Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
KEF Alm.del Bilag 374
Denmark’s position paper on an ambitious EU 2040 climate target and a cost-effective EU
climate architecture – a response to the public consultation on the European Commission’s
2040 Climate Target
Denmark’s main priorities for the 2040 Climate Target and implementing climate
2040 EU Climate target:
The EU’s 2040 climate target needs to be in line with the long-term goal of 1.5 °C and
ensure that the EU is on the right trajectory to reach climate neutrality by 2050 at the
latest and aiming to achieve negative emissions thereafter.
The proposal for a new 2040 target should also include an EU 2035 target in accordance
with the five-year timeframes for Nationally Determined Contributions decided at COP26.
Cost-effective EU climate architecture based on three main pillars:
An EU Emissions trading system for all emissions from energy consumption and industry
to ensure a cost-effective transition with a consistent CO
price signal across the
economy. This should include integration of negative emissions on conditions of credible
accounting, long-term storage and sustainability.
An agricultural pillar with a common EU target for agricultural emissions (including net
emissions from agricultural land), achieved to the greatest extent possible through
emissions trading and underpinned by EU-wide climate and environmental sectoral
regulation and an EU common agricultural policy with a greater focus on climate and
A forestry pillar with common EU regulation of emissions and removals from forests and
other land use.
Supported by:
An ambitious and coherent climate and energy framework with EU-wide enabling
sectoral standards that contributes to a cost-effective reduction effort and technology
development. This should include an assessment of existing regulatory instruments,
including whether the nature and extent of current national obligations and sectoral
targets are fit for adressing the EU’s challenges beyond 2030.
Strengthened leakage protection for emissions covered by emissions trading in the EU at
risk of leakage through measures such as the EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism
in full accordance with WTO rules.
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