Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2022-23 (1. samling)
IPU Alm.del Bilag 1
145th IPU Assembly
Kigali, Rwanda
11-15 October 2022
Kigali Declaration
Gender equality and gender-sensitive parliaments
as drivers of change for a more resilient
and peaceful world
Endorsed by the 145th IPU Assembly
(Kigali, 15 October 2022)
We, Members of Parliament from around the world, gathered at the 145th IPU
Assembly in Kigali, Rwanda to discuss the theme
Gender equality and
gender-sensitive parliaments as drivers of change for a more resilient and peaceful
to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the IPU’s Plan of Action for
Gender-sensitive Parliaments, and to recommit to advance gender equality in our
institutions and in society.
We recognize that we live in a special time, wrought with global challenges. After two
years of confronting the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that crises are never gender
neutral. On the contrary, crises exacerbate existing gender-based inequalities and
create new ones, and put vulnerable populations in an even more precarious situation.
Women and girls pay a heavy toll in situations of crisis, since gender-based
discrimination and violence increase, holding back gender equality and our societies
in general.
However, we take confidence knowing that our collective commitment to the
Sustainable Development Goal of gender equality has led to greater attention to and
respect for equal rights among men and women, and women’s and girls’
empowerment. We also believe that the current generation of parliamentarians is
more diverse and is therefore showing even more support for the advancement of
gender equality and inclusivity.
We affirm that gender equality is essential in confronting pandemics, conflicts,
economic recessions and climate change. From the perspective of the economy,
gender equality means equal pay, financial inclusion, universal social protection,
valuing care work, and protection from discrimination and violence. Equality in the
economy also means that more women participate in the work force, leading to
greater prosperity and productivity. Gender equality in politics allows us to respond
better to crises by taking into account the diverse and intersectional needs of all,
thereby delivering more effective results. From the perspective of peace-building and
diplomacy, women’s leadership is a driving force, as peace agreements signed by
female delegates lead to more durable peace. From the perspective of political
decision-making, women leaders have been proven to drive more stringent climate
action. In short, when responding to global challenges, it is more likely that no one is
left behind if women participate and lead.