubber boots and additional protective equipment needs to
be considered according to the work area in consultation with the respective occupational safety and
health authorities. Limitations in the preventive effect could be due to difficulties in maintaining
compliance for a long period, working conditions could be difficult especially when temperatures are
high or in case of chronic respiratory disorders of farm personnel. It may also require long-term
awareness from farm personnel and work environment rules/regulations might require special types of
masks or limited time working with masks. See also ECDC’s scientific evidence basis assessment for
the considerations for the use of face masks in the community in the context of the SARS-CoV-2
Omicron variant of concern (ECDC, 2022b). Vaccination of personnel
Vaccines continue to provide high levels of protection against severe COVID-19, hospitalisation and
death. Vaccination of personnel may influence the risk of spread from personnel and visitors to mink
and vice versa, however, with waning immunity against infection and the possible emergence of new
immune-escape variants, protection against infection and onward transmission could be limited in time
and magnitude. Vaccination recommendations need to be in line with the national recommendations
and discussed with occupational health and safety authorities. For details, please see Section
3.5.4. General on-farm biosecurity measures
Biosecurity measures aim at reducing the risk of introduction of pathogens into the farm and its
further spread in and from the farm. The measures described in this section are focused on
mechanical transmission, or transmission between farmed animals and other species, while
transmission from infected persons to mink and vice versa is described in Section
Application of biosecurity measures can be verified by official controls and record keeping, although
the level of on-farm biosecurity and the compliance may vary between farms and may change over
time in the individual farm, according to what has been reported by MSs. Restricted access for animals and visitors to farm, including tracing of visitors
To reduce the risk of introduction of pathogens, non-essential visits of people to the farm should
not be allowed. Farm personnel or visitors with symptoms compatible with SARS-CoV-2 or having
tested positive should not be permitted to enter fur farm premises (see Section
To allow tracing of introduction of SARS-CoV-2 from persons entering farms, records (electronic or
physical) of all workers and visitors entering should be kept and be up to date. To reduce the risk of
spread between farms, rotation of farm workers between farms should be limited and farm personnel
should be discouraged to breed or keep other mink at home.
In closed farms, openings (doors, windows, holes, enclosures) should be
to prevent animals
from escaping and entering the farm. Ventilation would represent an issue only for indoor farms,
although mink farms are generally structures covered with a roof but open on the sides, so natural air
circulation is sufficient. In all farms, but especially in open farms, efficient fencing can reduce the
access of other animals to the farm area. Automatic closure of gates and doors can help keeping the
openings closed.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Basic biosecurity measures reduce the risk of introduction of pathogens in general. Each
individual measure might not be highly effective by itself, while in combination, they can
reduce the overall risk.
Fences and locked doors can reduce the risk of uninvited persons to enter the farm and
reduce the risk of pets and wildlife to enter the farm area.
Reducing the numbers of events (e.g. visits by persons or animals) will reduce the overall
risk of disease introduction.
Challenges and drawbacks
Availability of trained personnel might be limited in certain periods of the year with high
workloads in mink farms.
It might be difficult to control whether visitors have visited other farms previously.
Fences and doors require proper facilities (e.g. fences, which, in some countries, such as
Finland, are mandatory in raccoon dog farms as a rule for invasive alien species).
Building and maintenance costs.
Difficult to ensure daily compliance of closed doors/fences.
Requires long-term awareness from farm personnel.
In case of restricted/delayed access of workers, this may delay operations at farm. Changing work clothes for farm personnel
Changing clothes will reduce the risk of mechanical transmission of infectious pathogens from and
to the farm. In a situation, where the worker or person entering the farm is infected, the effect of
changing clothes will be limited. However, if for example the personnel entering a farm have had
contact with an infected family or other persons, the risk of introduction can be reduced by changing
of clothes, boots, washing hands, etc. In some farms, changing room or areas are available, where
clean clothes and boots, a sink for hand wash, disinfectants, etc. are available.
Basic biosecurity measures reduce the risk of introduction of pathogens in general. Each
individual measure might not be highly effective by itself, while in combination, they can
reduce the overall risk.
Relatively limited costs, as some level of biosecurity is often already in place in farms.
Challenges and drawbacks
Supply costs (if not already implemented).
Proper facilities are required (e.g. locker rooms, washing machine on farm).
Building and maintenance costs (if not in place).
Requires long-term awareness from farm personnel. Cleaning and disinfection equipment/vehicles
For other pathogens, transport vehicles are often considered a risk, and cleaning disinfection and tracing
is used as general biosecurity measures. For SARS-CoV-2, the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through
transport vehicles has not been described. Furthermore, sharing equipment between farms might pose a
risk of mechanical transmission of pathogens. Avoiding sharing equipment and vehicles, and proper
cleaning and disinfection, if sharing is needed, can reduce the risk of potential mechanical transmission.
Basic biosecurity measures reduce the risk of introduction of pathogens in general. Each
individual measure might not be highly effective by itself, while in combination, they can
reduce the overall risk.
Challenges and drawbacks
Requires proper facilities, and efficient disinfectants.
Especially during winter months, temperatures can be a challenge in relation to cleaning,
and disinfection of equipment and vehicles.
