Udvalget for Digitalisering og It 2022-23 (2. samling)
DIU Alm.del Bilag 146
Consumer Dialogue
22nd of September 2023, Copenhagen
The New Consumer Agenda:
Policy Priorities and Actions to Empower Consumers in the Digital Transitions
Commissioner for Justice Mr. Didier Reynders and Minister for Industry, Business and Financial
Affairs would like to invite you to a Consumer Dialogue in Denmark on 22 September 2023 in
Eigtveds Pakhus, Copenhagen.
The European consumer policy has delivered real benefits through major pieces of legislation gov-
erning consumer rights, passenger rights, unfair commercial practices, unfair contract terms and rep-
resentative actions for the protection of consumers' collective interests. This has given consumers a
high level of protection and businesses legal certainty. However, the digital transformation and mar-
ketplaces are changing the relationship between consumers and businesses, and the COVID-19 pan-
demic brought additional challenges for consumers, highlighting the need for a holistic approach to
consumer protection.
Consumers' trust in the Single Market will be an important driver of the economic recovery of Europe
following the pandemic and the recent energy crisis with inflation and surging prices and interest
rates. This will require authorities throughout the EU to make use of the strong mechanisms to effec-
tively enforce consumer protection rules, also towards relevant third-country business operators, and
provide redress to harmed consumers.
The Commission prepared a New Consumer Agenda in 2020, outlining the policy priorities and ac-
tions for the next five years for implementation at European and National level trough close collabo-
ration and partnerships, leaving no consumer behind:
New Consumer Agenda – Strengthening con-
sumer resilience for sustainable recovery | European Commission (europa.eu)
As part of this initiative, the Commission is organising a series of 'Consumer Dialogues' in the Mem-
ber States with a country-by-country approach, to discuss how close collaboration and partnerships
at EU and national level can bring about faster, more effective and lasting results.
The goal of the dialogues is to listen to and discuss with national authorities and stakeholders how to
use partnerships and collaboration to put the Consumer Agenda into practice.
The Consumer Dialogue in Copenhagen on the 22nd of September is organised by the European
Commission in collaboration with key national authorities. The programme of the event is the fol-
DIU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 146: Invitation til konferencen 'Consumer Dialogue: Policy Priorities and Actions to Em-power Consumers in the Digital Transitions', den 22. september 2023
The program of the event is the following:
Per Haugaard, Head of Representation, the Commission Repre-
sentation in Denmark
The New Consumer Agenda, presentation
Mr. Didier Reynders, Com-
missioner for Justice, European Commission
Challenges for consumers on online platforms
Mr. Morten Bødskov,
Minister for Business, Industry and Financial Affairs
Democratic control with big tech’s business models
Mr. Mikkel
Flyverbom, Professor and Chairman of the Danish Governments Tech Ex-
pert Group
Panel debate on the challenges facing the consumers related to the in-
fluence from big tech
(in Danish) moderator Mette Walsted Vestergaard.
Questions from the audience
Mikkel Flyverbom (Professor and Chairman of the Danish
Governments Tech Expert Group) (in Danish)
Networking reception
We look forward to welcoming you.
Sincerely yours,
Nils Behrndt, Deputy Director General,
Directorate General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission
Brian Wessel, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Legal and Business Affairs
The Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs