Udenrigsudvalget 2021-22
URU Alm.del Bilag 262
Laura Borràs i Castanyer
Over the course of the last year I have sent you several letters sharing the situations of
violation of rights that we are experiencing in the Parliament of Catalonia, situations such
as the prohibition by the Spanish Constitutional Court to discuss certain issues, the
inhabilitation of Mr. Pau Juvilà, the ban on the minister in exile Lluís Puig to delegate the
vote or exercise it electronically, or the Catalangate.
The Spanish State, specially through judiciary power influence, is submitting the minority
of the Catalan nation to a political persecution.
And this results, in the daily life of our Parliament, in the violation of the rights of expression
and representation and, something particulars serious, in the violation of the inviolability of
the elected representatives of the citizenry, without which the division of power, the basis
of democracy, is no longer real.
If I decide to write to you one more time, it is to communicate something especially painful.
The Spanish justice has opened a trial against me after an Instruction full of irregularities
in which it accuses me of an administrative irregularity of which I declare myself innocent.
For alleged administrative crimes, a criminal case has been opened against me, for which
the prosecutor’s office is asking for six years in prison and twenty one years of
disqualification. The disproportion of the punishment is another indication of the political
intent of the case.
Today I will be removed as Parliament Speaker and I'll have to wait until found innocent in
trial to be able to restore personal honour as well as my parliamentary role. Nevertheless,
can justice be expected in a context of lawfare and the continuous suspension of democratic
guarantees the Catalan people are suffering?
Kind regards,
Palau del Parlament, 28
july 2022