Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 443
Ministry of Justice
Annex 2
May 1, 2023
Recommendations regarding the Consumer Rights Directive
The Danish Government has the following recommendations regarding the
Consumer Rights Directive (CRD):
Recommendation 1: Subscription contracts
Digitalization has contributed to the development of subscription-based
payment models by further reducing transactional frictions and by adding
new commercial domains, e.g. streaming services, which have subscriptions
built into the core of their services. Subscription-based payment schemes
may benefit consumers by lowering transaction costs. However, if consum-
ers are not prompted to take an active position when they pay for their ser-
vices, these models may also lead to inaction and customer loyalty that is
not necessarily aligned with the consumers interests.
A study conducted by the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority on
consumer inactivity and inattention on subscription-based markets shows
that consumers are 70 pct. more likely to let their subscription terminate if
they experience a credit card payment rejection and they manually have to
update their payment information to retain the subscription relative to con-
sumers who do not.
The study further demonstrates that, in many cases,
consumers do not evaluate their subscriptions continuously.
Danish Competition and Consumer Authority (2022): Inactive Consumers in Subscrip-
tion Markets
inactive-consumers_seneste.pdf (
The study consists of two parts
natural experiment which utilized three years of payment data from 117.000 unique Dan-
ish subscriptions and a national representative consumer survey with 1.200 Danish re-
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