Retsudvalget 2022-23 (1. samling)
REU Alm.del Bilag 7
Commissioner Johansson
Ministry of Justice
14 October 2022
Dear Commissioner Johansson,
Please be informed that the Danish Government, in accordance with the
provisions in Article 25 and 27 of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of 9 March
2016 (Schengen Borders Code), has decided to temporarily reintroduce bor-
der controls at the internal borders. The reintroduction of border controls
will be carried out for 6 months as from 12 November 2022. The border
controls may extend to all internal borders, including land, sea and air bor-
ders, whereby the specific border sections and border crossing points are
determined by the Danish National Police. However, the border controls
will focus on the Danish-German land border, the Danish-Swedish land bor-
der (Øresundsforbindelsen) and the Danish ports with ferry connection to
Germany or Sweden.
This decision has been reached in order to be able to effectively counter the
significant threat to our public order and internal security caused by terror-
ists and organized criminals who are able to exploit the free mobility within
the Schengen area as well as the current migration situation within the
Schengen-area. This notification thus provides factual information and elab-
orates on the circumstances and events which give rise to a new serious
threat to our public order and internal security, while taking into account the
free movement of persons in the practical execution of the border controls.
First of all, the Russian invasion of Ukraine currently constitutes an ex-
traordinary and uncertain situation in Europe. It is estimated that approxi-
mately 10,5 million people have been displaced since the Russian invasion
while approximately 1,3 million Russian nationals have entered the EU. The
Center for Terror Analysis (CTA), under the Danish Security and Intelli-
gence Service, asseses that the conflict may cause spillover effects
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