Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 504
Madrid, May 22, 2023
Dear colleagues,
The Spanish Presidency of the European Union shall be focused on promoting a more united, stronger
and resilient Europe, working closely with the rest of Member States to attain these goals. This six
months’ period shall offer an excellent occasion to discuss European values and those of democratic
institutions faced with the new and major challenges that we must address.
Therefore, we have the pleasure of inviting representatives of national EU Parliaments and of the
European Parliament to the meeting of COSAC Chairpersons to be held at the Congress of Deputies in
Madrid, on July 9 and 10, 2023.
This is an important date within the parliamentary dimension of the Presidency of the European Union,
which will allow us to consider the priorities of the Spanish Presidency and address the situation in
Ukraine and the reindustrialization of the European Union. Thus, inter-parliamentary cooperation
within the COSAC becomes particularly relevant in the face of unprecedented challenges, regarding
which parliamentarians are to guarantee democratic accountability within the European Union.
Please find attached a draft agenda of the meeting of Chairpersons, together with the practical
As hosts of this meeting, it shall be a pleasure for us to receive you at the Congress of Deputies to
continue working together.
Looking forward to welcoming you to Madrid,
Cordially yours,
Susana Sumelzo Jordán
Chairperson of the Joint Committee for the European Union
Cortes Generales