Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2021-22
UPN Alm.del Bilag 43
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
PR CO 39
3826th Council meeting
Foreign Affairs
Brussels, 15 and 16 November 2021
Josep Borrell Fontelles
High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
15 and 16 November 2021
Foreign Affairs Council with Foreign Affairs Ministers ..................................................................... 4
Current affairs ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Western Balkans .................................................................................................................................. 5
The Sahel.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Council conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 6
Foreign Affairs Council with Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministers ................................................ 6
Strategic Compass ................................................................................................................................ 6
Foreign Affairs Council with Defence Ministers ................................................................................. 6
Current affairs ...................................................................................................................................... 6
EU Training missions........................................................................................................................... 7
PESCO ................................................................................................................................................. 7
NATO................................................................................................................................................... 7
European Defence Agency Steering Board ......................................................................................... 8
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's internet site
Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's internet site or may be obtained from the Press
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
15 and 16 November 2021
Inspection Mechanism in Yemen (UNVIM) ........................................................................................................... 9
Council statement for the International Seabed Authority meetings minutes.......................................................... 9
Single Progress Report on the Development of EU Military Capabilities 2021...................................................... 9
Council Guidelines for European Defence Agency's work in 2022 ........................................................................ 9
More binding PESCO commitments ..................................................................................................................... 10
Assessment PESCO's progress made by participating member states................................................................... 10
Council implementing decision extending a special measure of Croatia derogating from the VAT
Directive ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Council Implementing Decision authorising Estonia to apply a measure derogating from the VAT
Directive ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
Foreign Affairs Council with Foreign Affairs Ministers
Current affairs
15 and 16 November 2021
Ministers had a discussion on the situation in Belarus and the issue of migrants being pushed
towards the EU's borders in an orchestrated attempt to have them enter the EU illegally.
The Council stood united against the ongoing hybrid aggression against the EU.
Ministers agreed to expand the scope of the sanctions regime on Belarus. and on adopting the 5th
package of sanctions, which will be finalised in the following days.
The High Representative then informed ministers about his outreach activities to try to convince
Minsk to stop using migration for political objectives.
The High Representative underlined the full responsibility of Belarus in artificially creating the
migrants' flow and explained that the EU would work with international organisations such as the
United Nations in order to ensure that humanitarian assistance is provided to those in need.
Dialogue will be re-established when the Lukashenko regime will stop violations and start to
respect the human rights of its own people in Belarus.
Belarus: EU broadens scope for sanctions to tackle hybrid attacks and instrumentalisation of
migrants (press release, 15 November 2021)
Ministers were informed about Turkey’s unilateral moves to change Varosha's status quo, in breach
of UN Security Council resolutions. The Council expressed its strong solidarity with Cyprus and the
will to transform this solidarity into concrete proposals on how to address the situation. An option
paper will soon be presented to EU ambassadors sitting in COREPER, with a view to preparing the
ground for a discussion at the December Foreign Affairs Council.
Ethiopia was also discussed, with a focus on the situation in Tigray that, one year after the
beginning of the conflict, has further worsened creating a devastating humanitarian crisis. The High
Representative restated that there is no military solution to the conflict, and everything must be
done to spare the Ethiopian citizens from the chaos of a full fledged civil war. The EU stands fully
behind the efforts of the region and the African Union in offering a table for talks.
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
15 and 16 November 2021
The Council then touched on Sudan. An immediate return to the path of civilian led transition to
democracy remains the one and only road to freedom, peace and justice for all Sudanese. The High
Representative stressed the need for a dialogue between all parties, welcomed all mediations efforts
and called on the military to respect human rights and international humanitarian laws.
Western Balkans
Foreign Affairs Ministers had a discussion on concrete ways to strengthen the EU's engagement
with the Western Balkans beyond enlargement. They focused in particular on how to involve
Western Balkans partners in EU's foreign policy discussions, and enhance cooperation on cyber
security, hybrid threats and other instances such as the use of space data.
The Council also had a discussion on Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The High Representative stressed the EU's commitment to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European
perspective as a single, united and sovereign country, and the need for Bosnian leaders to resume
dialogue, return to state institutions in full capacity and restart work on key reforms.
On the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, ministers reiterated their expectation that Kosovo and Serbia
fully respect and implement all previous agreements, and constructively engage to make rapid
progress on the comprehensive normalisation of their relations.
The Sahel
Ministers agreed that the EU must keep delivering on the implementation of the Sahel Strategy and
the Sahel Coalition roadmap, to face the difficult situation in the region.
The Council also discussed the deteriorating situation in Mali, where the elections scheduled in
February were illegitimately postponed by the leaders of the transition. They agreed to establish a
dedicated framework for restrictive measures in Mali, supporting the decision taken by ECOWAS.
The possible involvement of the Wagner group and the possibility of restrictive measures was also
touched on.
Specific proposals to designate individuals and entities under existing EU sanctions regimes are
being assessed in the relevant working groups, and will be considered for possible adoption in view
of the December Foreign Affairs Council.
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
Council conclusions
The Council approved conclusions on:
15 and 16 November 2021
the 6th Review Conference of the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the use of
Certain Conventional Weapons
the 10th Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Foreign Affairs Council with Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministers
Strategic Compass
EU foreign affairs and defence ministers sitting in a joint session exchanged views on the first draft
of the EU Strategic Compass, which is due to provide clear political-strategic guidance on the EU
approach to security and defence in the next 5 to 10 years, and step up the EU's role as global
security provider.
Building on a comprehensive threat analysis, the Strategic Compass sets out concrete measures and
related timelines for action, covering a wide spectrum of instances ranging from the Common
Security and Defence Policy, to cyber and hybrid threats, disinformation, capability development
and partnerships.