Difficult to ensure daily and sufficient compliance.
Requires long-term awareness from farm personnel.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals Rodent control
The use of rodent control is a basic biosecurity measure often used in farms to reduce the risk of
spread of pathogens, although in the case of SARS-CoV-2, spread of the virus by rodents has not been
Basic biosecurity measures reduce the risk of introduction of pathogens in general. Each
individual measure might not be highly effective by itself, while in combination, they can
reduce the overall risk.
Prevention of entry and presence of rodents can be based also on keeping the area where
mink are as clean as possible, reducing feed rests and having a clear, open zone between
the fence and the animal cages.
Challenges and drawbacks
Requires suitable equipment and rodenticides.
Supply costs.
Risk for animals and humans if misused, due to rodenticides toxicity. Animal movement control, including pre-movement testing and tracing
In known infected farms and surrounding areas, restriction of movements can prevent or reduce
the risk of further virus spread and secondary outbreaks. By testing prior to movements, the risk of
moving infected animals can be reduced. Furthermore, keeping records of movements can make easy
the tracing after detections of infected farms.
Potentially effective in preventing spread to other holdings.
Ease of implantation, since not many movements are performed in farmed mink, and
movements most often occur in restricted time periods.
Challenges and drawbacks
Only efficient if early detection occurs in infected farms.
Negative impact on trade and potential
losses can limit compliance.
Negative impact on farm management and productivity (e.g. inability to replace breeding
animals or transfer animals in order to decrease density following increased litter sizes).
If testing is required prior to movements, additional costs are incurred.
Records (electronic or physical) must be kept and be up to date, which might be a
challenge for small farms.
At certain times (pelting), movement restrictions may cause problems in the removal of
skins or transfer of carcasses for pelting. Awareness raising
This is to increase awareness about how to prevent and control SARS-CoV-2 infection, and it is
considered a very important measure. Especially among farm personnel, it is important to remind
about how SARS-CoV-2 in animals spreads and how to prevent animal and human infection and
routinely remind them about biosafety and biosecurity measures against SARS-CoV-2 on the farm.
Authorities and fur industry usually spread information and operating instructions through different
channels to farm personnel. Workers from other countries should be provided information in their own
language for regular work arrangements as well as during outbreak situations with specifically targeted
information leaflets.
Potentially enhances and improves application of biosecurity measures.
Potentially increases reporting of abnormal morbidity and mortality (already foreseen by
the legislation).
Challenges and drawbacks
May cause disquiet due to possible economic losses and public health concerns.
Translation in different languages may be needed, especially in case of farm personnel
from abroad.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals Culling and disposal of animal in an infected farm
In the case of an infected farm, the veterinary authorities may order the immediate killing of all
farmed animals under official surveillance with the aim of preventing the spread of the disease.
It can reduce the virus load thus reducing the risk of spread, if the infection is detected
If infection is detected early, culling all animals on the farm will prevent extensive virus
circulation and consequently the risk of mutations that might pose a risk to public health.
Challenges and drawbacks
Only efficient, if early detection can be ensured.
Extensive secondary spread from infected farms have only been reported from areas with
very dense population, meaning that the probability is not always high.
High costs, large need of resources, human resources and equipment (official vets,
dedicated companies).
Costs for infected farms (entire loss of breeding and production animals) as well as for the
administrations for the compensation to farmers and for the destruction of skins and other
possibly contaminated by products.
Emotional impairment for farmers and other involved people.
Public concerns about culling animals.
Increased exposure to humans involved in culling activities, however, no or very limited
number of infections have been observed in people related to culling activities likely due to
the wearing of PPE. Zoning around infected farms
Implementation of zones around infected farms is a general preventive measure used for outbreaks
of other pathogens. In the zones, increased surveillance and movement restrictions are typically
implemented. The effect of movement restrictions is described in Section,
while the effect of
surveillance is described in Section
For SARS-CoV-2, distance to infected farms was described as a risk factor (EFSA, 2021). However,
as introductions from infected persons is considered the highest risk of transmission, the effect of
zoning on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is considered to be limited. While airborne transmission
is one of several pathways that in general might increase the risk in zones around infected farms,
which might be managed by zoning restrictions, SARS-CoV-2 has not been detected in air samples in
3 m from infected mink. Moreover, zoning is a way to delimitate and differentiate
geographical zones with a different health status. Here, since SARS-CoV-2 is present everywhere
outside the outbreak, zoning would not be a meaningful measure. Vaccination of animals
In the EU, vaccination of animals against SARS-CoV-2 was only applied in mink in Finland with a
product developed by the Finnish Fur Breeders’ Association (FIFUR), whose usage permit was granted
by the Finnish Food Authority according to national procedures that foresee a provisional authorisation
of a vaccine in the event of a serious animal disease epidemic. Approximately 95% of breeding
females in all farms were vaccinated early in 2022 when only breeding animals were present at farm.
The vaccine product contains subunits of the SARS-CoV-2 bivalent RBD-mFc fusion protein
produced in mammalian cells as antigen and aluminium hydroxide as adjuvant.
Data provided by the producer showed that the vaccine was well tolerated in mink and it was able
to induce a humoral immune response characterised,
inter alia,
by virus-neutralising antibodies, tested
5 weeks after vaccination.
