Erhvervsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
ERU Alm.del Bilag 13
2022 - 16014
Feedback regarding a possible revision of the de minimis Regulation
The Danish Government appreciates the possibility to respond to the Com-
public hearing regarding the proposed revision of the de minimis
The Danish Government finds that the de minimis Regulation is a well-
functioning regulation which facilitates granting of smaller aid amounts in
a fast and flexible way. We are happy to note that the basic criteria for
granting aid under the de minimis Regulation are proposed in the draft re-
vision of the Regulation. This concerns i.e. the more operational definition
of undertaking which makes it easier to administrate aid grantings under
the Regulation.
The Danish Government recognizes the challenges in the current global
situation. Looking into whether the current state aid framework could be
improved is one of more possibilities to respond to these challenges. How-
ever, we strongly encourage that such changes are introduced with caution
based on data concerning the actual need. Such approach is according to
the Danish Government a prerequisite for ensuring a simpler, faster and
even more predictable state aid framework, while ensuring that a level play-
ing field is preserved. In general, the Danish Government is open to a minor
increase of the de minimis threshold in light of the economic development
and inflation since 2006.
Furthermore, the Danish Government is open to the introduction of a public
de minimis register at Union level.
Please find our elaboration below.
1. Adoption of an increase of the aid threshold
The current de minimis threshold was adopted in December 2006. Since
then, there has been a change in both inflation and the GDP across the EU.
To ensure that the de minimis Regulation only concerns aid that does not
distort the competition or the trade in the single market, it is important to
the Danish Government that the threshold is not increased unnecessarily.