Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2022-23 (1. samling)
IPU Alm.del Bilag 1
145th IPU Assembly
Kigali, Rwanda
11-15 October 2022
Condemnation of the invasion of Ukraine and of the
subsequent annexation of territories, in defence of the
territorial integrity of all States
Resolution adopted by consensus
by the 145th IPU Assembly
(Kigali, 14 October 2022)
The 145th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,
that the invasion of the sovereign State of Ukraine has resulted in
the death and maiming of thousands of civilians and military personnel, the destruction of
cities and infrastructure, and the displacement of millions of people as refugees of war,
that the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) works for peace and
cooperation among peoples, and for the promotion and defence of human rights, which
are universal in nature and whose unrestricted respect is an essential factor for
democracy and the development of all nations,
the adoption on 23 March 2022 by the 144th IPU Assembly in
Nusa Dua, Indonesia, of a resolution in favour of a
Peaceful resolution of the war in
Ukraine, respecting international law, the Charter of the United Nations and territorial
Bearing in mind
that the Charter of the United Nations states that “[a]ll
Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against
the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”,
Having regard to
United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-11/2 on
the humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine, which calls for an
immediate cessation of hostilities, in particular of any attacks against civilians and civilian
United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution 49/1 of
4 March 2022 on the situation of human rights in Ukraine stemming from the Russian
aggression, as well as United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution S-34/1 of
12 May 2022 calling for investigations into war crimes committed on Ukrainian territory,
Attentive to
the content of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, especially the
Fourth Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, and their
Additional Protocols,
that the military aggression against Ukraine has continued for eight
months now, despite multiple calls from the international community to put an end to the
conflict and the resultant suffering of the civilian population,
IPU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (1. samling) - Bilag 1: Resultater af IPU-session i Kigali, Rwanda, efteråret 2022
Alarmed by
the profound consequences of the invasion of Ukrainian territory by the
Russian Federation, which point to a humanitarian, migration and refugee crisis affecting the entire
world and, in particular: the sharp deterioration of the global economy, giving rise to major
concerns; the situation in the Horn of Africa, with Somalia alone receiving 92% of its wheat imports
from the Russian Federation and Ukraine; the upward spiral of food and fuel prices resulting from
the war threatening to plunge the African population into a food crisis of potentially catastrophic
proportions; and Europe meanwhile facing a cold winter with reduced gas supplies, with some
41% of this vital energy source coming from the Russian Federation,
its call for an immediate end to the Russian military occupation of sovereign
Ukrainian territory, restoring its territorial integrity back to its internationally recognized
borders, extending to its territorial waters, and consequently the rule of international
Condemns in the strongest terms
the serious violations of human dignity and the
flagrant violations of human rights perpetrated in the regions of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Sumy,
Chernihiv and others;
Also condemns
the use of extrajudicial executions, sexual and gender-based violence,
and inhuman or degrading treatment as a weapon of war, in open violation of the
Geneva Conventions relating to the treatment of prisoners of war, the care and
assistance of the wounded and sick, and the due protection of the civilian population;
the importance of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all
States, in connection with Russia’s territorial annexation;
the resolutions of various international bodies to investigate and prosecute
the perpetrators of possible war crimes committed in Ukraine, particularly the
massacre in Mariupol, the evidence found of clandestine mass graves in Izium, the
tragic events in Bucha, the hundreds of attacks on the country’s health infrastructure,
the use of unguided bombs and cluster munitions against the civilian population in
Chernihiv and Okhtyrka, among others;
Also supports
the creation of courts with specific jurisdiction to investigate possible
crimes perpetrated in wars of aggression and to hear cases of war crimes and human
rights violations committed on Ukrainian territory.
Urgently appeals
to the international community to support the actions of UNICEF and
other specialized aid agencies to alleviate the general deprivation suffered by
3 million children inside Ukrainian territory and another 2 million refugee children, who
require rapid and life-saving assistance;
Calls on
the parliaments of the world to:
raise awareness, as appropriate, among the competent national authorities of
their States and civil society of the need to contribute, insofar as they are able,
to a solution to the humanitarian crisis involving the migration of
6 million Ukrainian citizens as refugees;
encourage the support and cooperation of the international community in the
process of reconstructing Ukraine, in solidarity with its people and respecting
the principles, values and norms of international humanitarian law;
continue their commitment to climate change reduction targets, recognizing that
the war of aggression is impacting energy supply;
Calls on
the competent bodies of the United Nations system, the governments and
parliaments of the world, and multilateral financial institutions to adopt and support
effective and targeted social policies to address decisively global food insecurity
resulting from the effects of the war, namely the rising prices of food, fuel and
fertilizers, the supply of which has been severely disrupted or discontinued;
IPU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (1. samling) - Bilag 1: Resultater af IPU-session i Kigali, Rwanda, efteråret 2022
solidarity with all the victims of the armed conflict in Ukraine and
all war crimes, crimes against humanity and any other human rights violations;
all States to address the humanitarian dimension of the conflict, to work
together to reduce tensions and to exhaust all peaceful means available through
mechanisms of peaceful settlement;
support for the ongoing work of the IPU Task Force on the peaceful
resolution of the war in Ukraine;
the Task Force to continue its efforts to
bring the parties concerned to the table of political dialogue for the peaceful resolution
of the war, in keeping with the Charter of the United Nations, territorial integrity and
international law; and
both Parliaments to facilitate the Task Force’s
engagement to achieve its mission.
After the adoption of the Resolution, the following delegations took the floor to abstain from supporting the
India, Mozambique, South Africa, South Sudan and Yemen.