Børne- og Undervisningsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
BUU Alm.del Bilag 9
EDCyber focus group 3
Stakeholders involved in the process of democratic participation
Objective 1
Identification of needs, areas of opportunity and common challenges in each country related to the
participation and involvement of young people in active
citizenship and decision-making process.
Based on your experience, are the young people interested in participating in the public and
social life of the community?
Based on your experience, what is the importance of youth participation for local community
What are the means and public space at disposal of young people to participate in the local
decision-making processes?
How does your organization promote the participation of young people in activities related
to active citizenship?
Based on your experience, what are the main obstacles that young people face in
participating in the active citizenship and decision-making processes?
Are organized in your community training activities or awareness campaigns about
democracy and policy-making processes for young people?
Are active in your community network including NGOs, Public Institutions,
the participation of young people in active citizenship?
In the case of some problems affecting your community, are young people involved in
activities held to denounce and solve such critical situation?
In your community, do the young people have the opportunity to discuss directly with
policymakers or be part of active democratic life as members of a political group of interest or
a specific youth category?
From your experience, are the young people aware of European policies and that the EU has
a mechanism to involve young people in the European decision-making process?
Objective 2
Identification of missing skills and competencies in youth to critically, analytically and responsibly
manage new technologies and use them as a means of empowerment, autonomy, and individual or
collective development
What are the main digital tools (including social networks) and technology used by young
people involved in your community?
What are the digital tools and the virtual space at disposal of the young people to promote
their active citizenship (e.g. forum, online platform, surveys, etc…)?
Based on your experience, what are the digital competencies that young people currently
Based on your experience, what are the skills missing in young people to use digital tools in a
responsible way?
Based on your experience, what are the main problems and threats coming from the wrong
use of digital tools and misinformation in virtual spaces?
Has your organization ever organized some activities in a virtual environment that promote
youth participation in social issues and active citizenship topics?
What are the activities implemented in your community by other stakeholders/actors aimed
at educating young people about digital contents?