Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2022-23 (2. samling)
IPU Alm.del Bilag 9
To the IPU-delegations from the parliaments of
I reland
New Zealand
The Netherlands
Thank you for support at IPU-session
Dear colleagues
The Danish Parliamentary delegation to the IPU met recently to evaluate our
participation at the
IPU-session 11-1
March in Bahrain.
Our delegation chose to focus on the Danish-Bahraini citizen Abdulhadi Al-
Khawaja. He has spent more than 11 years of an unjust life sentence
prison for leading peaceful protests during the 201 1 popular uprising in Bah-
rain. We also criticised the decision by the Bahraini authorities to revocate
the Human Rights Watch visas.
On behaif of the entire Danish IPU-delegation I will like to thank ali of you for
supporting us in highlighting these very important issues during the session.
Thank you for bilateral talks and thanks for support at the 12 plus meetings
and in the Assem bly.
As members of an organisation like the IPU it is absolutely vital to speak up
when basic human rights are being violated in this case by the host nation
of an IPU-session.
23 May 2023
chairman of the
Danish IPU
1240 Copenhagen K
÷45 3337 5500
We are looking forward to continuing the good cooperation with you. Not
east on these essential human rights issues.
Yours sincerely
Søren Søndergaard
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