Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 443
Ministry of Justice
Annex 3
May 1, 2023
Recommendations regarding the Unfair Contract Terms Directive
The Danish Government has the following recommendations regarding the
Unfair Contract Terms Directive:
Recommendation 1: New services and industries
With the evolving development in contract terms and especially with the
rise of the digital economy and new services, the Danish Government en-
courages the Commission to look into whether the Unfair Contract Terms
Directive is fit for new services and industries. The Commission is espe-
cially encouraged to evaluate the current “grey list” in Annex 1 to the di-
rective to ensure that the list is fulfilling and fit for the digital age.
As an example, the gaming industry has evolved increasingly during the last
decade. Purchases of digital items or services with virtual in-app currencies
are one of the most important revenue streams for gaming businesses. Trad-
ers in the industry often stipulate in their terms and conditions that in-app
currencies are non-refundable.
The Danish Government therefore encourages the Commission to evaluate
whether the directive is fit for the digital age, and especially to examine
whether contractual terms in the gaming industry stipulating that in-app cur-
rencies are non-refundable should be regarded as unfair.
The Danish Government recommends the Commission to evaluate whether
the directive and Annex 1 is fit for the digital age, and especially to examine
whether contractual terms in the gaming industry stipulating that in-app cur-
rencies are non-refundable should be regarded as unfair.
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