There was a broad support from on the document. Ministers expressed their willingness to work on
it with a view to the adoption of the final Compass in March 2022.
The High Representative stressed that member states had supported the approach on defence
capabilities, addressing hybrid challenges and engaging with partners. Ministers underlined that the
EU approach had to be complementary with and beneficial to NATO, avoiding duplication on both
sides and ensuring coherence.
Foreign Affairs Council with Defence Ministers
Current affairs
EU defence ministers were briefed by the High Representative, Josep Borrell, about current affairs,
thereby reviewing a number of recent developments.
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
15 and 16 November 2021
First the Council was updated about operation EUFOR Althea, following the recent mandate
renewal by the UN Security Council. The Council has recently adopted a measure under the
European Peace Facility through which the EU will deliver 68 medical and transport vehicles and
150 metal detectors to help Bosnia and Herzegovina be fully mine free by 2027.
Ministers were also informed about the steps that will be taken to use the Coordinated Maritime
Presences concept beyond the Gulf of Guinea. A new specific maritime area of interest could be
established in the Indo-Pacific as early as next year.
The Council then touched on progress made in the area of Military Mobility, where there have been
concrete steps on regulatory issues and infrastructures, and discussed Belarus. On the latter the High
Representative stressed that this was not a migration crisis and that the EU would respond with all
tool at its disposal.
EU Training missions
The Council exchanged views on the four EU Training Missions in Mali, Somalia, the Central
African Republic, and Mozambique, and possible ways to improve their effectiveness.
The Council adopted a decision updating the list of projects to be undertaken under the EU
permanent structured cooperation (PESCO). As a result, 14 new projects will be added to the list of
the 46 existing ones that have been developed under PESCO since December 2017.
EU defence cooperation: Council launches the 4th wave of new PESCO projects (press release, 16
November 2021)
Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)'s projects - Overview
Over an informal working lunch, ministers exchanged views with the NATO Secretary General Jens
Stoltenberg on new areas for EU-NATO cooperation, such as resilience, climate and defence, and
emerging and disruptive technologies. It was agreed to work on a new Joint Declaration on EU-
NATO cooperation in the coming months.
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
European Defence Agency Steering Board
15 and 16 November 2021
The European Defence Agency's (EDA) ministerial steering board met before the Council meeting
to approve the Agency’s 2022 general budget of €38 million, and discuss the agency's mandate to
negotiate an administrative arrangement with the US Department of Defence, and how to reinforce
EDA’s role in fostering defence innovation.
Outcome of the EDA steering board, 16 November 2021 (EDA)
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
Inspection Mechanism in Yemen (UNVIM)
15 and 16 November 2021
The Council adopted an amended decision regarding deployment of the Inspection Mechanism in
Yemen (UNVIM) in the ports of Hodeidah, Saleef and Ras Issa and in other locations in countries
neighbouring Yemen. Furthermore, the Council approved the financial reference amount associated
with the reinforcement of UNVIM to respond to the needs of the Yemeni population as part of a
broader humanitarian strategy, which will be EUR 2 059 838 for the period from 1 October 2020
until 28 February 2022, and EUR 2 200 000 for the period from 1 March 2022
until 30 September 2022.
Council statement for the International Seabed Authority meetings minutes
The Council approved the statement to be entered into the minutes in relation to meetings of the
International Seabed Authority, in which states that the required qualified majority cannot be
reached for the adoption of the proposed Council Decision on the position to be adopted on behalf
of the European Union at the meetings of the International Seabed Authority Council and
Single Progress Report on the Development of EU Military Capabilities 2021
The Council noted the Single Progress Report on the Development of EU Military Capabilities
2021. The report focuses on EU headline goal process, EU defence initiatives related to EU
capability development, cooperation with NATO, Strategic Compass, conclusion and
Council Guidelines for European Defence Agency's work in 2022
The Council approved the guidelines for European Defence Agency's (EDA) work in 2022. The
Council invited the agency to continue working on the Strategic Compass and providing support to
member states on capabilities development, strengthening capability planning, development and
implement projects and activities prior member states request. The Council invited EDA to assist
member states focusing on opportunities in the domain of emerging and disruptive technologies,
welcomed the association and contribution of EDA to the Commission Action Plan and invited the
agency to be involved in the revision of the Cyber Defence Policy Framework.
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
More binding PESCO commitments
15 and 16 November 2021
The Council adopted a recommendation concerning the fulfilment of the more binding
commitments undertaken in the framework of permanent structured cooperation (PESCO). The aim
for the second initial phase until 2025 is to fulfil the more binding commitments that member states
made to one another, including working towards a coherent full spectrum force package that
contributes to the fulfilment of the EU Level of Ambition.
Assessment PESCO's progress made by participating member states
The Council adopted a recommendation assessing the progress made by the participating member
states to fulfil commitments undertaken in the framework of permanent structured cooperation
(PESCO). The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy provided the annual
report which assesses objective and scope, findings and assessment, national implementation plans,
PESCO projects and the way forward.
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender inkl. forsvar) 15. november 2021
15 and 16 November 2021
Council implementing decision extending a special measure of Croatia derogating from the
VAT Directive
The Council adopted its implementing decision extending a special measure of Croatia derogating
from Article 26(1), point (a), and Article 168 of the VAT Directive, as finalised by the
legal/linguistic experts and set out in document 13075/21 (13128/21;
Council Implementing Decision authorising Estonia to apply a measure derogating from the
VAT Directive
The Council adopted its implementing decision authorising Estonia to apply a measure derogating
from Article 26(1), point (a), and Articles 168 and 168a of the VAT Directive, as finalised by the
legal/linguistic experts and set out in document 13108/21 (13108/21;