Regarding the protection induced by vaccination, the experimental studies performed by the
producer suggested that the symptoms (sneezing, anorexia and diarrhoea) were less common and
severe in vaccinated than in control animals. Data regarding other possible impact of the vaccination,
such as the spread of the virus, the efficacy versus infection and the onset or duration of immunity
were not complete to allow a reliable assessment. Overall, it is possible to conclude that the vaccine
was able to provide a certain degree of protection against severe disease caused by Delta-variant of
SARS-CoV-2 in mink, but it did not prevent infection. Vaccination of mink is no longer in use in Finland,
due to its limited effectiveness against Omicron variant, as reported by the producer.
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Another vaccine product was submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for a centralised
procedure of authorisation, but they have been withdrawn during the process.
Options for public health response
A close collaboration and communication between animal and public health sectors as well as
occupational safety and health authorities in a One Health approach is crucial to identify transmission
events at the human–animal interface and prevent further spread.
Testing approaches together with genetic monitoring of virus samples from people exposed to
animals with confirmed SARS-Cov-2 infection as well as from animal sources are key to understand
factors related to transmission as well as evolutionary host-driven mechanisms. It is important to
collect representative samples for further characterisation of viruses from the general population as
well as from animals infected with SARS-CoV-2.
PPE is a crucial measure for workers to prevent exposure to SARS-CoV-2-infected animals or
contaminated workplaces. Information about outbreaks should be immediately shared with public and
occupational safety and health authorities to enable appropriate follow-up of exposed people and the
implementation of control measures.
Conclusions and recommendations
Based on the aspects to be assessed as indicated in the ToRs (susceptibility, risk for animal and
public health, monitoring approach and preventive and control measures), the current assessment is
structured according to different animal categories: farmed animals (mink), companion animals,
wildlife and animals kept in zoos, and the conclusions are presented accordingly.
General conclusions about animal species of concern in the epidemiology of SARS-CoV2
This scientific opinion classified animal species of potential epidemiological concern to be those
that shed infectious virus and are able to transmit SARS-CoV-2 to other animals or humans.
Such species of epidemiological concern assessed here are American mink (Neogale
raccoon dog (Nyctereutes
cat (Felis
Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus
ferret (Mustela
house mouse (Mus
for some virus variants only),
Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus
deer mouse species (Peromyscus
not present
in Europe) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus
Of note, there is uncertainty on the list provided in the previous bullet: most experimental
infections to determine species susceptibility were performed with ancestral (pre-Alpha clades)
virus isolates. Furthermore, as variants continue to arise, and new host species are being
detected over time, species susceptibility and virus transmission capacity may change, with the
continuous potential emergence of new host species.
Farmed animals (mink)
Susceptibility, epidemiological situation
American mink is a highly susceptible species, and outbreaks have occurred in MSs from April
2020 until the end of the reporting period considered in this document, although with a
decreasing number of outbreaks in 2022 compared to 2021. Species-specific viral evolution of
SARS-CoV-2 has been observed in this species.
Among animals in the EU, mink farmed for fur production have the highest likelihood to
become infected and transmit SARS-CoV-2 within animal populations and to in-contact humans
e.g. farm personnel, and subsequently to the general population. This can be explained by the
inherent susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection of the species, in combination with the
characteristics of the systems in which farmed mink are kept, with large numbers of animals in
a limited area.
During the still ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a vast majority of the outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2
reported globally in animals have occurred in mink for fur production. In the reporting period
(February 2021–November 2022), 50 outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 were reported, of those 44
were reported in 2021 in 7 MSs, while only 6 were reported in 2022 in 2 MSs, thus
representing a decreasing trend.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Most sequenced mink isolates grouped into distinct major mink-specific clusters, were
geographically clustered and showed high intra-cluster variability, indicating mink-to-mink
transmission, high rates of virus evolution within the mink population and emergence of mink-
specific variants with a potential to spill back into the human population.
Risk for animal and public health
SARS-CoV-2 can spread from humans to mink and from mink to humans during exposure.
The probability of introduction of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to mink farms is associated with
the SARS-CoV-2 level of circulation in the surrounding general human population. This
probability can be reduced through continuous and proper implementation of biosecurity
measures in mink farms including the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) for all
humans accessing mink farms (Section
Once introduced into a mink farm, SARS-CoV-2 spreads efficiently within the farm from animal to
animal, resulting in extensive virus circulation and risk of spill-over to humans in contact with the
mink, as well as to other susceptible animals with access to mink and their local environment.
The extensive circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in an infected mink farm drives virus adaptation,
resulting in the potential generation of mink-adapted virus variants.
In general and for all animal species, the public health impact of the possible spill-over of
SARS-CoV-2 from mink farms to humans depends on several factors: the respective virus
variant, effectiveness of the vaccine for this variant in vaccinated people including the time
period after the vaccination, previous exposure to other SARS-CoV-2 variants and health status
of the individual person:
The risk (determined by probability of infection and impact of the disease), for an
occupationally exposed person to a SARS-CoV-2-infected mink is assessed as low to
moderate. This assessment is subjected to uncertainty related to the impact of variants
potentially emerging in mink.
