Global Gateway: building sustainable partnerships for a connected world
European Development Days 2022
Themes and Topics
Topic 1:
Inclusive and
green digital growth
access to resources; circularity and waste
management; climate neutrality; digital
divide (by age, by gender, by income, by
region); energy efficiency; equal access to
digital skills and technologies; geospatial
data; inclusive digital economies; smart
and green technologies.
Topic 1:
Green and
just energy transition
clean cooking; circular economy and
waste management; coal phase-out,
digital-energy innovation; energy access;
energy efficiency; climate change
mitigation; decarbonisation; gender
impact of climate change; gender-
responsive climate mitigation and
adaptation strategies; green jobs; green
energy jobs and value chains; green
hydrogen; inclusive natural resource
management; inclusive green economy;
just transition; off-grid energy solutions;
renewable energy and renewable energy
integration; sustainable energy.
Topic 1:
Infrastructure connectivity
climate impact and mitigation;
environmental impact; geostrategic
importance of connectivity; green
transition investment; inclusive transport
(e.g. tackling access and inequalities);
infrastructure development and
promotion of infrastructure investment
and innovative financing; maintenance
to preserve the network; multi-modal
corridor development; role of national,
regional and local connectivity; sector
governance and regulatory frameworks;
smart connectivity solutions; economic
corridors and cities; sustainable footing;
transformative change; transport
facilitation; transport and trade.
Topic 1:
Security of supply chains and
development of local manufacturing
COVAX; data collection (e.g. flows, centres,
infrastructures, analytics); healthcare
providers; hhealth research networks;
health security; hubs and spokes;
innovation; interconnected devices; IP
management and rights; market access
and distributed market; One Health;
preparedness; public health institutions;
regulatory strengthening, harmonisation
and twinning; scientific cooperation;
sequencing centres; social protection and
inclusivity; universal access to sexual and
reproductive health and rights (SRHR);
supply chain processes and movement
of raw materials; Team Europe initiatives;
telemedicine/telehealth; technology
transfer and knowledge sharing;
traceability; trade facilitation; training and
workforce skills; trust building; vaccine
(access & distribution, sharing).
Topic 1:
Science, Technology,
Innovation and Research
brain drain; centres of scientific
excellence; Earth Observation;
evidence driven decision-making;
funding opportunities; grass-root
and frugal innovations; knowledge
exchanges; innovation ecosystem;
mobility of researchers; networking
and partnerships; skills development;
STEM (science, technology, engineering
and mathematics); technology transfer;
open science; research infrastructures;
research capacities; women and youth in
greenhouse gas emissions; environment;
climate change emergency response;
civil protection; border security;
maritime security; land monitoring;
smart farming; vegetation cover;
deforestation; biodiversity; land use;
land use-change; forestry; ocean colour;
ocean currents; aquaculture; fisheries;
sea pollution; air pollution; atmosphere;
remote sensing; satellite navigation;
satellite communication; geographical
information services; geophysical
information; space data; telemetry; data
policy; data exchange; gender gap in
science and technology.