Erhvervsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
ERU Alm.del Bilag 74
03 March 2023
Danish response to the Commission’s invitation to comment on
the draft proposal on Code of good practices for IPCEIs.
The Danish Government welcomes the Commission’s initiative to launch
a code of good practices for IPCEI’s and appreciates the opportunity to
comment on the proposal.
The Danish Government has participated in the two recently approved IP-
CEI’s in the hydrogen
sector, Hy2Tech and Hy2Use. Thus, the experiences
drawn from the Danish experience of the process could contribute to im-
provements around future IPCEIs.
The “Code of good practices for IPCEIs for a transparent, inclusive and
faster design”, presented
as a technical document of non-legal nature by the
Commission, provides a very helpful overview of the key processes and
inflection points around IPCEIs, and consolidates the lessons learned into
a set of useful hands-on points and observations that can guide the work on
future IPCEIs.
1. General comments
Streamlined and accelerated processes without compromising the quality
and thoroughness of the state aid assessment
We welcome efforts to make future IPCEI processes more structured by
building on best practices. It is highly desirable to find ways to streamline
and accelerate the work of establishing and assessing future IPCEIs.
However, while we share the desire to
see IPCEI’s expedited speedily, we
also caution against unrealistic expectations and excessive reliance on pre-
set fixed time frames that could compromise the quality of state aid assess-
ments. It continues to be vital that the Commission carry out in-depth and
comprehensive assessments of state aid projects.
Genuine and timely involvement
It is helpful that the Code of good practice emphasizes that we must find a
way to ensure all Member States have a genuine chance to participate when
a new IPCEI is being conceived. The decision to enter into an IPCEI entails
substantial commitments from the Member States concerned and thus re-
quires careful consideration. It is therefore important to ensure genuine in-
volvement of all Member States at an early stage. This requires transparent
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