Department of
Peace Operations
Mar 2022
Current and Emerging Uniformed Capability Requirements
for United Nations Peacekeeping
Executive Summary
The Secretariat is in the process of updating the composition of the Vanguard Brigade and the respective
Statement of Unit Requirements for all Vanguard Brigade units to be placed at the Rapid Deployment Level
(RDL) of the Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System (PCRS). This effort should be completed by end of July
2022 and the new requirements shared with all Member States so they can become effective at the start of the
2023/24 UN Peacekeeping Fiscal Year.
T/PCC support will be critical not only to elevate new pledges, but also to replenish the PCRS with pledges at
Level 2 and above. With travel restrictions being eased, more in-person strategic Assessment and Advisory Visits
(AAV) are planned to be conducted in 2022. Focus will be given to critical capabilities that were pledged and the
need to elevate them in the PCRS. As a reminder, only after a successful AAV will a unit be considered for a new
deployment selection process. We urge Member States to advance pledges so the early interaction and exchange
of information can be done, proving the Secretariat the necessary visibility over the offers and giving the Member
States specific UN peacekeeping knowledge that is crucial for the generation of qualified uniformed capabilities
in the least amount of time.
The table on page 11 shows the pledges currently available in the PCRS and their respective levels of readiness
and preparedness.
There is an increasing need and critical shortage of utility and armed/attack helicopter
units. Infantry units and Quick Reaction Forces at company level continue to be an important capability
requested by field missions and a mid-term need for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
units, both ground and aerial, is foreseen. Another significant point of concern for our capabilities in 2022
remains the lack of women peacekeepers in contingents, as well as among individual uniformed personnel.
With more than 94% of personnel deployed in contingents being men, we are failing to seize opportunities related
to diverse perspectives, ideas, and experiences that women troops could bring, hence limiting our effectiveness.
As an emerging future requirement capability trend in our field missions, this edition brings a special paragraph
on counter-UAS measures that can be found on page 9.
Due to coinciding activities and some still existing COVID-19 restrictions, the Secretariat has decided to postpone
the Chiefs of Defense Conference (CHODs) and the UN Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS). Currently,
UNCOPS is likely to take place in early September and CHOS in late October, both at UNHQ.