The risk based on the probability to get infected and develop severe disease for a person
without or with limited exposure to farmed mink is estimated to be none to very low.
The risk of the spread of a SARS-CoV-2 variant with mink-specific mutations, or re-
introduction of an older variant virus that circulated in mink, into the general human
population causing severe COVID-19 is estimated to be very low-to-low.
Monitoring approach at farm level
In the current epidemiological situation in the EU, where a substantial decrease of outbreaks in
mink farms has been reported in 2022 compared to 2020 and 2021, and where the majority of
the human population has acquired some level of immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the risk for the
general population represented by infected mink is considered very low-to-low; therefore:
The primary purposes of monitoring of mink farms are to confirm outbreaks based on
suspicion and monitor virus evolution (sequencing isolates).
The confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 infection in suspected animals remains a relevant
objective, in order to allow the farmers to apply preventive measures in terms of reducing
the risk of secondary outbreaks.
A monitoring approach based on testing of dead animals or with clinical signs suggesting
possible SARS-CoV-2 infection is considered appropriate, with sampling triggered by
increased mortality or morbidity in mink, or farm personnel testing positive.
The genomic surveillance of viruses circulating in mink and in general in all animal species is
considered relevant to monitor the circulating genetic variants of the virus and comparing the
genetic type from mink to currently circulating variants in humans. Virus isolates from positive
samples representing at least every epidemiological unit should be subjected to genomic
characterisation and genome sequences shared with the scientific community.
As an additional monitoring strategy, sampling at pelting and use of serological tests can help
in assessing the number of mink farms that have been infected to monitor possible changes in
Decreasing testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the human population and testing with sequencing of
specimens from severely ill COVID-19 patients in hospital may delay the early detection of
animal-associated SARS-CoV-2 variant viruses. It is therefore important to expand and increase
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
the national sentinel surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 in primary (as well as secondary) health care
units to achieve higher representativeness across the population and higher number of
available specimens for genomic analysis. This will also enable the detection of new virus
variants in the population.
Options for preventive and control measures
Humans are considered the most important source of introduction of SARS-CoV-2 into a farm.
Systematic frequent (e.g. at least weekly) testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid
antigen test and/or PCR of personnel and visitors is a prerequisite for the early detection of
infection in humans that may enter the farm and come into contact with mink and is
therefore a key measure to prevent introduction of SARS-CoV-2 into the farm.
Similarly, the limitation or ban of non-essential visits of humans to farms will reduce the
frequency of contacts and thereby the risk of transmission from visitors.
The risk of transmission from persons (e.g. workers, visitors) to farmed mink can be reduced
by staying at home when feeling sick or testing positive for SARS-CoV-2.
Measures applied to reduce the risk of transmission between mink and humans will only have
effect if used consistently. The level of on-farm biosecurity and the compliance can be verified
by official controls and record keeping, although may vary between farms and may change
over time in an individual farm.
Wearing of personal protective equipment for persons in contact with mink is a useful measure
to reduce the probability of introduction and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus into farms from
people. These measures also may reduce the risk for people of being infected by mink.
Biosecurity measures applied at farm (cleaning, disinfection, pest control and restricted access to
other animals than mink that may be present at farm) aim at reducing the risk of virus introduction
into the farm, and its further spread in and from the farm (e.g. transmission between farmed
animals and other susceptible or possibly susceptible species such as cats, dogs, bats, etc.).
The risk of further virus spread and secondary outbreaks to other farms can be reduced by
restriction of mink movement and/or by testing for SARS CoV-2 prior to movement, especially
in farms located in areas with known infected farms.
Current vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 do not fully prevent virus transmission to and from
vaccinated humans as well as between humans and mink. Vaccines are protective against
severe disease, hospitalisation and death. Experimental vaccines for mink conferred a certain
degree of protection against severe disease caused by Delta-variant of SARS-CoV-2 but they
did not prevent infection, and they not effective against Omicron variants.
Equally important in relation to farm personnel is the provision of
information material and training to all farmworkers, including guest workers, in mink farms
about biosafety and biosecurity measures against SARS-CoV-2 on the farm in their own
language, as well as providing them access to health care.
Companion animals
Susceptibility, epidemiological situation
Among companion animal species, cats, ferrets and hamsters are the species most at risk of
infection. In these species, serious illness from SARS-CoV-2 has sporadically been observed.
In experimental infections, hamsters, ferrets and cats can display clinical signs. Usually, they
recover spontaneously. No clinical signs have been reported for dogs, rabbits, rats and mice.
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from a donor animal to a recipient of the same species by direct
contact has been demonstrated for cats, ferrets, hamsters and mice, while no evidence exists
for virus transmission between dogs.
conditions, cats and hamsters have been associated with mild to moderate
respiratory, gastrointestinal or systemic signs of disease and they can shed virus.
Deposited sequences of SARS-CoV-2 obtained from infected companion animals are spread all
over the SARS-CoV-2 clades and have limited tendency of clustering together, indicating
sporadic transmission from humans, with little or no animal-to-animal transmission among
companion animals.
Viral sequence analysis indicates low frequency of species-adapted mutations.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Risk for animal and public health and related control measures
SARS-CoV-2 infection of companion animals is most likely originating from an infected human.
