Ref. Ares(2021)5765922 - 21/09/2021
Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del - endeligt svar på spørgsmål 33
Direct Taxation, Tax coordination, Economic Analysis and Evaluation
The Director
Brussels, 21 September 2021
Ms Lise Bo Nielsen
Head of Corporate Tax
Danish Ministry of Taxation
by e-mail:
Follow up on the Commission Recommendation of 14 July 2020 on
making State financial support to undertakings in the Union
conditional on the absence of links to non-cooperative jurisdictions –
your email of 31 August 2021
Dear Ms Nielsen,
I would like to thank you for your third set of follow up questions on the Commission
Recommendation of 14 July 2020 regarding making State financial support to
undertakings in the Union conditional on the absence of links to non-cooperative
jurisdictions. As for our responses of 21 September and 15 December 2020 to your first
and second set of questions respectively, I would like to reiterate that the
Recommendation represents the official position of the Commission on the issues it deals
with. All the relevant Commission Services, including the Legal Service, contributed to
the completion of this Act. As such, the Recommendation reflects the Commission’s
views on the interpretation and application of the Union’s fundamental freedoms, as
established in the EU Treaties, and is addressed to Member States. It does not prejudge,
however, any future pronunciation of the European Court of Justice on this issue.
Against this background and in view of your request for clarification and the arguments
that your Services brought forward, I would like to make the following comments.
Regarding the existence of an unlawful restriction, you express the view that
undertakings should be refused State financial support only where they are directly held
by entities in listed jurisdictions. You thus advance the argument that undertakings which
are indirectly held by entities in listed jurisdictions – notably, via entities of the same
group in other EU Member States - cannot be refused the financial support. In your
analysis, refusing the financial support in such circumstances would amount to an
unlawful restriction of the Freedom of Establishment.
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111
Office: SPA3 06/055 - Tel. direct line +32 229-69785