15 January 2021
Nationality Division
Slotsholmsgade 10
1216 Copenhagen K
+45 6198 4000
Addendum to brief of 16 August 2018 regarding the processing of applications for
Danish citizenship by naturalization from applicants covered by the UN Conven-
tion on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961 (the 1961 Convention), who are
under investigation for offences against national security or a criminal offence
that can result in imprisonment for five years or more
1. Introduction and background
On 28 August 2018, Volker Türk acknowledged on behalf of UNHCR that the Minis-
try of Immigration and Integration's procedure described for the processing of ap-
plications for Danish citizenship by naturalization from applicants covered by the
1961 Convention, and who the PET (the Danish Security and Intelligence Service)
assesses as a potential threat to national security, or who are provisionally charged
or indicted for offences against national security or a criminal offence that can re-
sult in imprisonment for five years or more, is in line with the object and purpose
of the 1961 Convention.
On 5 September 2018, the Danish Parliament's Naturalization Committee was
briefed about the new procedure, which resulted in a number of questions.
There were a series of questions concerning a similar procedure in Norway, where
there is a possibility to suspend the processing of applications in so far as the appli-
cant in question is under investigation for offences against national security or a
criminal offence that can result in imprisonment for five years or more.
Against this background, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration contacted the
Norwegian authorities which confirmed this procedure. The Ministry of Immigra-
tion and Integration then launched a study of whether an expansion of the already
approved Danish procedure would be in accordance with the 1961 Convention and
Denmark's other international obligations.
The Ministry of Immigration and Integration assesses that the expansion of the pro-
cedure will not conflict with Denmark's international obligations, including the 1961
Business reg. no.:
Case no.
Doc. ID
2018 - 1659