The risk for cats and hamsters of spreading SARS-CoV-2 back to humans (probability of infection and
severity of disease of a pet owner as well as in the general population) is assessed as very low.
Humans with high contact rates to companion animals from different households (e.g.
veterinarians) have a higher risk (very low to low) to get infected from a companion animal.
The probability of companion animals to have an impact on the virus circulation in the general
population is none to very low.
Monitoring approach
For companion animals, there is no need for specific monitoring programmes, taking into
consideration that sporadic cases of transmission to humans may occur, but generally limited
to owners, zoo workers or veterinarians in contact with these animals.
In some companion animal species, in case of clinical signs compatible with SARS-CoV-2
disease, animal testing may be important for possible quarantine measures or application
of proper therapies.
In addition, apart from research objectives, testing of individuals in stray communities
(especially cats) could be justified, in case of suspected SARS-CoV-2 clinical cases or
abnormal mortality rates in these communities.
Susceptibility, epidemiological situation
The number of wildlife species that have been reported naturally SARS-CoV-2 infected grows
steadily, also due to the active research in this
including several wild carnivores and the
white-tailed deer in North America.
The epidemiological role of susceptible wildlife in the EU context for the maintenance of virus
circulation, and as a possible public health risk, depends on their abundance and the level of
exposure to human population and to other wild or domesticated animals.
In the EU, no cases of infected wildlife (with viral isolation or RNA detection) have been
reported so far.
So far, only North American white-tailed deer, both free living or captive in game reserves,
have been demonstrated to maintain and possibly spill back the infection to humans.
Further epidemiological research should be promoted in a broad range of
wildlife species, including feral species, and geographical regions.
Risk for animal and public health
Differently from the situation in North America, very low numbers of white-tailed deer are
present in the EU (less than 1% of the total EU deer population) only in two countries. It is
unknown whether these animals may be able to support the persistence of SARS-CoV-2
infection in the European context. Population density, aggregation and mating season can
facilitate this possible occurrence.
In the EU, the risk of transmission of SARS CoV-2 infection from humans to white-tailed deer
and backward causing severe disease is considered very low. Risk factors are events that
increase exposure of white-tailed deer to humans, such as hunting. In general, any activities
that bring animals close to humans or even proximity of animals to urban settings and
likelihood of exposure to contaminated wastewater or garbage.
Action should be taken to avoid overabundance or aggregation of
white-tailed deer, and in general all game species (such as by avoiding feeding sites,
monitoring group size) to control this transmission pathway.
Further research studies might be relevant to monitor the possible
role of white-tailed deer and other deer or other wildlife populations in Europe for the
presence and eventual persistence of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Good hunting practices (avoiding feeding or baiting) are advised.
Humans dealing with wildlife should follow biosecurity measures in general minimising
direct contact with wild animals, especially sick and dead animals. Furthermore, safe
disposal of garbage and waste from human communities in both urban and rural settings
is advised to reduce the risks of SARS-CoV-2 spill-over to wildlife.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Regarding wild carnivores, due to their elusive and solitary behaviour, to their low density and
to the low numbers hunted, there is a very low probability of maintaining the infection or
representing a risk for other animal species or for public health also due to limited human
exposure, even for occupationally exposed people (rangers, hunters, researchers, etc.).
The probability of transmission of viruses from bats to humans or the emergence of SARS-CoV-
2-related or new coronaviruses has been assessed as none to very low for the next 12 months,
since transmission of SARS-CoV-2 or other coronaviruses from bats to humans and backwards
has not been observed in Europe and on the limited human population having direct contact
with these animals. However, since bats are natural hosts of many coronaviruses, the
monitoring of these species is still important.
Monitoring approach
Based on the current knowledge, the main wild animal species that may be considered as
possible targets for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring are white-tailed deer, wild carnivores (e.g. wild
mustelids, felids and canids), bats and rodents such as wild synanthropic mice and rats (those
living in or close to human settlements).
No specific regulated monitoring activities would be needed for wildlife in the EU, apart
from monitoring based on suspicion, i.e. testing of animals showing clinical signs
suggesting possible SARS-CoV-2 infection or dead-found animals. Positive samples should
be subjected to genomic analysis to monitor virus evolution and genome sequences shared
with the scientific community.
Insectivorous bats, especially those belonging to the genus
are hosts for a range
of betacoronaviruses and thus also of potential relevance for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring.
Research studies should investigate the possible role of bats in the
European context, especially those belonging to the family
Zoo animals
Susceptibility and epidemiological situation
There are reports of both experimental and natural infection of animal species kept in zoos
with SARS CoV-2, mainly felids and great apes.
Risk for animal and public health and related control measures
Zoo animals, such as felids and great apes, can acquire the infection mainly from infected zoo
workers in contact with them, still at very low risk. There is no report of spillback transmission
from animals to humans in zoos.
Regular testing of workers, self-isolation when positive, use of PPE and good hygiene practice
(e.g. avoiding close contact, disinfection of tools), as well as good ventilation in closed
enclosures can significantly reduce the risk of transmission from humans to animals.
