Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2022-23 (2. samling)
IPU Alm.del Bilag 6
146th IPU Assembly
Manama (11–15 March 2023)
Manama Declaration
Promoting peaceful coexistence and inclusive societies:
Fighting intolerance
Endorsed by the 146th IPU Assembly
(Manama, 15 March 2023)
We, Members of Parliament from around the world, gathered at the 146th IPU Assembly in Manama,
Bahrain, are deeply aware of the dangers that hate, intolerance, exclusion and violence in all their forms
pose to the very foundations of democracy and to the social contract that holds our societies together.
Consumed by greed and competition, our world is facing social and economic inequalities on an
unprecedented scale. Heightened economic insecurity is breaking communities apart and leaving
growing numbers of people socially isolated, fending for themselves and often with inadequate access to
public service delivery and social safety nets.
Inequality and economic insecurity can give rise to anger and frustration in communities everywhere.
The dignity intrinsic to every human being can be undermined by factors such as poverty, the denial of
inalienable economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights, violations of the rule of law, discrimination
against women, lack of inclusion of youth, and the de facto exclusion from politics of the most vulnerable
and marginalized.
Xenophobia, racism, intolerance, negative stereotyping, stigmatization, discrimination and extremist
narratives are all expressions of this deep malaise in our societies. They manifest themselves in hate
speech or outright violence in various forms against migrants, people with disabilities, and national,
ethnic, religious, linguistic or other marginalized groups perceived as a threat to the established order.
They can also be expressed in the desecration of religious sites and symbols, actions which are deeply
offensive to people of faith. We, however, recognize the diversity within our communities as a source of
enrichment, and we reaffirm the fundamental rights and freedoms of all people, as enshrined in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Regrettably, some in positions of influence in society seek to exploit the vulnerabilities of others, sowing
hatred and division as a way to advance their own interests. Digital platforms designed to facilitate social
interaction and communication are being misused to micro-target, amplify and spread disinformation and
ill intent against others. The ease with which some of these voices speak in total disregard of the truth
carries profound dangers for democracy. Most worryingly, their words can be a direct cause of violence
and intolerance within communities and between nations.
We can respond to these challenges by encouraging collaborative networks promoting dialogue and joint
projects in service to the community, by creating channels for conflict prevention and mediation, by
promoting moderation, by advancing education and awareness building, and by encouraging community
and religious leaders to contribute to these objectives. We commit to speaking out against intolerance
and especially any advocacy of hatred that constitutes discrimination, hostility or violence. We will also
assist in the resolution of conflict through the exercise of parliamentary diplomacy.