Børne- og Undervisningsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling), Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
BUU Alm.del Bilag 8, UUI Alm.del Bilag 4
[email protected]
28-11-2022 17:24
[email protected]
<[email protected]>
Plea Regarding non-EU Citizens' Study Permit
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Rohit, a grade - 10 student from India and I am writing this mail to you as an Indian aspiring to
pursue the rest of my highschool in your honoured country.
After pursuing much research and contacting several schools, I came to know that your
country does not permit a study permit for over one year. Due to this, I have not been able to apply
to any of the reputable schools in your country. Likewise, there are several students out there who
wish to study in your esteemed nation but miss out on the opportunity due to the current legislation.
This is not only a loss for the student but also a loss for the nation. Due to this, Denmark may miss
out on the chance to welcome a valuable asset into the nation.
I do agree that your policy helps give more opportunity to the students of your nation and the EU.
However, as I believe, everyone should be given an opportunity. This ensures both the increased
development of your nation and that of a person's education and ultimately their career.
It is my humble request that my plea be listened to and I hope that everyone including non-EU
Citizens are granted the study permit for at least 2 years as most high-school diploma programmes
last 2 years.
Thanking you
Rohit A