Transmission between susceptible animals in the same enclosure could occur once an animal is
infected, although transmission between animals kept in zoos is difficult to be proven, because
if they belong to the same outbreak they are usually exposed to the same infectious source
(e.g. positive caretaker). The probability of transmission to animals in other enclosures is
considered very low.
Testing and isolation of animals with clinical signs, even by non-invasive monitoring by air
sampling or rope-based oral
sampling, or testing in the frame of other veterinary checks,
as well as reducing animal density and avoiding sharing same air in ventilation systems, might
reduce the risk of further transmission.
Animals kept in zoos overall do not represent a major public health risk in relation to SARS-
The risk for occupationally or activity-related exposed people or groups such as zoo
workers, rangers or forest workers to be in contact with infected animals or their
droppings and get infected and develop severe is estimated to be very low.
The risk (probability to be infected and develop severe disease) for an individual person to
get infected from an animal in a zoo as well as the probability to have an emerging virus from
zoo or wild animals circulating in the general population is considered to be none to very low.
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Coronavirus disease 2019
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
European Medicines Agency
Early Warning System
Fusion peptide
Member State
Personal protective equipment
rapid antigen detection tests
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Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
Receptor-binding domain
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Term of Reference
Virus neutralisation test
World Health Organization
SARS-CoV-2 in animals
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Protocol for the assessment of the SARS-CoV-2 in animals:
susceptibility of animal species, monitoring, prevention and control
Background and ToRs as provided by the requestor
See Section
Problem formulation
Here, a summary of the initial considerations are described. With this mandate, the European
Commission requests EFSA’s support in assessing the adequacy of the current monitoring system for
SARS-CoV-2 in mustelids and raccoon dogs in the EU, which should be reviewed in light of the evolvement
of the epidemiological situation and along with the new scientific knowledge on the spread of SARS-CoV-2
in both humans and animals. For the assessment of the following problems are formulated:
1) susceptibility of animals
a) susceptibility in natural and laboratory conditions, species where SARS-CoV-2 or its RNA
or antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 been detected in experimental studies or in the
their geographical distribution;
b) dynamic of infection and pathogenesis;
c) role in inter and intra-species transmission;
d) genetic analysis of the virus variants in each species where it is isolated;
e) The group animal species to be considered.
2) Risk for animals posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animals species of concern
a) Once susceptible species or group of species susceptible to SARS -CoV-2 are identified,
the possible exposure and transmission pathways and related risk between these species
and other species are assessed.
3) Risk for humans posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animal species of concern
a) Which species identified in ToR 1 to whom humans may be exposed and the following:
b) Exposure assessment: social groups exposed to which relevant animal species;
c) Genetic variants and assessment of the possibility that virus can persist in animal
population with the emergence of new variants potentially able to escape vaccine efficacy;
d) Circulation, severity;
e) Diagnostics, immunity, vaccination, treatment;
f) Options for public health response for each social groups.
4) Revision of the monitoring system
The main problem is to assess which monitoring approach in mink/raccoon dogs should be applied
and whether it should be extended to other species. The monitoring scenarios is depicted by animal
category and the related monitoring objective.
5) Possible options for disease prevention and control measures
1) Identification and assessment of effectiveness of main preventive and control options in
place in EU, highlighting strengths and drawbacks.
Clarifications of the scope of the request: framework, population
and geographical area of concern, definitions
Scope: to assess health risk in animals and humans and to provide recommendations for revision of
the current monitoring system for SARS-CoV-2 in mustelids and raccoon dogs in the EU.
Geographical area: EU for the monitoring approach; worldwide for screening the literature.
Population: mustelids and raccoon dogs as population target for the current monitoring system and
assessment of any other species considered susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 that may represent a risk for
animals and humans and should be considered in the monitoring plans.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Translation of ToRs into assessment questions and subquestions
ToR 1
updated relevant scientific literature available globally related to SARS-CoV-2
infection in animals species of concern in the epidemiology of SARS-CoV2’ has been translated in the
following assessment questions:
Which mammal species have been reported test positive to SARS-CoV-2 in the
(either at
RNA, isolated virus, antibodies), and their geographical distribution?
Which wild and domestic mammal species are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 in laboratory
Dynamic of infection and pathogenesis:
What are confirmed infection routes for these species?
What is the length of the incubation period in these species?
What are the clinical signs, if any, their severity, duration, etc.?
Which species are able to shed the virus (even in the absence of clinical signs)?
Do these species develop protective immunity?
Which of these species can further transmit the disease to same/other species?
What are the genetic virus variants in each species where it is isolated?
In which animals vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been tested, and what are the results in
terms of immunogenicity, protection to challenge or safety?
Which diagnostic tests are used in animals to detect SARS CoV-2?
Type of test
Test performance (Se, Sp)
Sample matrix used
the current epidemiological situation in the EU and elsewhere as regards the risk for
human and animal health posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in animals species of concern with a view to
review the design of the existing monitoring performed by the Member States for minks, other animals
of the family
and raccoon dogs’ is addressed the
part as descriptive epidemiology of
SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in animals in EU and worldwide, while the second part is translated into the
question what is the possible exposure and transmission pathways and related risk between the
species assessed as susceptible and other species, mainly due to their capacity of being infected and
further transmit the virus?
ToR 3 about recommending options for reviewing the monitoring strategies in different
epidemiological scenarios,
the scenarios are defined by the question:
Which monitoring objectives should be set for each susceptible animal category?
For each defined scenario, the following subquestions should be answered:
What type of surveillance would be needed (active/passive)?
What type of Diagnostic test?
What type of Sample matrix?
What type of Target population?
What is the sampling frequency?
What is the duration of active monitoring plan?
where applicable, what would be the design prevalence and sample size?
The ToR 4 about disease prevention and control measures can be translated into the following
What are the preventive measures for SARS-CoV-2 in animals, and their pros and cons?
What are the control measures for SARS-CoV-2 in animals, and their pros and cons?
Assessing and synthesising evidence (including uncertainty
Details of the methodology used for the analysis of the data retrieved by the literature review as
well as data from other sources will be provided in the methodology section of the opinion.
All sources of uncertainty identified during the assessment will be recorded, and their impact on the
scientific assessment will be assessed collectively.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Table A.1:
Animal species considered susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 based on detection of viral RNA in ante-mortem or
post-mortem samples or based on seroconversion
Animal species considered susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 based on detection of viral RNA in
samples, or based on
seroconversion (please note that some references contain multiple studies)
Route of
[IN =
IT =
SARS-CoV-2 isolate Clinical signs
PO = per
oral; IV =
IN and IT
IN, PO, IT and
2019_nCoV Muc-IMB-
Detection of
viral RNA in
samples of
airways (at
least 2
Animal species
species and
Detection of
viral RNA or
Isolation of
antigen in
any post
African Green
16 years
Fever and
reduced appetite
Hypothermia and
Woolsey et al.
Blair et al.
Bank vole
7–9 weeks
No evidence
Not reported
Ulrich et al.
et al. (2021)
dwarf hamster
5–7 weeks
Not investigated
Trimpert et al.
15–18 weeks
5–7 months
6–9 months
4.5–5 months
Felis catus
IN, IT, PO and
IN and PO
IN and PO
Halfmann et al.
et al. (2021)
Shi et al.
et al. (2020)
Mild fever
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Animal species
species and
Route of
[IN =
IT =
SARS-CoV-2 isolate Clinical signs
PO = per
oral; IV =
IN, IT, PO and
Detection of
viral RNA in
samples of
airways (at
least 2
Detection of
viral RNA or
Isolation of
antigen in
any post
5–8 years
19 weeks
8 months
1.5 years
6 weeks
4–6 months
Chinese hamster 5–7 weeks
Not investigated
et al. (2020)
Chiba et al.
Bao et al.
No evidence
Falkenberg et al.
Ulrich et al.
Bertzbach et al.
Xu et al. (2020)
Zhao et al.
Arching of back,
Bos taurus
2019 nCoV Muc-IBM-1 No
SARS-CoV-2 strain
Not reported
Weight loss
Not investigated
Chinese tree
1 year and 5–
6 years
6–12 months
and 2–4 years
and 5–7 years
4–20 years
IN, PO and
Not investigated
IT and IN
Nasal discharge
Rockx et al.
Deer mouse
6 months
8–32 weeks
Fagre et al.
Griffin et al.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Animal species
species and
Route of
[IN =
IT =
SARS-CoV-2 isolate Clinical signs
PO = per
oral; IV =
Weight loss
Detection of
viral RNA in
samples of
airways (at
least 2
Detection of
viral RNA or
Isolation of
antigen in
any post
5–7 weeks
Not investigated
Trimpert et al.
3 months
5–6 years
1–5 years old
Canis lupus
Egyptian fruit
No evidence
Shi et al.
et al. (2020)
Schlottau et al.
2019-nCoV Muc-IMB-1 No
6–9 months
3–4 months
2019-nCoV Muc-IMB-1 No
Reduced activity,
Not investigated
Mustela furo
Schlottau et al.
Shi et al.
et al. (2022)
Marsh et al.
Kutter et al.
Ryan et al.
Richard et al.
Kim et al.
8 mtonhs
4 months
6 months
7 months
7 months
12–20 months
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Animal species
species and
Route of
[IN =
IT =
SARS-CoV-2 isolate Clinical signs
PO = per
oral; IV =
No signs
Detection of
viral RNA in
samples of
airways (at
least 2
Detection of
viral RNA or
Isolation of
antigen in
any post
Not reported
Not investigated
Neogale vison
hCoV-19/Finland/THL- Anorexia,
respiratory signs
19 nCoV-CDC-Tan-
Shuai et al.
Virtanen et al.
Strain C54BL/6: IN
Mus musculus
8 weeks
Strain BALB/c:
Not investigated
Pan et al.
8 weeks
Strain C54BL/6:
8 weeks
Montagutelli et
al. (2021)
Strain BALB/c:
8 weeks
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
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SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Animal species
species and
Route of
[IN =
IT =
SARS-CoV-2 isolate Clinical signs
PO = per
oral; IV =
Detection of
viral RNA in
samples of
airways (at
least 2
Detection of
viral RNA or
Isolation of
antigen in
any post
Not investigated
No evidence
No evidence
Shi et al.
Sikkema et al.
Buckley et al.
Pickering et al.
Schlottau et al.
Meekins et al.
Mykytyn et al.
Francisco et al.
Bosco-Lauth et
al. (2021)
Freuling et al.
6 weeks
3 months
3 weeks
IT and aerosol
Sus scrofa
8 weeks
9 weeks
5 weeks
3 months
IN and PO
PO, IN and IT
hCoV-19/Canada/ON- Ocular discharge
2019-nCoV Muc-IMB-1 No
10 weeks
Not stated
Raccoon dog
No (on DPI 1 Yes
No evidence
Procyon lotor
2019_nCoV Muc-IMB-
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
18314732, 2023, 2, Downloaded from by Royal Danish Library, Wiley Online Library on [15/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Animal species
species and
Route of
[IN =
IT =
SARS-CoV-2 isolate Clinical signs
PO = per
oral; IV =
IN and IT
IN, IT, PO and
Not reported
Fever, respiratory
distress, weight
loss, hunched
posture, nasal
appetite, weight
Detection of
viral RNA in
samples of
airways (at
least 2
Detection of
viral RNA or
Isolation of
antigen in
any post
Red fox
3–5 months
Vulpes vulpes
Rhesus macaque 7–12 years
Porter et al.
Yadav et al.
Munster et al.
4–6 years
6–11 years
Not investigated
Shan et al.
Blair et al.
Trimpert et al.
13–15 years
PO, IN, IT and
dwarf hamster
5–7 weeks
euthanasia 3–5
DPI due to
severe clinical
(weight loss,
ruffled fur)
Not reported
10 weeks
No evidence
et al. (2021)
Francisco et al.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
18314732, 2023, 2, Downloaded from by Royal Danish Library, Wiley Online Library on [15/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Animal species
species and
Route of
[IN =
IT =
SARS-CoV-2 isolate Clinical signs
PO = per
oral; IV =
IN and ocular
BetaCoV/Hong Kong/
SARS-CoV-2 isolated
from human patient
lineage A and SARS-
lineage B.1.1.7
Weight loss
Detection of
viral RNA in
samples of
airways (at
least 2
Detection of
viral RNA or
Isolation of
antigen in
any post
Syrian hamster
4–5 weeks
1 months and
7–8 months
6–10 weeks
Sia et al.
Imai et al.
Chan et al.
Palmer et al.
Cool et al.
IN and PO
Not investigated
6 weeks
2 years
Ocular discharge
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
18314732, 2023, 2, Downloaded from by Royal Danish Library, Wiley Online Library on [15/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Proportion of animals positive (as median and inter-quartile range
(IQR)) to SARS CoV-2 infection in the
summarises all mammal species in which SARS-CoV-2 positivity either at virus detection,
PCR or serologically was reported in peer-reviewed literature (based on the SLR), or reported to the
World Animal Health Organisation (OIE), by country. OIE reports were queried in the WAHIS system
on 8 April 2022.
Based on passive (following evidence of clinical signs or epidemiological links to human or animal
cases of SARS CoV-2 infections, suspicion-based) or active (e.g. random sampling) monitoring, in Table
17, the results obtained from SLR about
infection of different species to SARS CoV-2 are shown,
as proportion of positive animals in each epidemiological unit, tested by PCR/virus isolation or
serological test.
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
18314732, 2023, 2, Downloaded from by Royal Danish Library, Wiley Online Library on [15/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Table A.2:
Proportion of animals positive (as median and inter-quartile range (IQR)) to SARS CoV-2 infection in the
per species and epidemiological
unit following passive or active monitoring and according to virus detection/isolation or serological tests. Based on literature screening, only
species found positive are included in the table, and studies including only one animal of this species are excluded from the calculations of
proportions of positives
Passive monitoring (suspicion-based)
Active monitoring (random sampling)
% positive
% positive tested
tested animals
% serologically
% serologically
animals in each
in each
positive animals
positive animals
Total no. reference (virus
in each
in each
No. of
No. of
isolation or PCR-
no. of (virus isolation
or PCR-
Felis catus
100%; 0–100%)
(0%; 0–2,48%)
Bos taurus
7/3542 (0%;
deer (farmed)
zoo animals
Canis familiaris
Mustela furo
Neogale vison
Panthera leo
Panthera tigris
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822
MOF, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 251: Orientering om opdaterede vurderinger om COVID-19 og mink
18314732, 2023, 2, Downloaded from by Royal Danish Library, Wiley Online Library on [15/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
SARS-CoV-2 in animals
Passive monitoring (suspicion-based)
Active monitoring (random sampling)
% positive
% positive tested
tested animals
% serologically
% serologically
animals in each
in each
positive animals
positive animals
Total no. reference (virus
in each
in each
No. of
No. of
isolation or PCR-
no. of (virus isolation
or PCR-
Gorilla gorilla
Puma concolor
Meles meles
Canis aureus
Panthera pardus
Neogale vison
Manis javanica
Sus scrofa
Felis catus
Canis familiaris
(0%; 0–25.0%)
62 (24%;
(2.3%; 0–4.6%)
Leopard cat
wild animals
Wild boar
Stray animals
EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7822